Is this... wrong?

I've... Seen much.. "worse" disney reinactments(sp) we'll leave it at that... If you have a very strong stomach.... You can message me and I can show an example lol (a lash movie I made when I was 17 lol)

Message !!
@ Paladin

dude... you watch waaaay too much Frasier !!! (lol)

@ CZ

there we go, CZ back in form :)

@ Grey

Kangaroos!! YouTube - End Of Ze World

@ Tao

yea Jasmine is a Muslim isn't she? ,,, (bonus!!) forgot about that.

@ Alex

Requesting Link . . . (cue elevator music)
*chuckles* I sent you a link to it.. Copy and paste it into a browser clicking on it doesn't seem to send you to it strange... Anyway this was the "dumed" down version :) Enjoy......

Ahhh ignore my PM reply!!
It's definitely wrong but also right. What I want to know is why Jasmine & Pocahontas are done better than the other girls? Sure they are deadly but they make death look good.
@ Dream

I think Miss White looks amazing... Definitely my second favorite...
@ Paladin

dude... you watch waaaay too much Frasier !!! (lol)

@ CZ

there we go, CZ back in form :)

@ Grey

Kangaroos!! YouTube - End Of Ze World

@ Tao

yea Jasmine is a Muslim isn't she? ,,, (bonus!!) forgot about that.

@ Alex

Requesting Link . . . (cue elevator music)

lol,. that was too funny c0de. lol. ill definately pas that one around. roflmao. wtf?? lol
@ Grey

fair warning: that was like one of the first animations on the net so the ppl you will show it too have prolly already seen it.