Bodyweight conditioning

Thanks for the link. Bodyweightculture is a freaking goldmine. So many different bodyweight exercises.
Very good site, thanks.
i have just joined a gym, and the old body is feeling it... LOL. but its a good ache. I felt like i had to do something. I used to play indoor cricket every week, but as we dont have enough teams, that has closed down. ( sad face.). so, here I am, getting toned and fit, and guess what, my wedding dress, ( made especially for my measurements) has arrived, and YEP, its too big. LOL. Now, I have to get it taken in. LOL. I guess i should have ordedered it AFTER i toned up. LOL. Oh well, you live and learn.
i seem to do things arse about face. lol
i have just joined a gym, and the old body is feeling it... LOL. but its a good ache. I felt like i had to do something. I used to play indoor cricket every week, but as we dont have enough teams, that has closed down. ( sad face.). so, here I am, getting toned and fit, and guess what, my wedding dress, ( made especially for my measurements) has arrived, and YEP, its too big. LOL. Now, I have to get it taken in. LOL. I guess i should have ordedered it AFTER i toned up. LOL. Oh well, you live and learn.
i seem to do things arse about face. lol

Not so! Isn't it easier to take something in than to let it out? :)
Anyway, good for you dear, you'll make a stunning bride.