Gun church

I don't know GM... what could the president possibly have done with such information? Oh, that's right... nothing!

I thought it was a timely reminder of the events that led to 9/11 especially since FS wrote in the post just prior about "Intelligence Threat Assessments" and "people that live in a bubble of unawareness."

It was a perfect set up FS. Thanks for lobbing that softball directly over the plate.
Sounds rather familiar CZ...that is administrations doing nothing when something is right in its hands...

courtesy of NewsMAX
That there pastor best be watchin' the tone of his voice, and the aims of the sinners. :D:D:D
I think a lot of people miss the part that the guns are NOT LOADED. And maybe the fact that they are bringing the guns in to promote GUN SAFETY. That means that the only thing the kids are learning is how to be more careful around the guns that their parents obviously ALREADY HAVE.

There's no harm in this. And if you don't live in the US then you really just can't understand. There's a big difference in culture, without it seeming like a big difference. If your brought up your whole life with the word freedom in your ears, you see the word, and what it means much differently.

As far as the Republican or Democrat thing, neither party is that great. Neither one is even that good. The one exception I have seen is senator Ron Paul, who I got to see laughed off the stage by the press, illustrating just how much sway media has over our voting decisions. At least Senator Paul made sense, and didn't just schmooze his way out of question after question.

Republicans are laughable next to what they were in the past. Bush did not help things.

Democrats aren't really good at anything except spending money, and passing more babysitter laws, slowly taking away every right we have, even the right to do stupid things. It's not the fact that we shouldn't do certain things anyways, but that we can't do those things because someone says so. It's demeaning. The entire population is treated as incompetent because some of the population is. That's pandering to the weakest link. That's moronic.

The worst thing about democrats though is that they don't really care about all of the minorities that they try to schmooze. They just want the votes. Then things just don't work out when it comes to all this "change."

IMHO, and just that.

So happy debating to you all!
The worst thing about democrats though is that they don't really care about all of the minorities that they try to schmooze. They just want the votes. Then things just don't work out when it comes to all this "change."

This democrat (actually, I'm far more liberal than that) will refrain from attempting to describe the conservative mindset in simplistic and stereotypical ways. Liberals are far too smart for that sort of nonsense. :D
oh, conservatives are just as bad as democrats. I'm neither, thankfully. I don't even know what I'd be labeled. And I don't mind democrat supporters, just the politicians.

In fact, I mind most politicians...

