Rainbow Angels


Peace, Love and Unity
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I remember when talking to people about spiritual matters a while back, one subtle but important symbol kept appearing.

It was of one or more beings who appeared shaped rainbow colours - always appearing in a form that seemed the most harmless, accessible, friendly, non-threatening.

I only have a few accounts I remember from friends, and I may have glimpsed one myself, so I thought it might be worth exploring these "rainbow angels" as a symbol, and see whether anyone else may have seen them in some form or other.

There often seemed some form of comforting association, and their appearing in form almost most accessible to the person was intriguing.

Interestingly enough, I think there's a plausible rational neurological explanation - I remember when studying about sleep and dreaming in psychology, it was noted that colours rarely come up in dreams excepting in really deep sleep, with reds being more common in light sleep, and blues tend to be restricted to deep sleep.

Therefore in times of emotional stress, it might be the case that a person may be particularly subject to periods where the neurochemistry of the state will influence perception of colour in various imagery in a similar manner.

However, I've often wondered at the potential spiritual connections. I don't recall coming across anything similar in the mystical lit - so has anybody ever glimpsed anything in this form?
Ok this might not be of help but I googled rainbow angels and its a title of a book for children with bipolar.
i thought I saw a square rainbow the other day, was like rainbow colours but it was a block rather than a rainbow shape.
I remember when talking to people about spiritual matters a while back, one subtle but important symbol kept appearing.

It was of one or more beings who appeared shaped rainbow colours - always appearing in a form that seemed the most harmless, accessible, friendly, non-threatening.

I only have a few accounts I remember from friends, and I may have glimpsed one myself, so I thought it might be worth exploring these "rainbow angels" as a symbol, and see whether anyone else may have seen them in some form or other.

There often seemed some form of comforting association, and their appearing in form almost most accessible to the person was intriguing.

Interestingly enough, I think there's a plausible rational neurological explanation - I remember when studying about sleep and dreaming in psychology, it was noted that colours rarely come up in dreams excepting in really deep sleep, with reds being more common in light sleep, and blues tend to be restricted to deep sleep.

Therefore in times of emotional stress, it might be the case that a person may be particularly subject to periods where the neurochemistry of the state will influence perception of colour in various imagery in a similar manner.

However, I've often wondered at the potential spiritual connections. I don't recall coming across anything similar in the mystical lit - so has anybody ever glimpsed anything in this form?
I, Brian, interesting. I dream in color but am so poor at remembering my dreams could not recall specific color sequences. Have certainly seen contemporary stories of purported angel encounters where the "beings" seemed to emanate light, including some children's tales claiming "wings" of rainbow light. Yeah, those encounters do seem to occur only in association with significant stress as opposed to just hangin' and groovin' in the good times.:p But, only associations between rainbow light and spirituality I am familiar with are from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. For instance, it's thought and claimed that for a few highly spiritually advanced practitioners upon death their physical bodies entirely dissolve into an etheral rainbow light body. Then there are the descriptions of Chenrezig, their boddhisattva of compassion emanating mutliply colored light. But, of course, being from Kansas, I could break into "Somewhere over the rainbow.":D earl
When i was about 16 or so I ate some magical mushrooms and spent the rest of the night walking in amazement through the forest looking at the aura of leaves.
They were all lit up from the inside like little flames or candles and had a distinct rainbow hue.
Every single one of them.
Which was a very profound thing and quite glorious.
Each different kind of plant had a different set of hues and such and there were variations depending on the apparent health of the bush, some being real vibrant and others less so.
Thing is they still looked like leaves except for the incandescence.
Needless to say, it was quite illuminating.
Ah, if only church was similarly illuminating.
No angels, but I was aware of the life and awareness of nature in a very intimate way.
This is all quite interesting. I've never felt like I saw angels, so I can't really say much about it. The one vision/dream I had where I went OBE and was before a female spiritual entity, she was radiating light. I guess she could be an angel, but she felt more like an old nature spirit or goddess archetype. No rainbows or wings though. She was just a stunningly beautiful person that radiated white light.

As an aside, I dream in color. Always. And from what I can remember of my dreams, they do not have a sequence of color saturation but are rather always vibrant from the beginning to end. However, the dreams are often silent and only visual. Rarely do I have touch, smell, or taste. Just very vibrant visuals.
I've never seen an angel either that I'm aware of. And I also always dream in color. Loads of multi-hued colors in every dream. Come to think of it, I can't remember ever having a dream without color... And most of my dreams tend to be very feeling oriented. I usually don't have smell, but I have touch and taste quite frequently. Hmm, dreams are so fascinating. Especially how everyone dreams differently.

The one vision/dream I had where I went OBE and was before a female spiritual entity, she was radiating light. I guess she could be an angel, but she felt more like an old nature spirit or goddess archetype. No rainbows or wings though. She was just a stunningly beautiful person that radiated white light.

Sounds like a great experience. :)

Btw, as a general point to everyone, I'm using the term "angel" pretty loosely - rainbow coloured entities, always different forms to different people - as potentially being a hint or suggestion of a higher spiritual intelligence.

The word "angel" just seems like a useful generic term for use at present.

So, no, I'm not asking if anyone has:

a) seen angels
b) seen particularly coloured angels

as much as whether I can track further reference of rainbow-coloured entities, that especially seem to appear at times of spiritual need - often in dreams, or visions.

Maybe it's nothing, maybe it is just a colour-perception issue (similar to shawn's reference), but I thought it worth exploring anyway, just in case. :)
I always dream in full color, except on partial dream where it was black and white (it was a partial dream because I was so startled that it was black and white that it woke me up.) This black and white dream was shortly after I learned that people sometimes dream in black and white, so that might be a factor.
I don't ever recall dreaming in black and white...not seen rainbows or rainbow angels that I recall in a dream...or anything warholish....just living color...
I always dream in full color, except on partial dream where it was black and white (it was a partial dream because I was so startled that it was black and white that it woke me up.) This black and white dream was shortly after I learned that people sometimes dream in black and white, so that might be a factor.



I remember when talking to people about spiritual matters a while back, one subtle but important symbol kept appearing.

It was of one or more beings who appeared shaped rainbow colours - always appearing in a form that seemed the most harmless, accessible, friendly, non-threatening.

I only have a few accounts I remember from friends, and I may have glimpsed one myself, so I thought it might be worth exploring these "rainbow angels" as a symbol, and see whether anyone else may have seen them in some form or other.

There often seemed some form of comforting association, and their appearing in form almost most accessible to the person was intriguing.

Interestingly enough, I think there's a plausible rational neurological explanation - I remember when studying about sleep and dreaming in psychology, it was noted that colours rarely come up in dreams excepting in really deep sleep, with reds being more common in light sleep, and blues tend to be restricted to deep sleep.

Therefore in times of emotional stress, it might be the case that a person may be particularly subject to periods where the neurochemistry of the state will influence perception of colour in various imagery in a similar manner.

However, I've often wondered at the potential spiritual connections. I don't recall coming across anything similar in the mystical lit - so has anybody ever glimpsed anything in this form?

Yes and I'm seeking answers/point to find more information.

I just posted my thing at reddit. I'm in dire need of answers, I'm losing faith in myself, God, and this world. I am becoming lost, and growing wary of trying to find others like myself.

Please share more information that will help me.

"Obviously a throw-away. I do not come here to seek for a debate, or psychological advice. I just need answers or intellectual thoughts that are not opinionated or biased towards any form of belief. Just pure spirituality is what I'm asking for.
This is the first time I'm becoming open about to anyone in my entire life (Besides my own mother who had the same experience as I):
I need information on Rainbow Angels. Is there any information regarding rainbow angels at all? Why do I ask?
About 17 years ago at the age of five, my mom and I had a "supernatural" or spiritual experience - as you may say. We both witnessed an angel. I wont indulge into what she saw because I do not know if she was serious or not, although I am inclined to believe her - I will not speak on her behalf.
My father, my mom, and I were walking down the path of lakeshore drive (Chicago) on a summer night, and I distinctively remember people playing in the water. I also remember the moon being red that night. Because the night was hot, and the walk way a bit long for me, I remember telling my mom that I was tired, and that I wanted to stop.
I sat down and looked to my right. There it was, a figure twice the size of a man. Scrolling upwards was the colors of a rainbow. His arm making a circular motion like "Come". I remember staring at it trying to figure out what it was, suddenly seeing a man walk right through it.
I turn to my mom to ask if she sees it, (and I believe she said yes), but then when I turned back - it was gone.
In this world that we all live in - there is nothing but chaos, confusion, and destruction. With the curse of knowing and wanting to know more, indulging into science, into this thing called "reality"; I'm am on the verge of losing all faith. This belief that I saw this rainbow angel, is what keeps my faith in God.
I want to know more about this "Angel" I saw. I ask this because I've come around the idea that memories are reconstructed, that people sometimes make their dreams a reality. I can not let reason continue to destroy my faith until I find answers.
So please be so kind to answer me, or point me in the right direction -"
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To Enigmaforce , welcome to the forum , you may of scene your guardian angel . I have scene and been helped by mine a few times . Mine looked like a real lady , she distracted me by staring at me keeping me out of something else . When I went to talk to her she smiled and walked away . Later I knew who she was . I dont know if you have lost your faith , you may just not understand all the confusing beliefs in relgion . I see God as the creative life of the cosmos , we have a soul , we reincarnate , we go to the astral plane between lives ect.
...saw a similiar thread to this, and replied that... I've never seen angels, but I have seen people, with coloured auras, but this, for me, is a rare occurance.

.... I met a witch, once, who was very deep blue, with twinkly stars. I saw the blue and the stars before I knew this person was a witch.

I met a man who would later become an enemy, and he was predominately brown, with swirls of orange and a touch of red. I saw the swirls and the brown before I knew he was an enemy.

I met a monk who appeared to be surrounded by a white light, bright.

I meet a few "christian" types, mormons, and jehovah's witnesses, and they seem to have an absence of aura, like... there is very clean space, around them.

My cat is a regal purple colour, but he also has tinges of green.

I have also met several people who have grey shapes attached to them (what I would call ghosts, stuck to their bodies).

And, if I look at myself, in sunlight, my palms and the soles of my feet appear pink, but also opalescent, with a pinky-green sheen, like nacre, and I appear to radiate brilliant white sparks from my entire body. This sparks stuff only happened after "my big religious experience", and is something that has never faded, even though the experience was now over... fifteen years ago. I still marvel at my own hands when in the sunshine -- tiny, dazzling sparks, I see, flying hither and thither.

What does it all mean?

It could be that...
a) I have damaged my pupillary reflexes by using hallucinogens such as LSD. Now my eyes are damaged. Yet... I don't see anything odd very often. And the coloured people? Not for a good while. Years, in fact.

b) I have undiagnosed epilepsy and these "auras" people have are really due to some odd-firing within my neurons.

c) I am a deluded fool, and these experiences are hallucinations.

d) What I'm seeing/have seen is a direct result of where I was at on my path at the time, and I do not see such things now because I obtain my information via different means now, and such "dazzling occurances" I no longer need because I believe, now, and I do not need such proofs that what I intuit is real/actual/factual.

I'm opting for "d", but, I would, wouldn't I?

Now, to try to address this... five year old's vision. A person who looked like a rainbow....

Well... This vision was a long time ago. That your mother shared it does not make it valid. Perhaps she was placating you, agreeing that she had also seen it. Perhaps she was humouring you; she felt it was cute, this story of yours, so she allowed you to keep it. Perhaps you were ill, or sick, and had a high temperature and you hallucinated this person. Maybe the being you saw was actually a person, a person with... some psychic ability. Maybe this being was an angel. I wasn't there. Yet...

For you to have held onto this experience for such a long time suggests that this being was/is important to your life, to your development, or perhaps this being was sent to help you.

I remember, once, being asleep, in the day, and I was flying around -- doing what some people call "astral projection".

Regardless... I ended up on a railway line. A... substation; electricity pylons, big, fat coils of electrical current, on wires, everywhere. In this dream, I saw two young boys, playing on top of stationary trains.


I knew one of these boys were going to touch the coil, and if he did, he was dead. So... I imagined a surge of energy, and I threw my big white light at this child, and he fell off the train.

I woke up.

I few days later, in my local paper, they ran a story about how two boys were playing in the substation, on top of the trains.

One of the boys was electrocuted. The firemen, who rescued the boy, said they did not know how he survived. The voltage was so high, he should've been dead. They also interviewed the boy, and the boy said...

"He saw this big white ball appear, and he fell off the train".

Right as he fell, he got zapped. If that kid hadn't seen this ball, and jumped away, in fright, he would've been dead.

I like to think that kid is alive today because of my ball.

So... maybe this angelic being was a helper-- somebody sent by the powers that be to save you, in some way...

All those who read this are entitled to think me insane -- if anyone wishes to berate me, then feel free...
All those who read this are entitled to think me insane -- if anyone wishes to berate me, then feel free...

However, if anybody opts to berate, and though I do realize you are perfectly capable of defending yourself, I shall play Jupiter and hurl a thunderbolt in his or her direction. Thank you for writing such a fascinating and, as we used to say on acid, trippy post! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Best regards,

Drugs can make one see things that are not there or open ones perception to other realms , depending on ones beliefs . We have only the posters word on what they saw , if they were using any thing or were sober and not high . Yes seeing a rainbow angel does sound like a acid trip , but that does not mean they were on drugs . desert rat
The stars in eons far ahead are prophesied to explode, and similarly, a lot of trees in a pond of many masks look to be sucking life-Force from the inferior, and transplanting across distance into those with higher-Wills.
The road to salvation demands personal fulfillment on our parts, and arranging the World-lines into advantageous positions for ourselves does indeed involve contracts with angels.