Hi soleil...
EVERYONE'S LOVE for God will be GENUINE!!! We (not God) will CHOOSE to LOVE GOD. Yes!! EVERYONE!!!
I'm going to keep this short (lucky you) and sweet (I'll try...).
I try to explain what I was trying to say using the "thousands" of Scriptual quotes in a nutshell...
-->God causes us to LOVE-->
Because //////// Therefore
<--WE choose to LOVE <----
Look at the diagram (of sorts), now work clockwise (matching red with purple and the blue with green...
Exactly, who did ?... Most Psychologists say a persons early life plays a major role in who they will be...But there 's more to it than that...
"Free" from what exactly??
I don't know about you, but if I had children and one of them got into drugs and crime and the likes... and ended up in jail. I would feel responsible for what they had done...Because I brought them up...
Is God not responsible for His children?
If I then, had been given the power to release my child from prison would I?
Of course I would...
...But what good is it if you do not then, teach them how to live their life well?
Will God not teach his OWN children?
"…for when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Isa. 26:9)
That was some kind of joke right?? I would be a millionaire if I quoted the amount of times I said "free will" had nothing to do with choice...
...And then comes diagram two...
--> The Heart casues us to sin -->
<------- We choose sin <--------
God created mankind because God wants children. What happens to children eventually? They resemble traits of their parents...
The first sin was caused by the Heart.
Where is the Evil of man coming from?
"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies" (Mat. 15:19).
Who made man's Heart the way it is?
"For the creature [and/or creation itself] was MADE subject to VANITY NOT WILLINGLY, but by reason of Him [that’s God] Who HATH SUBJECTED the same in hope."(Rom. 8:20-22)
and again...
"Seeing that OUT of Him and THROUGH Him and FOR Him is ALL..." (Rom. 11:36)(Concordant Version).
No we can't say both, because who told him to bulid the Ark...
If you've read all of my post up to here, you'll begin to see the irony in your quote...
Who really needs to be liberated?
"Because the creature [Gk: ‘creation’] itself also shall be delivered from THE BONDAGE OF CORRUPTION into the glorious LIBERTY of the children of God."
"If the Son therefore shall make you FREE, ye shall be FREE indeed" (John 8:36).
If we have a will that is free from being something other than what God Himself has SUBJECTED us to, why doesn’t man just "free will" himself to NOT be subjected to futility and corruption? I’ll tell you why: Because the will of man is NOT FREE to do other things than what we are caused to do, and we have absolutely NO POWER OR AUTHORITY to do otherwise, independent of God’s will and God’s choices for him.
Finally, and closing... To dispell "free will" once and for all...
If Jesus was not meant to be crucified (as you say). Why is it that God GAVE POWER for Pilate to crucify Him???
"Then said Pilate unto Him, Speak you not unto me? Know you not that IHAVE POWER to crucify you, and have POWER TO RELEASE YOU? Jesus answered, You could have NO POWER AT ALL against Me, except it were GIVEN YOU from above…" (John 19:10-11).
Why true love requires free will ? That is pretty simple and self explanatory.
If someone is require to love us by force or not out of his or her free will, we will see it a genuine love. Trust will not be there.
EVERYONE'S LOVE for God will be GENUINE!!! We (not God) will CHOOSE to LOVE GOD. Yes!! EVERYONE!!!
I'm going to keep this short (lucky you) and sweet (I'll try...).
I try to explain what I was trying to say using the "thousands" of Scriptual quotes in a nutshell...
-->God causes us to LOVE-->
Because //////// Therefore
<--WE choose to LOVE <----
Look at the diagram (of sorts), now work clockwise (matching red with purple and the blue with green...
I did not choose my parents, the country where I was born. I did not choose my gender or my name.
Exactly, who did ?... Most Psychologists say a persons early life plays a major role in who they will be...But there 's more to it than that...
Still as I grew up, I became more and more free
"Free" from what exactly??
...and responsible of my actions. Responsibilities come with free will
I don't know about you, but if I had children and one of them got into drugs and crime and the likes... and ended up in jail. I would feel responsible for what they had done...Because I brought them up...
Is God not responsible for His children?
If I then, had been given the power to release my child from prison would I?
Of course I would...
...But what good is it if you do not then, teach them how to live their life well?
Will God not teach his OWN children?
"…for when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Isa. 26:9)
...and freedom to choose.
That was some kind of joke right?? I would be a millionaire if I quoted the amount of times I said "free will" had nothing to do with choice...
...And then comes diagram two...
--> The Heart casues us to sin -->
<------- We choose sin <--------
Why did God create man soleil??
God's motivation to create was love. God is love. God created man because and for love.
God created mankind because God wants children. What happens to children eventually? They resemble traits of their parents...
The fall of man was caused by the misuse of love.
The first sin was caused by the Heart.
Where is the Evil of man coming from?
"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies" (Mat. 15:19).
Who made man's Heart the way it is?
"For the creature [and/or creation itself] was MADE subject to VANITY NOT WILLINGLY, but by reason of Him [that’s God] Who HATH SUBJECTED the same in hope."(Rom. 8:20-22)
and again...
"Seeing that OUT of Him and THROUGH Him and FOR Him is ALL..." (Rom. 11:36)(Concordant Version).
We could say both. Noah build the Ark to begin with...
No we can't say both, because who told him to bulid the Ark...
God's heart needs to be liberated.
If you've read all of my post up to here, you'll begin to see the irony in your quote...
Who really needs to be liberated?
"Because the creature [Gk: ‘creation’] itself also shall be delivered from THE BONDAGE OF CORRUPTION into the glorious LIBERTY of the children of God."
"If the Son therefore shall make you FREE, ye shall be FREE indeed" (John 8:36).
If we have a will that is free from being something other than what God Himself has SUBJECTED us to, why doesn’t man just "free will" himself to NOT be subjected to futility and corruption? I’ll tell you why: Because the will of man is NOT FREE to do other things than what we are caused to do, and we have absolutely NO POWER OR AUTHORITY to do otherwise, independent of God’s will and God’s choices for him.
Finally, and closing... To dispell "free will" once and for all...
If Jesus was not meant to be crucified (as you say). Why is it that God GAVE POWER for Pilate to crucify Him???
"Then said Pilate unto Him, Speak you not unto me? Know you not that IHAVE POWER to crucify you, and have POWER TO RELEASE YOU? Jesus answered, You could have NO POWER AT ALL against Me, except it were GIVEN YOU from above…" (John 19:10-11).