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The question is, how large of an exception is acceptable?
More than you're going to reference.
How many corrupt preachers would it take to make you change your religion?
The question is, how large of an exception is acceptable?
hmmm would science accept that from a religious zealot?More than you're going to reference.
Bryan Magee is a philosopher, not a scientist, and it shows.
hmmm would science accept that from a religious zealot?
I could go along with that. One could then ask the question, "is the practice of 'pure science' even possible?"The question I'm raising is whether there is any such thing as "pure science."
I would rather say, "It's rather hard for scientists (rather than science) to be objective, neutral, and free from private interest..."It's very hard for science be objective, neutral, and free from private interest is very hard to fulfill in a marketing societies and knowledge-based economies.
The real 'spoils of war,' perhaps?Historically, for example, scientific findings are byproducts of government funded military enterprises that were intended to achieve military advantage. As I understand it, the Internet is one of them.
That is also true. However, the disliked theory could still benefit from the skeptical critque. (Another test...)Persuasion is also a possible intent among skeptics who take a dismissing position on scientific findings they don't like.
Odd, I'm tied by the tail as well, but I prefer to struggle up stream rather than go with the flow. Any dead fish can go with the flow of the stream...well Tao, I guess that makes us fishy brothers as I'm a Pisces too. earl
Some salmon? Swim far upstream to breed? To swallow a nobs feathered hook and die?Odd, I'm tied by the tail as well, but I prefer to struggle up stream rather than go with the flow. Any dead fish can go with the flow of the stream...
Boll....boll.....balderdash! Without experimental science you have no good science. You do not get a tasty Gorgonzola when you milk an udder. You do not go out with a pointy stone and mine a mint new battleship. They take far more failures than successes to produce.To me, the only good and sound science is that which can be applied repeatedly, with constant results. Otherwise it is simply religion, by another name.
Q .. You ARE the missing link between great apes and modern humans. Modern humans are those people who understand the principles of evolution. Which you clearly do not. You ignore what scientists do outside of those that design bits of metal that give you a thrill. Yet there are many people who do get a thrill out of their work and many people who have benefited from their research. Social fields and evolutionary research has a lot to say about self-centred ego in animal communities. High time you read someOn the other hand, Anthropology still can't provide the missing link between great apes and humans.
Who? When? In what context? It is not soft science not to believe in god, that is called atheism. Most scientists leave religion well alone, most also know a lot more about how things really work than you do too.Yet the "soft" science adherents can stand up and state there is nothing more than here and now (no God), like theirs is the final
I think most scientists would refuse to be quoted declaring that universally and emphatically. But I think it is possible to make a compelling scientific thesis that states "human religions, their gods and their laws are made in our image and do not exist outside of our collective imagination and construction".The instant a "scientist" declares there is nothing but us, is the instant he or she becomes clergy or a sort.
When salmon go upstream to spawn, they do not eat, and once they spawn, they die from exhaustion. So the only "hook" that might get them would be a "gaff".Some salmon? Swim far upstream to breed? To swallow a nobs feathered hook and die?
Boll....boll.....balderdash! Without experimental science you have no good science. You do not get a tasty Gorgonzola when you milk an udder. You do not go out with a pointy stone and mine a mint new battleship. They take far more failures than successes to produce.
The second sentence you is so nuts you utterly destroy my ability to think beyond the idea that you are only trying to rib me How generous am I !
Q .. You ARE the missing link between great apes and modern humans. Modern humans are those people who understand the principles of evolution. Which you clearly do not. You ignore what scientists do outside of those that design bits of metal that give you a thrill. Yet there are many people who do get a thrill out of their work and many people who have benefited from their research. Social fields and evolutionary research has a lot to say about self-centred ego in animal communities. High time you read some
Who? When? In what context? It is not soft science not to believe in god, that is called atheism. Most scientists leave religion well alone, most also know a lot more about how things really work than you do too.
I think most scientists would refuse to be quoted declaring that universally and emphatically. But I think it is possible to make a compelling scientific thesis that states "human religions, their gods and their laws are made in our image and do not exist outside of our collective imagination and construction".
Ok, but not proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. And until it is proven to such a degree, it is still a theory. Ironic that for being so close to other animals, our DNA is totally incompatible with any other than Homo sapien sapien. Yet, canines of various types are quite compatible with each other...I had to add... couldn't resist... there is no one "missing link" and anthropology has already found dozens of specimens of various species that take one from australopithecines to modern H. sapiens.
When you line up the skeletons one after another, even my most vehement anti-evolution students can see for themselves that there is a gradual yet readily perceptable change from one to the other... leading from a chimp-like critter that first walked around bipedally to us.
Australopithecines are as close to THE missing link as you get- they are clearly chimp-like critters (same size, cranial morphology, etc.) that first walked around consistently. Their anatomy still shows evidence of tree-climbing along with the walking, demonstrating a very clear transitional stage between apes and upright-walkers. Those upright walkers continued to get larger and larger craniums after that point along the gracile Australopithecine line and eventually (early on, with H. habilis) demonstrated tool manufacture and use.
It is really very clear when you actually see it in person- the "lineup" is really all the evidence anyone needs to clearly see the evolution of modern humans from ape-like walker. It's pretty obvious.
Ok, but not proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Ok, but not proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. And until it is proven to such a degree, it is still a theory.
Ironic that for being so close to other animals, our DNA is totally incompatible with any other than Homo sapien sapien. Yet, canines of various types are quite compatible with each other...
In as much as I am willing to entertain both trains of thought within context, and for the sake of debate, could argue either side with the sole purpose of winning the debate, regardless of whether I fully believed the validity of the topic or not...yes.In U.S. courts the "shadow of a doubt" requirement has been replace by a "reasonable doubt".
Are you a reasonable man, Q1?
Very few things are ever proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, but in the meantime, they are really useful and prove themselves in application.
However, in biology and genetics, there is considerable talk that enough evidence in both morphology and genetics has been amassed to call evolution a law... that is, the consensus is getting closer to seeing evolution as being proven beyond doubt than not.
But, as I always tell my students, if someone is not a geneticist, population biologist, or evolutionary medical doctor- I don't think it really matters. It goes on whether people acknowledge it or not.
We are incompatible with others because we branched off from the common primate ancestor we had with other apes much farther back than some of the "species" who continue to interbreed successfully. Wolves and dogs, for example, only split with domestication about 12000 years ago, which is nothing compared to the millions of years we've been separated from the other primate lines and on a unique trajectory.
Furthermore, there are many instances in nature in which species cannot interbreed with each other, yet have clear morphological and genetic shared heritage. The exceptions tend to be issues in which the different "species" are, in fact, not separate species at all (by the biological definition) and instead are sub-species or varieties that we only thought were different species due to geographical or behavioral barriers to interbreeding. When these are removed, interbreeding resumes. Some examples are different species of salmon that occur here in California- a more notable one is the recent interbreeding of Polar Bears and Brown Bears due to a very recent change to geographic isolation as a result of climate change.
Overall, evolutionary theory and population genetics are really quite complex and my experience is that most people, unless they study for a few years minimum in this subject, really just don't understand how they work. Even a couple years of introductory biology is insufficient to really get to the nuances and debates about how to define a species, especially given the increasing capacity to use genetics rather than morphology to "see" splits in the biological record. I didn't get to the complex and compelling information until third-year (upper division) biological anthropology classes specifically on population genetics and the sorts of dynamics that make up evolution and hominid morphology and behavior.
And one ironic twist is that for all the haluboo about man being related to apes, we are actually genetically closer to "porcines", than "primates".
Science is based on "absolutes" due to its very nature of trying to decipher the principles by which the universe is designed and functions. Any study which allows for uncertainty and unknowns in order to express a result, conviction or conclusion, is an "art", not science. Or at best, it is a scientific "theory".
Any "scientific conclusion" that is later found to be in error, is promptly removed from the realm of immutable truth (Aristotle and Ptolemy on the earth as the center of the universe). Even Einstein argued his theory on quantum physics was not ready for publishing, because he wasn't certain he had it right (up to the day he died). Yet his constituants took and ran with it as if it were fact (we still do not know for certain if it is).
Oxygen was said to be a supporter of life. This is only partially true. There are organisms (we now know), that are anarobic. And we know that oxygen under pressure, can kill all animals because of its toxicity. The "fact" that oxygen supports life, had to be modified to state that oxygen supports some life, and only under certain conditions.
This doesn't pass my smell test (whoa... maybe I am more closely related to the truffle sniffers than I think!). Could you please provide evidence?
I find this description of science to be suspect as well.
Absolutes? Immutable truths? I'm not sure what science you're referring to, but I think there are relatively few things that fit that description. The vast majority of scientific knowledge is not absolute, not immutable. Just as your paragraph on oxygen demonstrates, scientific knowledge improves and expands over time.
.It isn't scientific fact, until proven so. Otherwise it is theory. There is no other exception to science. Applied science is science that is proven (by its nature). Or else the "application" would not work.
You say that any uncertainty is "art" and not science. Science doesn't know what gravity is, yet can use it to steer a rocket into collision course with a comet moving at over 100,000 miles per hour! Whatever you want to call it, science—even the uncertain kind—has proven its utility
And one ironic twist is that for all the haluboo about man being related to apes, we are actually genetically closer to "porcines", than "primates".
Man, can take the heart of a pig and live, with little or no rejection, Same with pig skin. Same with intestines. (I don't think other organs have been tried, but then perhaps there have been no human shortage of the same). Ape organs absolutely do not work within the human body.