"If this is your belief I have no issues with it. It isn't my belief, can you tolerate my belief that the Christian way is not the only way? After all would that not be the golden rule?"
--Yes, of course I can tolerate other religious paths being expressed. That's why I posted this topic in the first place because I have been singled out and censored on this forum for expressing my Christian views. Don't confuse intolerance of other religious paths with a desire to shut them up. I want to see open dialogue without hypocrisy between religious practitioners, that's all.
"So if your way is the only way, what is your purpose on an interfaith board? To witness to this fact? Well surely not outside of the Christian forum as that would be againt our Code of Conduct."
--There it is. Which is more important? Abiding by "our" Code of Conduct or being truthful about expressing my religious beliefs? I chose being truthful and am quite willing to pay the price as posting honestly is far more important to me than membership in a forum designed to squelch those religious beliefs which are not compatible with ecumenicalism.
"In general sure you can post, but if you only want to preach to the choir, if you don't want any questions or discussions, this may not be the place. There are other venues for you to find a bunch of folks nodding their head and hollering halleluah, and amen to your one way thought, this just isn't one of them."
--Funny, it is me who demands going beyond the present choir of head nodding interfaith ecumenicalists who want to insist no one makes any waves of discord by ignoring or covering up inherent major differences between the various religious belief systems.
"It also begs the question, which one way is the only way? The baptist? The only one and true and orginal religion as established by our saviour Jesus Christ, Catholicism? Jehovah's Witness? Mormon? Lutheran?....Oh I am sure you are to tell me it is your way, and one or more of the above is the wrong way..."
--Yes, it's MY WAY or the highway and I'll have my Big Brother beat you up if you don't agree.

--Hey, I really trust God and the Spirit of Christ to be able to cut through the bull**** of any religious belief systems people attach themselves to. I just want to see a level playing field in this forum where each belief system can be expressed truthfully even the warts and all of intolerance and/or absurdity. When we choose a President here in America, each candidate has to go through the Arena of public scrutiny so that voters know who and what they are placing their trust in. I just ask for the same process to be allowed here--open competition of beliefs and not "let's all just get along" by ignoring major differences. If we never address the reasons why our major religions tend to be incapable of furthering say, their Golden Rules which most of them have, we will never be able to move beyond warring religious sects.