
How often do you get a massage

  • Never, never had one.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Rarely, once or twice in my life

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • On vacation or some spa trip

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Few times a year

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Weekly

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


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a figment of your imagination
So how about you? Now we are talking therapeutic least an hour...not your spouse rubbing your shoulders...or whatever else for a few minutes.

I assisted in opening a couple of healing centers and got massages on a regular basis from folks in training and certified therapists...was quite nice.

Haven't in years though...and now found a place for $59 a month I get a massage a month and for $49 I can get more in between should I feel interested...Of course the tip is like 20% so that adds to the cost, but I feel I may jump on this for a year and see how it goes...
You americans! and your tips.... Crazy... I'd laugh my ass off at someone -expecting - me to tip them for doing their employed job.. They'd be lucky :D

Is this a palor Wil where they give you the special massage after? What you up to! You rascal you!

I wouldn't go for a massage as it's too woman-ey to me... You know... Like you wanna what massage me with oils and perfumes and whatnot? Nah man, I'll pass.... I guess another way to say it is there is an edge... And over that edge is metrosexual bs..... This would push me over.
I usualyy not a massage fan, but had a great experience lately, getting a thai yogi massage for 1.5 hour in the Sivanada ashram Yoga retreat in teh Bahamas (well, I was there in the first place for the beach and the yoga). I didnt know they had a well being center, for Ayurveda and massage therapy, so when I got a cack muscle problem, I just took this massage and the pain was gone. I also got some explanations about the system. Really interesting. The good thing about it, is also that they have courses for new massage therapists, so if you are open to experience new kinds of massage, it is possible for not too much money to get a massage from the newly graduates. The program is online, so one can plan on being there for the time after the massage courses. their link is found by looking for Sivananda bahamas.
A wonderful way of spending a vacation...I liked it so much, planning of coming again in april 2010.
I have on occasion.

But I would now be very wary of this. Often these therapists train in all sorts of demonic new age practices and I really would not want them laying there hands on me and imparting gifts of demonic possession :eek:
No happy endings and no demonic about different ends of the scale to worry about...

I just like massages.

What New Age things are massage therapists learning?? Are we concerned about reflexology, crystals, cranial sacral, deep tissue, myfacial release, traeger...???

Turn on a good chanting cd and let it rip...might have to go get one tonight.
No happy endings and no demonic about different ends of the scale to worry about...

This caused me to LOL. Literally.

I just like massages.

Me too, particularly Swedish. I only get them a few times a year, though, because of the expense. But it does wonders for muscle relaxation.

What New Age things are massage therapists learning?? Are we concerned about reflexology, crystals, cranial sacral, deep tissue, myfacial release, traeger...???

Hee. Reflexology isn't New Age, nor is deep tissue. Can't speak to the others.

Crystals have nothing to do with demons, in my opinion. LOL They are just nifty rocks. I find that they do have certain vibrations? Frequencies? But it's like electricity- has naught to do with spirits of any sort. I've wanted a hot stone massage forever, but never can get one booked- they are always booked solid when I'm at the spa. But heard it's really soothing.

I really can't imagine anyone becoming demonically possessed through massage. Never heard of it, and I know tons of people who get massage on a regular basis of all sorts.

Turn on a good chanting cd and let it rip...might have to go get one tonight.

I'd recommend Das Krishna... No need for CD, just use Pandora! :D
I'd recommend Das Krishna... No need for CD, just use Pandora! :D
the rumble of that voice and then the change in the chants the periodic excitement amid serenity is sooo interesting...the chants of lord shiva used to disconcert me...but they made me realize how destruction/decay is recycling and part of life...these could be some of the very pieces that took me to places that provided me such comfort when someone makes their transition...never thought of that till now...
Yep- ever since my first Intro to Asian Religions course, I found a lot of comfort in the Hindu concept of trinity- creator, maintainer, destroyer. Stuff has to die to be born. Change can be beautiful- just look at the seasons.

Now Kali--- there is a challenging concept of destroyer diety. The other side of the Earth Mother, in a way. Necklace of skulls and trampling on bones. :eek: But when I can see peace in Kali, in death, in disaster... I can see real peace. I can see the change that is the surface of the deep eternal oneness, and I can see death as a doorway and not as an enemy.
Several years ago I got a 30 minute Shiatsu in the mall. It hurt in a good way, but I felt like I had been tricked because a girl sold me the massage and started on my shoulders but switched me off to a guy who did the rest of it. It felt different somehow. It was petty of me not to tip him I guess.
I've tried rolfing. Was pretty rough.

did you have a series of sessions? it is supposed to free up muscular memory traumas or realign musculature in a deep way so l was interested but its real expensive over here.

l am a qualified masseuse [swedish] but didn't continue in any professional sense as the case studies we had to do was so enormous it brought up a weakness in my wrists that put me off doing it for money; in any case l prefer getting it than giving it! l have great regard for any body therapy and feel it should be incorporated into healthcare generally more but time and money is the issue not lack of therapists.

I had a series of sessions. After the first four or five I quit. I have a very low tolerance for pain. To a person who can tolerate pain I recommend it. It's intense. I had a lot of vivid dreams while I was going through the sessions.
I’d be worried id get a little too relaxed with a famale masseuse and something natrual but embarrassing happens ... You ever got that Will?

I understand if you dont want to answer lol

I've had plenty of free head messages though for their practise.

I had a series of sessions. After the first four or five I quit. I have a very low tolerance for pain. To a person who can tolerate pain I recommend it. It's intense. I had a lot of vivid dreams while I was going through the sessions.

well l'd like to say l have high tolerance as l gave birth twice with no gas or drugs but l've had deep massage into my butt and that was excruciating!
Why was it petty for you not to pay him more than the cost of the "massage" that he "gave you" The "massage" was X amount, you paid him X amount.... Where is the problem? He didn't need a tip he has his wages.... He'll live.
Our wage system actually screws over service workers. Minimum wage is 5.50$ unless you are a waiter, then its only 2.35$/Hr. That is hard coded into our federal wage laws. Also, most restaurants have an automatic 10% gratuity added on to tables of 4 or more. Anything less would be wrong! Over here you are supposed to feel guilty if you don't tip, but it is acceptable if restaurant owners are stingy. Why is that so hard to comprehend, mate?
Because that ain't how it works here lol.... I do not feel guilty at all about not leaving a tip, I'd feel cheated if someone -asked- for a tip lol... Specially 10%...

$2 an hour? You got to be pulling my leg.... that is maybe just over £1... lol you're telling me people get paid £1 an hour??? And they stand for that bs? lol.... Although, land, food clothing and so on is way cheaper over there right? But, still.... £1 an hour... Minimum wage here that you -have- to pay an employee is something like £4 or something... Still extremly low but, beats £1...

I think the owners/employers should be responsible and have to increase wages... That is worse than slave labor... (i'd still not tip though lol) You should feel guilty? Your country, owners, bosses should freaking feel guilty.
It varies from state to state. In MA the minimum wage is about 10 bucks an hour. But the minimum wage for say a waiter is significantly less than that. Tips are assumed to be part of their wages. A good waiter or bartender can do better than someone else in a comparable job because of their tips.