mee, I don't know much about Jehovah Witnesses, but I will mention what I know from a book I've read...
"Jehovah is the only true God. His supremacy has been challenged by Satan, who caused the rebellion in Eden and who puts the integrity of all men to the test. God's primary purpose is the vindication of this supremacy....Christ took power in heaven as King. This happened in 1914 .... Christ is now in his second presence. He will always remain invisible to humans, but his presence is proved by world events since 1914, which fulfill all the predictions of Matt. 24."
How much of that is scripturally true? Not much.
God's supremacy has not been challenged by Satan. Satan can do no more than God allows. Have you never noticed in the first chapter of the book of Job how Satan must ASK PERMISSION before touching anyone?
Satan didn't 'CAUSE' a rebellion in Eden. Eve lusted after the forbidden fruit and sinned. And it was GOD who planted that tree and it was GOD who put it right in the middle of the garden, and it was GOD who made it beautiful and desirable to make one wise, etc., etc. It was NOT SATAN who did these things. Furthermore, the forbidden tree contained the "knowledge of GOOD." If Adam and Eve wanted to know 'good' it was to be found in that very forbidden tree. You see there IS NO knowledge of good without a knowledge of evil. That's why God put them both IN THE SAME TREE!!!
Satan does not put the "integrity" of all men to the test. Men HAVE NO INTEGRITY!! Men [Adam, humanity, the carnal natural mind] are hostile toward God and His spiritual law. Man is self-centered, lustful, greedy, unholy, unthankful, stubborn, carnal, rebellious, with a heart that is deceitful above all things. Integrity? Man has NONE to be challenged.
The "primary purpose" of God is NOT the vindication of His name. God doesn't have to prove anything to anyone--especially Satan. God's primary purpose is to have SONS AND DAUGHTERS. To expand His FAMILY. To enlarge His Kingdom. To have children who "know both good and evil" and have come through a life experience that makes them finally DESIRE GOOD ABOVE ALL ELSE. All that ever was, is, or ever will be is for the GLORY OF GOD!
Jesus did NOT take power and Kingship in 1914. Jesus was given all these things at His resurrection two thousand years ago. After His resurrection, Jesus told His disciple, "Given to Me [then, not 1900 years later] was ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND ON THE EARTH." (Matt. 28:19. See Revelation for proof that Jesus was ALREADY King of kings and Lord of lords nineteen hundred years ago when John wrote Revelation.
Christ is NOT now in His second presence. Christ will return in glory and splendor to all His saints.
Jesus will NOT "always remain invisible to humans." "We are aware that, if He should be manifested, we shall BE LIKE HIM, for we shall SEE Him according as He IS" (I Jn 3:3). We will "SEE HIM." There it is.
All the prophecies of Matt. 24 have NOT been fulfilled as yet. "Except those days were shorted, no flesh at all would be saved alive" (Matt. 24:22). That has never happened before or after 1914. There has never been a time that unless that period were shortened by certain days, all flesh on earth would have been destroyed. That's nonsense to say such a thing.
"For then shall be great affliction, such as has not occurred from the beginning of the world till now; neither under any circumstances may be occurring again" (Matt. 24:21). I guarantee you that times were much worse during world war II than during world war I. 1914 was a walk in the park compared to the holocaust and the carnage of the 1940's.
"Now immediately after the affliction of those days the sun shall be DARKENED and the moon shall not be giving her beams, and the stars shall be FALLING FROM HEAVEN, AND THE POWERS OF THE HEAVENS SHALL BE SHAKEN" (Matt. 24:29). mee, such a thing has never happened in the history of the world! But notice that this MUST happen first BEFORE Jesus returns, "And THEN [not in 1914, but 'then'] shall appear the SIGN OF THE SON OF MANKIND IN HEAVEN...all the tribes of the land shall grieve, and they shall SEE THE SON OF MANKIND COMING on the clouds of heaven with POWER and MUCH GLORY" (Ver. 30).
Salvation to the Jehovah's Witnesses is not far removed from the "happy hunting grounds" of the American Indian. We will NOT sit around under our fire trees for thousands and thousands of ages sipping cider and singing gospel music, mee. The saints and believers being called NOW in this age, are being prepared to reign WITH CHRIST ON HIS THRONE AS KINGS AND PRIESTS to save the entirety of the universe. For ages upon ages we will reign with Christ. This is a far cry from the expectation of the Jehovah's Witnesses and their eternal paradise in fields of clover.