Noodling around the web one day, I found this site. Very nice, I thought, so here I am introducing myself. I am a somewhat unemployed/retired programmer living in the North East (USA). I have been wandering the spiritual realm since around 1960 and hanging around Unitarian Universalist congregations about as long. I have a strong belief that the good folks of all religious traditions need to find ways to get together and work together to make this world of ours a more peaceful loving place. I hope that this web site moves this work another step forward.
My own beliefs come out of the "western" tradition but have wandered rather far afield of Christianity over the years. Central to these beliefs is the universal human experience of the divine. Explaining where this experience comes from is theology. I believe the contingent world we inhabit contains a divine spirit that is very much a part of this world and a part of everything including us. The divine spirit did not create the world but is created by everything in it including us and the conduct of our lives.
That is the short version of my theology.
Noodling around the web one day, I found this site. Very nice, I thought, so here I am introducing myself. I am a somewhat unemployed/retired programmer living in the North East (USA). I have been wandering the spiritual realm since around 1960 and hanging around Unitarian Universalist congregations about as long. I have a strong belief that the good folks of all religious traditions need to find ways to get together and work together to make this world of ours a more peaceful loving place. I hope that this web site moves this work another step forward.
My own beliefs come out of the "western" tradition but have wandered rather far afield of Christianity over the years. Central to these beliefs is the universal human experience of the divine. Explaining where this experience comes from is theology. I believe the contingent world we inhabit contains a divine spirit that is very much a part of this world and a part of everything including us. The divine spirit did not create the world but is created by everything in it including us and the conduct of our lives.
That is the short version of my theology.