I believe I was meant to meet my husband. Meeting him was not like meeting a person I didn't know; it was like becoming reacquainted with a very old and dear friend. I think I've relayed the story somewhere on the board before- it's fairly romantic and spiffy, I think.
We met on a blind date... a blind date of me and some other guy.
I have a fairly complicated view of why I was meant to meet him, but even if I'm wrong, our "date with destiny" makes for a great story. I will say that it has not made marriage any easier or made it so we don't make mistakes and have to learn, but there is a purpose behind our marriage that I feel I would not have if I didn't feel that our destinies are entwined.
As for other people, I feel that most people I meet, if I am open to it, are opportunities for my and their spiritual growth. I suppose I think destiny is all around us, if we are open to it. But that sort of thing is quite distinctive from what I felt upon meeting my husband- a sort of "Wow, have we been gone for a long time- hello again!" feeling that I've never recaptured with anyone else. I have fallen in love with other people, and it is a very different thought/feeling. It is also distinct from the sort of synchronicity that I think operates in the universe and brings me certain people I need to interact with at certain times. It was very distinct and, so far in my life, unique.
Now what will really blow my mind is if we have kids one day and I have the same feeling-- that I have known them for eons. But I don't expect it. I expect to be delighted, but to feel like it is a little being I have not known before.