Is Repentance The Stimulus America Needs

Neither left-wing ideology nor right-wing ideology will work.The left-wing cannot do it, nor can the right-wing.

Humanism based on materialism is not good enough. It would be if God can be above it." When looking back at history, a God-centered ideology in Europe centered on the Vatican failed, and so do human-centered democracy.

The same is true for communism centered on materialism. "We need a system that combines God-centered ideology, humanism, and materialism?"

We need something God-centered that goes beyond something human. Humans alone cannot resolve problems. Humans will only fight among themselves.

After the human fall, God claimed Abel and Satan claimed Cain. During Jesus's crucifixion God claimed the thief on the right and Satan claimed the thief on the left.
Humanity never had parents. Adam and Eve became our fallen parents and Jesus could not marry and start God's family on earth.

This is why the children (us) are fighting endlessly.
Actually, I would say that we humans are the reason why we are fighting endlessly...
Actually they did actively call for religion to remain outside of government. I know that the texts I posted were a lot to wade through (as a skimmer, I can relate), but they thoroughly confirmed the desire to keep all religion outside of governance and I'll be happy to provide some highlights from them...
Citizen, God is present in every breath you take.
Without God's energy, you would not be able to even breath.

Nothing is more dreaded than the National Government meddling with Religion.
Great idea citizen !Communism killed 70 million people in the Soviet, 67 million in China, 3 million in Cambodia and 10 million in other places.
In order for 150 million people to be killed in 60 years, 44 people need to be Killed every 10 minutes.
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The intellectual part of religion is a private affair between every man and his Maker, and in which no third party has any right to interfere.

Citizen, can I talk to my spouse, my kids or my neighbors about God or is it prohibited in your society?

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What influence in fact have ecclesiastical establishments had on Civil Society? no instance have they been seen the guardians of the liberties of the people.

You are rewriting history big time. Ex:Martin Luther King was a pastor. Religions have been responsible for great advancement in society and also for stopping progress and worse.

of these excerpts are posted in fuller context below and come from our most esteemed Founding Fathers: Thomas Jefferson, Bejamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, James Madison, and John Adams.
They certainly aren't advocating for the state to institute any religion, or all religions, they are arguing that it has no place in the governing of citizens. But on the other hand, they confirm that the people are free to practice whatever faith they choose. They are in complete agreement with our highest law, the Constitution:

The Founders emphasized religious principles, the "self evident" truths, as the foundation of our nation. They saw religion as absolutely necessary for our form of government to operate properly. Religion provided the virtues. ..the cultural consensus, the national morality. ..that was essential for liberty. It was essential because freedom necessitated a virtuous populace to willingly practice the discipline required for a functional self-government to occur.

This is why John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Benjamin Rush, a member of the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence was equally emphatic, “The only foundation for a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.“

There is no question that it was the Founders' Christian faiths that brought them to these universal truths about liberty and equality. But it was also the idea of "civil religion," as expressed by the 18th century French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau believed that "There is a profession of faith which is purely civil. . . not strictly as religious dogmas but as expressions of social conscience without which it is impossible to be a good citizen"

Our “ideals and set of values” as President Obama refers to them, in the Founders' view were not the doctrines of personal Christian faith but were, rather, transcendent principles, “self-evident truths” that were rooted in a public affirmation of God, the Creator, from which we received the endowment of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I do not believe the Founders' would have asserted that it was only the Christian religion from which could be derived the transcendent principles of good citizenship. In a letter to the President of Yale, shortly before his death, Benjamin Franklin articulated an overview of what he considered the essential principles of a sound religion.

In doing so, he gives us an insight into the Founders' views on religion. They spoke in terms of common principles of faith around which believers could unite in the interest of the well-being of the nation. Franklin's letter to Ezra Stiles is a fine example of that view.

The Christian religion, to its good credit, was the avenue by which the Founders, themselves, discovered those values, but they never asserted any particular religion as the exclusive channel to those principles. They are available to all and are, therefore, "self evident" . . . even those who profess no faith can resonate with virtues that "without which it is impossible to be a good citizen."

In that respect, those that say "we are not a Christian nation". . . are correct. However, when it is then further asserted that the Founders were only seeking to establish a secular society and saw no public role for religion in the affairs of the nation, this would be entirely not correct. It is especially a problem today when virtually all religious influence is to be separated from the "State," on the one hand while, on the other hand, "The State" keeps expanding.

Today, separating church and state, means also separating traditional virtue from an exclusively secular and expanding State. This was the very circumstance that religious freedom was supposed to prevent.

Kevin McCarthy (The Master Plan)
Citizen, can I talk to my spouse, my kids or my neighbors about God or is it prohibited in your society?

When have I suggested a prohibition of God? As Thomas Paine said in the Rights of Man, the relationship between any person and their God is a Natural Law and therefore existed outside the boundaries of any government.

Nobody can read your thoughts or divine the relationship you have with God. Our Founding Fathers understood this and wisely chose to not extend civil law into this arena in an attempt to control or influence what is inside our hearts and minds.

You are absolutely free to worship your God as you please. You are free to talk about your God to your spouse, your children, and your neighbors.

The Founders emphasized religious principles, the "self evident" truths, as the foundation of our nation.

I completely agree. There is ample evidence of how much they valued religion in their lives and in society. But they had an opportunity when they created this nation to look at other nations and history to see what models of government worked and which didn't. And they saw how problematic it was to meld both government and religion. I quoted specific incidences of this: Spain and the Inquisition being one that the FFs did not want to repeat.

I do not believe the Founders' would have asserted that it was only the Christian religion from which could be derived the transcendent principles of good citizenship. In a letter to the President of Yale, shortly before his death, Benjamin Franklin articulated an overview of what he considered the essential principles of a sound religion.

Again, I completely agree. They understood the scope of faith and were careful not to narrow it to one or the other. Again, this confirms my point. Bless you.

In that respect, those that say "we are not a Christian nation". . . are correct. However, when it is then further asserted that the Founders were only seeking to establish a secular society and saw no public role for religion in the affairs of the nation, this would be entirely not correct. It is especially a problem today when virtually all religious influence is to be separated from the "State," on the one hand while, on the other hand, "The State" keeps expanding.

And here we'll quibble a bit. They absolutely saw a public role for religion and they saw that role being carried out by the individual and the church, not by the government. Now because our government is made up of the people it cannot be expected that religion won't influence laws and governmental practices. I would never ask that anyone serving in the government leave their religion by the doorstep. It is a fundamental part of who they are.

So if Congress holds a convocation, I don't care. When president after president talks about God and asks that "God bless America." I don't care. I only become concerned when we try to legislate God, or a specific faith into law that is intended to govern citizens who don't all share that faith. This has been a constant battle and one I will vigilantly fight against.

Today, separating church and state, means also separating traditional virtue from an exclusively secular and expanding State. This was the very circumstance that religious freedom was supposed to prevent.

Again, I'll disagree. Most people want government to be as small as possible, to have a role and impact our lives minimally, to allow each person to live as they see fit, and I think for over 200 years our government has managed to do that pretty well.

It's hard for me to understand your complaint. Virtually every politician is religious and talks about the importance of religion and God. You have the freedom to attend any church, practice any faith. You can be as pious and devout as you want. Religion, and especially Christianity is a huge part of our popular culture. It gets constant exposure through radio, television, movies, books and music.

All of this is evidence that we have religious freedom.

What do you see missing here Soleil?
A quick search of Recession + United States reveals the following...

Looks like we needed to start repenting immediately after this country was born.
Those damn Founding Fathers and their partying! Look what they've got us into!

Like I wrote, I love to be wrong on this one but my antenna tells me, this recession is different.

It will require a spiritual transformation to get out of it.

Even Obama will have to rethink many of his humanist values and fall on his knees.
Ennumerating the Founding Fathers
The three major foundational documents of the United States of America are the Declaration of Independence (July 1776), the Articles of Confederation (drafted 1777, ratified 1781) and the Constitution of the United States of America (1789). There are a total of 143 signatures on these documents, representing 118 different signers. (Some individuals signed more than one document.)

There were 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. There were 48 signers of the Articles of Confederation. All 55 delegates who participated in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 are regarded as Founding Fathers, in fact, they are often regarded as the Founding Fathers because it is this group that actually debated, drafted and signed the U.S. Constitution, which is the basis for the country's political and legal system. Only 39 delegates actually signed the document, however, meaning there were 16 non-signing delegates - individuals who were Constitutional Convention delegates but were not signers of the Constitution.

There were 95 Senators and Representatives in the First Federal Congress. If one combines the total number of signatures on the Declaration, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution with the non-signing Constitutional Convention delegates, and then adds to that sum the number of congressmen in the First Federal Congress, one obtains a total of 238 "slots" or "positions" in these groups which one can classify as "Founding Fathers" of the United States. Because 40 individuals had multiple roles (they signed multiple documents and/or also served in the First Federal Congress), there are 204 unique individuals in this group of "Founding Fathers." These are the people who did one or more of the following:

- signed the Declaration of Independence
- signed the Articles of Confederation
- attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787
- signed the Constitution of the United States of America
- served as Senators in the First Federal Congress (1789-1791)
- served as U.S. Representatives in the First Federal Congress

The religious affiliations of these individuals are summarized below. Obviously this is a very restrictive set of names, and does not include everyone who could be considered an "American Founding Father." But most of the major figures that people generally think of in this context are included using these criteria, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Hancock, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and more.

Religious Affiliation of U.S. Founding Fathers # of FoundingFathers % of
Founding Fathers

Episcopalian/Anglican 88 54.7%
Presbyterian 30 18.6%
Congregationalist 27 16.8%
Quaker 7 4.3%
Dutch Reformed/
German Reformed 6 3.7%
Lutheran 5 3.1%
Catholic 3 1.9%
Huguenot 3 1.9%
Unitarian 3 1.9%
Methodist 2 1.2%
Calvinist 1 0.6%

Did you forget to attribute this?

Bobby Jindal's Big Night and the Future of Religious Conservatives in the GOP - God & Country (

Like I wrote, I love to be wrong on this one but my antenna tells me, this recession is different.

Again we agree! This is without a doubt the worst economy that I've seen in my 48 years. The amount of debt that individuals and the nation is saddled with is mind-blowing. On top of it all, you add global warming and the damage it will inflict on lives and property and I think we can kiss the good-old days goodbye at least for my lifetime.

I think we'll have to differ as to the cause. Do you see this as God's punishment? Has he traded in frogs and locusts for real estate bubbles and financial speculation?

How much and in what form would we need to repent to regain God's favor?
Again we agree! This is without a doubt the worst economy that I've seen in my 48 years. The amount of debt that individuals and the nation is saddled with is mind-blowing. On top of it all, you add global warming and the damage it will inflict on lives and property and I think we can kiss the good-old days goodbye at least for my lifetime.
I think we'll have to differ as to the cause. Do you see this as God's punishment? Has he traded in frogs and locusts for real estate bubbles and financial speculation?How much and in what form would we need to repent to regain God's favor?

God does not punish us per se. We punish ourselves through the consequences of our actions.
America received many blessings. Many people sacrificed for this country.To those whom a lot is given, a lot is expected.
The condition made by the pilgrims who wanted to create a nation with God at the center of their life, was received by God. He blessed it in the name of all of us.
This is what I mean by covenant. God is leaving America. The ACLU is making sure that there is no public religious symbol left anywhere in the name of the new secular religion.
God has become a 4 letter word in the West.
At what point will our people wake up or are we like the frog in the boiling water incapable to jump out.
Avi, I refer you to the UK, where they have State religion, and religious schools and churches receive government funding. {I don't really agree with that practice.} Would you call the UK ultra-right wing, or would you call it more socialist?

SG, I didn't get your point when I first read it but now I do, thanks for your observation.
God has become a 4 letter word in the West.
I just don't understand the lack mentality. Is it a marketing ploy trying to take the part of the victim, woe is me I need a entitlement program?

We've gone from the sky is falling, the end is near, repent... when we didn't buy that we've found a new tactic...they are all out to get us.

I get told all the time I am not a Christian despite my beliefs in Jesus and G!d...but I got to say this trend is just embarrassing and like others is the real cause for the flock leaving to find greener pasteurs.
I just don't understand the lack mentality. Is it a marketing ploy trying to take the part of the victim, woe is me I need a entitlement program?

We've gone from the sky is falling, the end is near, repent... when we didn't buy that we've found a new tactic...they are all out to get us.

I get told all the time I am not a Christian despite my beliefs in Jesus and G!d...but I got to say this trend is just embarrassing and like others is the real cause for the flock leaving to find greener pasteurs.
Well, I'm sticking around...and I'm bringing fresh "blood" into the American