West vs. "Muslim World"--lets discuss the obvious

I am the pessimest ---quoting the CIA Final Report [which you kindly posted for my referrence herein] ---who waningly warn of destruction by maniacs!

Ah I see, so if the CIA final report accepts there were no wmd but offer dire warnings these should be heeded because .... erm, hang on weren't the CIA implicit in the original lies stating catagorically there were wmd in Iraq and Iraq could deploy wmd within 45 minutes .... so perhaps not the most reliable organisation to rely on.

As you have quoted the NY Times I shall do the same:

The Downing Street Memo, July 2002: There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

Please note that Iraq was invaded in 2003.

As you can see from this NY Times article Tony Blair (then the UK Prime Minister) has accepted this memo was genuine New York Times: Blair admits authenticity of the Downing Street Memo

So the fact that the international community, including governments, accept that lies were told to engage in war in Iraq is in your opinion simply me saying it's mis-information. ;)

Western News Reports are Much Much Much better than:

Harray for Western News Reports from the halls of Mantazuma to the shores of tripoli.

So one moment ago you couldn't rely on "secular news Agents" but now they are the crowning reliable source of all world information .... yawn.
Originally Posted by bhaktajan
Western News Reports are Much Much Much better than:

Harray for Western News Reports from the halls of Mantazuma to the shores of tripoli.

So one moment ago you couldn't rely on "secular news Agents" but now they are the crowning reliable source of all world information .... yawn.

You are relying on secular new agents.

I do too ---that is why I say to you READ THE NEWS ARTICLE AGAIN; IT SUPPORTS MY ARGUMENT.

There was total reason to expect what happened should happen ---and guess what ---it happened/you know why/and It continues.

I guess Alqueda forgot to calbrate how long they would be camped out in the mountains.

This is now the second consecutive time that you have presented a Proof ---that I showed actually supported MY arguement ---and then you state that such proofs are not reliable. Just Rely on the 1st News Article you posted and believe the ramifications will be thoroughly vetted.

Yawning indicates a lack of oxygen to the brain; it could be due to your un-aligned posture.

You are quoting Western News Reports as the Absolute Truth.
Yet it is the Western Mind Set that causes you to post here.

You're either with us or against us.

The words in the Quote box above that I spoke was sarcasm in regards to the strength of your opinion.

Keep quoting Western News source and thou shall know the truth! Do you get the New York Times Delivered to You?

Mosque madness at Ground Zero

Mosque madness at Ground Zero - NYPOST.com

mosque rises over Ground Zero. And fed-up New Yorkers are crying, "No!"
A chorus of critics -- from neighbors to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 to me -- feel as if they've received a swift kick in the teeth.
Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural center with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Center.
The opening date shall live in infamy: Sept. 11, 2011. The 10th anniversary of the day a hole was punched in the city's heart. . . .

The chutzpha! I tell ya, The chutzpha!
This is now the second consecutive time that you have presented a Proof ---that I showed actually supported MY arguement

The only way the CIA final report could support your argument is if it stated wmd had been found .. and it didn't ... end of argument. The news article also does noit support your argument, you stated the uranium was enriched and constituted wmd .. the article you posted (had you bothered to read it fully and not jump on the one part you wanted to read) stated that the uranium was not enriched and was a trading commodity.

I guess Alqueda forgot to calbrate how long they would be camped out in the mountains.

You are very good a jumping from topic to topic when the conversations doesn't suit you.

We are discussing Iraq and wmd ... AlQ were not in Iraq prior to the invasion ... even the American government have admitted that.

You're either with us or against us.

Now you are showing your true colours here

You are quoting Western News Reports as the Absolute Truth.
Yet it is the Western Mind Set that causes you to post here.

I am a Westerner and yet I still post here.
As Westerners our immediate answer would be yes but as Muslims can we honestly say we should leave our young to have sex before marriage and go out drinking ... because we know many would, even if they regret it later.

There are CHRISTIANS (who, are, of course NOT Muslim) who would NEVER say "we should leave our young to have sex before marriage and go out drinking." Why presume that only Muslims wished to protect their children from such behaviors? What is the origin of such barbaric, narrow-minded, savage, subhuman bigotry?

And that's the question Egyptians face, if you crack the flood gates how do you then stop the flood?

Let us take this alleged "reasoning" to its logical conclusion: You, according to the Egyptians, obviously DO want your children to engage in premarital sex and go out drinking, since you don't choose to live in a country like Egypt, yes?

I have had this conversation many times with "everyday" Muslims in Egypt and they all feel the same.

So, Egypt truly is still just a medieval country. Too bad.
My answer is that what happens in "Muslim states" doesn't matter to me; I want my government to be tolerant regardless of what goes on in other countries-- tolerant for the sake of tolerance.

To take rights away from Muslims as a result of what is going on in other countries would be to take a huge step back to the Middle Ages-- precisely where all intolerant governments of all sorts currently reside.

My own answer is totally politically incorrect: We should respect the religious obligations of Muslims in the West even though Muslim countries do not respect the rights of non-Muslims in their own countries because WE ARE BETTER THAN THEY ARE. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and should hold ourselves to a higher standard because our countries and cultures are simply more capable of a higher standard. I will retract this statement the day that those other countries prove me wrong by abandoning their medievalist practices.

Added on edit: And don't brother trying to wave around how Muslims behaved during the Middle Ages. I am happy to admit that they were better than us HUNDREDS OF YEARS AGO. In the here and now, the current real world, that situation is reversed.
Muslimwoman: The only way the CIA final report could support your [Bhaktajan's] argument . . .

Bhakatjan re-prints here
what was contained in MW's citation of
"CIA MSNBC Final Report" news article
in MW's Post #35:

This is what is said in your CIA MSNBC Report: CIA?s final report: No WMD found in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com

"Warnings about Saddam’s experts
The survey group also provided warnings. . . ."

Wallak Yamah,
The only way the CIA final report could support your argument is if it Did Not Contain the statements above that supported the war started by Bush.

Those warnings were the reasons to start the search for WMDs, and it continues to this day.

BTW, what would have all the yellow cake be used for? The obvious? The unknown?
These are common everyday commodities in a country that "invades other countries"? [ie: Kuwait].
Western media doesent pick upon this. There are two different main talibans right now in Afghan-Pak region.
SO its not a villian, hero, goodness shall prevail style story. things are way too complicated then they are shown on the media.

Salam Farhan

My apologies for not picking up on this post earlier, I just re-read the thread and saw it. What an amazing insight, thank you. Do you know what motivates or what ideology the second group who like going round bombing things?
What is the origin of such barbaric, narrow-minded, savage, subhuman bigotry?

Let us take this alleged "reasoning" to its logical conclusion: You, according to the Egyptians, obviously DO want your children to engage in premarital sex and go out drinking, since you don't choose to live in a country like Egypt, yes?

So, Egypt truly is still just a medieval country. Too bad.

This is what I love about discussion forums .. you had a choice:

1: Enter into discussion to share your views or perhaps learn something new about another culture


2: take the opportunity to use big words like barbaric and savage, while trying to make no point whatsoever.

Hey, great choice
The only way the CIA final report could support your argument is if it Did Not Contain the statements above that supported the war started by Bush.

OK this is getting boring so it's the last time I will respond to the same thing:


"In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion. "

Nothing you can dream up can change that report ... NOTHING was found ... the people who issued the original warnings found NOTHING.

The final report knows about the yellowcake and IF yellowcake had any weapons possibilities it could be classed as wmd and WOULD have been in the final report ... stating they HAD found something and therefore justified the Iraq invasion.
This is what I love about discussion forums .. you had a choice:

1: Enter into discussion to share your views or perhaps learn something new about another culture


2: take the opportunity to use big words like barbaric and savage, while trying to make no point whatsoever.

Hey, great choice

Truth can be ugly, and the ugly truth is that there are still countries around that really aren't run by people who want to behave like adults. You have a choice--face up to that or retreat into hurt feelings. The plain truth is that barbarism is still barbarism, and a state-sponsored religion is barbarism. Tolerance is superior to intolerance--and tolerance requires no state sponsorship of religion. Any state sponsorship of religion inevitably leads to state sponsorship of intolerance.
Nothing you can dream up can change that report ... NOTHING was found ... the people who issued the original warnings found NOTHING.


THE Date of the Report you cited was April 25, 2005:

This is what is said in your CIA MSNBC Report: CIA?s final report: No WMD found in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com

"Warnings about Saddam’s experts
The survey group also provided warnings. . . ."

And so "Obviously":

18 months later Saddam Hussein was executed on Dec. 30, 2006.

It's ironic that Saddam never paid any attention to the warnings himself.


The problem that allows for the rise of foundamentalism in Islamic Extremism is that such muslim extremist are totally uneducated & evidently un-aware how western History/Society had lived through 100's of generations while under the thumb of successive Theo-cratic governments.

Western history is derived from Despotic governance being overridden by Democratic Liberty at all costs ---this senario has already been fleshed out to the enth degree.

Now the Muslims must cope with the same thing . . . they simply are 1,600 years behind schedule . . . and they are involving all the world's neighbors into the fray that should be their own civil revolution.

Islam must take the thorn out of its own wound ---and it should stop impositioning everyone else with their dirty laundry.
Truth can be ugly, and the ugly truth is that there are still countries around that really aren't run by people who want to behave like adults. You have a choice--face up to that or retreat into hurt feelings. The plain truth is that barbarism is still barbarism, and a state-sponsored religion is barbarism.

Thank you for joining in the discussion .... surely what you mean is they are run by people who do not go along with Western ideology? To me this is a really big problem, the idea the West has that their view is the only good/right view and that the whole world must agree with and bend to that view .. at the very least this is arrogance.

Of course there are issues I would agree will hopefully change in certain countries but I believe they need to change due to the will of it's own people, not the will of the West. I also do not agree that because Western countries chose to be secular that everyone has to follow suit. We made our choice now let's leave other countries to do the same.

Tolerance is superior to intolerance--and tolerance requires no state sponsorship of religion. Any state sponsorship of religion inevitably leads to state sponsorship of intolerance.

Perhaps that is why God told Bush to invade Iraq? Cough, cough.

Of course we saw such things as the Hudood Ordinance of Pakistan and what it did to so many women .... the writers of the law repeated again and again that the laws were not written in the way people were interpreting them but doesn't that itself speak to the will of people? Until that will changes the country itself surely cannot change?

The problem that allows for the rise of foundamentalism in Islamic Extremism is that such muslim extremist are totally uneducated

and yet fundamental Islam arose in the UK through university students ... hardly totally uneducated!!

Now the Muslims must cope with the same thing

Why .. because the West says so? If those countries choose to live as they do for the rest of time it is not your business or the business of Western governments.

and they are involving all the world's neighbors into the fray that should be their own civil revolution.Islam must take the thorn out of its own wound ---and it should stop impositioning everyone else with their dirty laundry.

Let us use Iraq as an example ... the invasion of Kuwait had nothing to do with Islam or civil revolution. Two main theories abound, either it was due to the USA pointing out to Saddam that Kuwait was slant drilling oil from Iraq or because Iraq could not afford to pay back the $14 billion it borrowed from Kuwait to fund the Iraq-Iran war.

Then in 2003 the West invaded Iraq because according to Blair, "Iraq failed to take a "final opportunity" to disarm itself of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that US and British officials called an immediate and intolerable threat to world peace.

These of course would be the wmd that didn't exist, as you yourself have provided links for the final US report. Most people accept that most of the wars/troubles in Arab countries have been about one thing only OIL. As there were no wmd in Iraq it appears this theory has merit.

So to glibly suggest Islam or civil revolution is to blame for all of this trouble simply ignores the facts, that the West needs to control oil and has played chess with ME countries for decades in order to get it ... just look at Afghanistan and the oil pipe that the US and Russia ran an ongoing war to build and control (while America trained and armed the Taliban).

As for civil revolution I believe the only ME country to have a civil revolution in recent years was Iran and guess which way they went ... they chose the regime they have now and it's not our business to tell them their decision was wrong. Palastinians chose Hamas .. live with it.
fundamental Islam arose in the UK through university students ... hardly totally uneducated!!
er... traditionally, university students like to experiment with extreme behaviour and extreme points of view. fundamentalism of any stripe is no different. however, this isn't how it "arose" in the uk - fundamentalism in the uk arose because we allowed islamic education to be supplied for twenty years by the saudis and the gulfies, who gave out "free" educational materials, "free" training and supplied large amounts of cash to groups like the tablighis, jamaatis, ikhwaan and hizb ut-tahrir to further their charming, modern, outward-looking version of islam, just as they have done elsewhere in the islamic world from the us to indonesia. indigenous, nuanced, tolerant islamic practices have been overwritten by stark, puritanical, fanatical and arab-centric practices from the hijaz. why are bangladeshis dressing like 7th-century arabs? it makes no sense.

we are now reaping the whirlwind. why do you think i object so strongly to the infiltration of jewish education by the "artscroll" tendency? same chuffing reason.


SWT after Allah is an acronym for 'SubhanaHu wa t'ala' - Glorified and Exalted is He/Be he glorified in the highest, above what they describe/Be he glorified in the highest, above what they set up/ Be he glorified in the highest, above what they say. (Im afraid my knowlege isnt good enough to translate the meaning explicitly.

There is nothing to forgive :)
er... traditionally, university students like to experiment with extreme behaviour and extreme points of view. fundamentalism of any stripe is no different. however, this isn't how it "arose" in the uk - fundamentalism in the uk arose because we allowed islamic education to be supplied for twenty years by the saudis and the gulfies, who gave out "free" educational materials, "free" training and supplied large amounts of cash to groups like the tablighis, jamaatis, ikhwaan and hizb ut-tahrir to further their charming, modern, outward-looking version of islam, just as they have done elsewhere in the islamic world from the us to indonesia. indigenous, nuanced, tolerant islamic practices have been overwritten by stark, puritanical, fanatical and arab-centric practices from the hijaz. why are bangladeshis dressing like 7th-century arabs? it makes no sense.

we are now reaping the whirlwind. why do you think i object so strongly to the infiltration of jewish education by the "artscroll" tendency? same chuffing reason.



You are so right! London Central Mosque at Regent’s Park has been the focus of controversy on a number of occasions, most notably when it was featured in two television documentaries exposing Islamic extremism in Britain: ‘Undercover Mosque’ (2007) and ‘Undercover Mosque: The Return’ (2008). In the documentaries, the on site Darussalam book shop was found to be selling material by a variety of preachers espousing hardline Saudi Wahhabism.

I may be wrong but some of the Saudi backed schools including the King Fahd Acadamy still have some of this material in their reading lists.:mad::mad:
however, this isn't how it "arose" in the uk - fundamentalism in the uk arose because we allowed islamic education to be supplied for twenty years by the saudis and the gulfies,

and where did they disseminate their materials? Oh yes, the universities and mosques with laregely 20something young males, ripe for the picking. So I still say you can hardly call them totally uneducated.
if only it were just the unis - but it isn't. they have dripped their poison into the mainstream mosques, their cadres have infiltrated and displaced perfectly inoffensive bangladeshi, pakistani, somali and arab communities - all those free "educational" dawah books, free Qur'ans with wahhabi commentaries, videotapes and visits by "inspirational" preachers.... come over to the spittoon, where i blog with a bunch of ex-fundamentalists. it's all about the entryism.


I agree it has dripped into many sections of Muslim society but bhaktjan stated "muslim extremist are totally uneducated" which is simply not true, the rot entered the UK society largely through university students and mosques where they attended.