Once again we have man made traditions. Being baptized it water is nothing but a man made ritual. Just as circumsission. Paul taught that one has to be baptized it the spirit of Christ. Jesus said my words are spirit. This is probable too hard for most to grasp. It's not the physical things that we do that makes us born again. God is spirit. Jesus is spirit. If we are to be in the image of them does it not make since that we seek spiritual things instead of physical things and rituals. Just as we do not make sacrfices (doves,sheep, lambs and such to God we make spiritual sacrifices. being baptized with the fire of God, (spiritual) cirumsicion of the heart. not the flesh is another one. Paul taught anyone can become a jew (God child) A spiritual jew. By not physicaly removing the flesh from circumcions by cricumcison of the heart. Do you think God really cares about the physical nature of man or the spiritusl nature of man?
I know most will say OH God cares about both. God is spirit and spirit is His true image not physical. When we become in the true image of God we will be spirit. not phycial.