Gun church

As a Scot that has never been there I am loathe to make sweeping judgements..... hang I'm not... Americans are nuts! :D
Actually, I've heard the Canadians call us "barbarians" (to my face), followed by "thank God for the barbarians..." :eek:
It's wierd to me, and wouldn't be my type of church, but so long as it's safe then whatever floats your boat.

Personally, I think the gun ownership thing is a little more complicated here than many other first world nations. I'm not pro-gun at all, but I still recognize it's complicated. While I'm against handguns as they are made for only one purpose- an illegal, dangerous and unethical one in my opinion (to harm or kill a human)- many people own guns in the more remote/wild areas of the US for hunting or defense against animals.

I don't hunt, but I really respect those who get their food from hunting. Many areas are overpopulated with deer or elk, and hunting both keeps populations in check and provides food for a lot of families. Additionally, there are some backcountry areas with mountain lions, brown bears, and moose that can get rather dangerous to enter without some form of defense. I live in the mountains with black bears without any gun, but I also am very wary when the mountain lions are spotted around town and I've grown used to dealing with bears over the years (plus, black bears are smaller and more easily startled away than brown bears).

So, anyway, there is my 2 cents. I don't get the handgun mentality (stats show it's more likely to kill you or a friend/family member than an intruder) but I get the rifle mentality.
Path, we met, enjoyed eachother's families, friends, company, food, passionate discussions round table...and you thought it was pretty nice and well worth the engagement...

Yet I was armed, did you know it? It's a tool I have to carry, but not something to brag about or make others uncomfortable about, or even tell them about. Kind of like saying "we can engage in a social environment, but I'll let you know I'm an 8th Dan Black belt, and my hands are registered weapons...". LOL, would kind of screw everything up concerning socializing for the sake of getting to know and enjoy others...don't you think?
I'll over simplify it for you POO, it's about power... plain and simple.

American are obsessed with weaponry, militarism, power and domination. We are a very disturbed society, one that spends over 700 billion dollars a year on "defense" but can't afford to give health care to the people.

Unlike POO I don't respect people who kill other animals for sport. What with game reserves, blinds, decoys, scents, calls, tree stands, trail cameras and high caliber weaponry, hunting has little to do with tracking, stealth and being one with nature. I'll wager that the number of people actually feeding their families with their catch is pretty miniscule. Hunting is an act of violence and domination over another being.

Gun ownership is largely about two things:
1. Having the ability to instantly seize control of a situation and gain the upper hand in order to intimidate, threaten, dominate, maim or kill the unarmed.
2. A false hope that it will protect you against all of the people who engage in Reason #1.
America's obsession with guns and violence is another reason I dream of emigrating north to Canada. (But it's just a dream.)
Coming from one who doesn't own guns, doesn't hunt, doesn't believe in a standing military force for a nation, and doesn't believe we need to be able to protect ourselves because the "government, and affiliates will do that for us", you seem to know all the answers. Try walking down Connecticut Ave. in our nation's captital, at about 10 at night...the city counsel doesn't believe in guns either...

We don't use guns against reasonable people, and law abiding citizens carrying guns are normally the last to pull one (read that as reasonable people).

Oh, and death by guns in Canada is statistically higher, than in the US...good luck on your dream move.
Coming from one who doesn't own guns, doesn't hunt, doesn't believe in a standing military force for a nation, and doesn't believe we need to be able to protect ourselves because the "government, and affiliates will do that for us", you seem to know all the answers.

I thought it was merely an opinion.

But if you wanted to appointment me dictator of the world, I could turn it into an answer!

That would look so sweet on my resumé!
that pastor must really feel strongly about it because hes risking his exempt status... so really if it was all about filling the coffers... wouldnt that be shooting himself in the foot?

I appreciate my rights as an American and I appreciate them even more as they get taken away.
He's not risking anything. First ammendment does not alienate Churches or pastors from expressing their opinions. And there is no such thing as "seperation OF church and state". It is seperation "from church and state". And it means the United States government can not establish an official state church, nor can the goverment withhold an office from a person because of their beliefs.

It has nothing to do with "God" being invoked in the Congressional chambers or house, nor does it have anything to do with "law" being discussed or exercised in the pulpit...

Anyone who attempts to tell you different is both fool and ignorant, as well as arrogant and coniving.

The US Constitution is not a living document. It is a static set of laws that define the United States as, the United States. Much like the ten commandments are to the Abrahamic faiths.


I thought it was merely an opinion.

But if you wanted to appointment me dictator of the world, I could turn it into an answer!

That would look so sweet on my resumé!
Hmm, perhaps CZ, but then, you would have soooooo much trouble with one little corner of the world...I think it is called, the US.
Oh, and here's one study I found that countered your notion on Canada having a higher statistical rate of gun-related deaths...
U.S. Leads Richest Nations In Gun Deaths
Friday, April 17, 1998

ATLANTA -- The United States has by far the highest rate of gun deaths — murders, suicides and accidents — among the world's 36 richest nations, a government study found.

The U.S. rate for gun deaths in 1994 was 14.24 per 100,000 people. Japan had the lowest rate, at .05 per 100,000.

The study, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the first comprehensive international look at gun-related deaths. It was published Thursday in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

The CDC would not speculate why the death rates varied, but other researchers said easy access to guns and society's acceptance of violence are part of the problem in the United States.

"If you have a country saturated with guns -- available to people when they are intoxicated, angry or depressed -- it's not unusual guns will be used more often,'' said Rebecca Peters, a Johns Hopkins University fellow specializing in gun violence. "This has to be treated as a public health emergency.''

The National Rifle Association called the study shoddy because it failed to examine all causes of violent deaths.

"What this shows is the CDC is after guns. They aren't concerned with violence. It's pretending that no homicide exists unless it's related to guns,'' said Paul Blackman, a research coordinator for the NRA in Fairfax, Va.

The 36 countries chosen were listed as the richest in the World Bank's 1994 World Development Report, with the highest GNP per capita income.

The study used 1994 statistics supplied by the 36 countries. Of the 88,649 gun deaths reported by all the countries, the United States accounted for 45 percent, said Etienne Krug, a CDC researcher and co-author of the article.

Japan, where very few people own guns, averages 124 gun-related attacks a year, and less than 1 percent end in death. Police often raid the homes of those suspected of having weapons.

The study found that gun-related deaths were five to six times higher in the Americas than in Europe or Australia and New Zealand and 95 times higher than in Asia.

Here are gun-related deaths per 100,000 people in the world's 36 richest countries in 1994:
United States 14.24
Brazil 12.95; Mexico 12.69
Estonia 12.26
Argentina 8.93
Northern Ireland 6.63
Finland 6.46
Switzerland 5.31
France 5.15
Canada 4.31
Norway 3.82
Austria 3.70
Portugal 3.20
Israel 2.91
Belgium 2.90
Australia 2.65
Slovenia 2.60
Italy 2.44
New Zealand 2.38
Denmark 2.09
Sweden 1.92
Kuwait 1.84
Greece 1.29
Germany 1.24
Hungary 1.11
Republic of Ireland 0.97
Spain 0.78
Netherlands 0.70
Scotland 0.54
England and Wales 0.41
Taiwan 0.37
Singapore 0.21
Mauritius 0.19
Hong Kong 0.14
South Korea 0.12
Japan 0.05​
Which rights? The rights not to have your phone conversations tapped and put into a database to see if you're a terrorist?

Blame G. W. Bush for that.

The right to not be held indefinitely without being charged for a crime?

Blame G. W. Bush for that too.

The right not be subject to cruel and unusual punishment?

Oh... one more to blame on G. Double-U Boooosh!

What rights did you have in mind FS?
considering the fact that...the internet is open, any information you input is subject to collection by anyone else who cares to do so.

Considering the fact that cell phones are open transmittors and receptors of radio frequencies, any time you talk on one, you open yourself up to ANYONE collecting what you have said and heard.

If your kids were killed by a person, whom the world can't decide is a combatant, or soldier, because they have no borders, and are not addressed in the Geneva convention statutes, would you want them to be set free? Well guess what, Iraqis aren't screaming for their return, neither are Yeman, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt. In fact, they can't gaurantee that the detainees will survive a day, once they arrive home. Even Palau is backing down, concerning granting these non identifiables a safe haven.

Hell, no Muslim dominated country wants to take them back!!! you think about that.

Oh, well at least we haven't cut their heads off with video on Youtube. Yeah that was a real gainer...

Where are your priorities? Certainly not country, so what about community, and family well being? Who is going to protect you? You? How?

You don't have the heart to cover your own. Too busy thinking the "gov't" is going to take care of you...but then, what...don't shoot anybody?

CZ, can't have it both ways man...
Want some more up-to-date statistics?
Crime Statistics
Murders with firearms (per capita) (most recent) by country

#8 United States: 0.0279271 per 1,000 people
#20 Canada: 0.00502972 per 1,000 people
Why does feel like another "pigs are man's closest relative" Q1 debacle?
Actually, I just decided it wasn't worth arguing with an obstruct. Same with this issue. You are fine at finding "source" media stats. But then, you can't let an argument go either...(your own words). And how many other links did you pass over until you got the one that likened to your own opinion...hmmm? lol

And you like hurting people...that is a fact, that you can not pull back. It is right here on IO.
considering the fact that...the internet is open, any information you input is subject to collection by anyone else who cares to do so.

Considering the fact that cell phones are open transmittors and receptors of radio frequencies, any time you talk on one, you open yourself up to ANYONE collecting what you have said and heard.

If your kids were killed by a person, whom the world can't decide is a combatant, or soldier, because they have no borders, and are not addressed in the Geneva convention statutes, would you want them to be set free? Well guess what, Iraqis aren't screaming for their return, neither are Yeman, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt. In fact, they can't gaurantee that the detainees will survive a day, once they arrive home. Even Palau is backing down, concerning granting these non identifiables a safe haven.

Hell, no Muslim dominated country wants to take them back!!! you think about that.

Oh, well at least we haven't cut their heads off with video on Youtube. Yeah that was a real gainer...

Where are your priorities? Certainly not country, so what about community, and family well being? Who is going to protect you? You? How?

You don't have the heart to cover your own. Too busy thinking the "gov't" is going to take care of you...but then, what...don't shoot anybody?

CZ, can't have it both ways man...

Nicely said
Actually, I just decided it wasn't worth arguing with an obstruct. Same with this issue. You are fine at finding "source" media stats. But then, you can't let an argument go either...(your own words). And how many other links did you pass over until you got the one that likened to your own opinion...hmmm? lol

And you like hurting people...that is a fact, that you can not pull back. It is right here on IO.

The fact of the matter Q, is that I only had a few minutes before catching a bus home to find that data. If you only spent as much time confirming your off-base notions before posting, it might have saved us both a little effort.

It's one thing to post an opinion. I may disagree with it, but that's all I'll do. But when you post "facts" that are laughably wrong, well, that calls for a little re-education. And I'm not buying for a second that you gracefully bowed out of your argument that pigs are man's closest genetic relative. I think you saw the writing on the wall and did the smart thing admitting you were wrong.

As for the notion that I like to hurt people, that's your opinion, which I'll disagree with. This is a forum for debate, an exchange of ideas, and I am a passionate debater. My moms always taught me "words will never hurt me" and I've found that to be the case. If you find yourself being stung by my words, it might be time to take up knitting.

You could make yourself a sweater. Keep you warm on those chilly nights.
If you dont like it, dont live there.

"Love it or Leave it" is an often spouted phrase by the American right (I know you're not American). I don't recall ever hearing a liberal say, "You don't like abortion rights? Why don't you move to Chile?!" or "You don't like the Clean Air Act? Why don't you move to China?!"

See, it's never really been "Love it or Leave it." What most every thinking citizen (both left and right) engages in is "America, love it or change it."

Lately, my side's been winning. I think I just may stick around.
The fact of the matter Q, is that I only had a few minutes before catching a bus home to find that data. If you only spent as much time confirming your off-base notions before posting, it might have saved us both a little effort.

It's one thing to post an opinion. I may disagree with it, but that's all I'll do. But when you post "facts" that are laughably wrong, well, that calls for a little re-education. And I'm not buying for a second that you gracefully bowed out of your argument that pigs are man's closest genetic relative. I think you saw the writing on the wall and did the smart thing admitting you were wrong.

As for the notion that I like to hurt people, that's your opinion, which I'll disagree with. This is a forum for debate, an exchange of ideas, and I am a passionate debater. My moms always taught me "words will never hurt me" and I've found that to be the case. If you find yourself being stung by my words, it might be time to take up knitting.

You could make yourself a sweater. Keep you warm on those chilly nights.
Then I'm certain you mamma taught you this, your opinion on how you treat people, matters not on how you feel...what others perceive is what you are judged by...and frankly, you got some work there.

Whether I am right or wrong on other "facts" can be left for another time, I'm not going anywhere soon...nor am I losing my daytime I must know

And your mom, must have been an ice block, if she insisted on that part about words not hurting...I taught my sons not to use words to hurt much for the lesson.
"Love it or Leave it" is an often spouted phrase by the American right (I know you're not American). I don't recall ever hearing a liberal say, "You don't like abortion rights? Why don't you move to Chile?!" or "You don't like the Clean Air Act? Why don't you move to China?!"

See, it's never really been "Love it or Leave it." What most every thinking citizen (both left and right) engages in is "America, love it or change it."

Lately, my side's been winning. I think I just may stick around.

