dailogue is the best
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I do not follow your logic here Dialogue. I never said that Avraham advocated for evolution over creationism. I said that Avraham smashed idols. And I said that I believe that creationism is an idol.
Well, Avi, I understood from your words that as Abraham peace be upon him smashed idols, we should also smashed creationism because it is an idol too, according to your view.
How did you come to Avraham smashed evolution
Well, Avi, I am gonna explain to you how I see the matter. Evolution is a materialistic theory which believed only on what is seen, and insists on explaining everything materialistically. In this, evolution is similar to idols. material/ material. Idol can be an idea according to the wikipedia:
is usually defined as worship of any cult image, idea, or object, as opposed to the worship of a monotheistic God.
Source: Idolatry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evolution sees that there is no creator. Hence, evolutionists worship this idea. To worship, Avi, simply means to serve, or giving wowth to something as the wikipedia says:
source: Worship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus, evolutionists worship an idol, an idea.
When I said that Abraham peace be upon him smashed evolution by smashing idols, I simply meant that he smashed that idol which took the form of an idea...he smashed that idol which stands as barrier of making creatures connect their creators, and achieve the true lasting happinness...he smahed that minds which try to minimize God's representive into a pure material being...he smashed that theory which closes the windows of spirit in man to free himself from the boundaries and the limitation of dust to the unlimitness of spirit and to the Divine presence of God...to the lasting uplifting light..
That's why evolution is an idol, Avi...
My initial impression of this website is that there is an agenda to prove creationism and all of their description is in support of this conclusion which has already been reached.
Do you want to say that Harun Yahya has other agenda than that of spreading the truth? What if has this agenda? Harun Yahya is a true believer, and he stands by his belief, and this is his right as it is the right of everyone in the world.
I think we havent the right to judge his belief, but to judge his findings. Are his scientific findings farbricated by him or true? Is there anything missing in his arguments? I think that what really matters. Harun Yahya has challenged all the evolutionists, and has lefted them nothing to say as his book is supported by pictures and detailed explanation. That what we should judge.
Atlas of creation has really put evolutionists in an embarrassing situation all over the world:
Comments on Atlas of Creation.com
This is not the way that real learning is achieved. One must be very intellectually honest to learn.
Well, Avi, have you seen anything in the book which contrast intellect?
No one is ever never baised. Everyone has beliefs of different knids: religious, political, social, economic,... You cant stand baised: either you are with the right or the wrong. There is no middle. Plus, the world of ideas doesnt stand void. It is for sure full of something, either without you paying attention to that. We are all experiencing many different ideas..travelling from this to this..testing this and this...doubting this and this till we reside in what our hearts and minds really relax to..
When Marx adopted evolutionism, he didnt adopted for its scientific proof. Not at all. He adopted because it was in the service of his ideas."
...Friedrich Engel wrote to his comrade Karl Marx in 1859: Incidentally Darwin, whom I am just reading, is absolutely splendid. One bastion of theology was still unbleached. Now it has fallen. Marx replied a month later: “ I have read Darwin’s book during the last four weeks. Although set out in the clumsy English style, this is the book that will provide the natural history basis for our work”.
Source: [Science & Religion in Islam]
By the way, I like your name, Dialogue is the Best, I agree this is better than throwing bombs !!
Thank you, Avi.
Dailogue is the best Vs throwing bombs: each one for the right situation
The first is for living: God says: [16:125] You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner.
The second one for those who try to break my life. God says:
[60:8] GOD does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable. [60:9] GOD enjoins you only from befriending those who fight you because of religion, evict you from your homes, and band together with others to banish you. You shall not befriend them. Those who befriend them are the transgressors.