The 4 types of Sins

What our ancestors did is not our fault but it affected us. We are their descendants.

It affected us, so we are paying consequences, of anothers punishment.... That isn't fair, at all.

Do you also believe that sin causes death and also for us to be corrupt/imperfect? So we were never, even given the chance.. Our wings were clipped before they even spread to attempt to take flight. One person messed up, deal with that one person... Give the others a freaking chance.... Pretty much everywhere else in this "infallible" story book he lacks consistence...... Individual punishments here...... Group punishments there....

Most concepts of this god, come across as an over bearing ill experienced paranoid evil youthful parent....
It affected us, so we are paying consequences, of anothers punishment.... That isn't fair, at all.
You can see it that way. Even in our own life we do no choose our own parents orwhere we are born. We do not choose our own brothers and sisters or even our own name.

Do you also believe that sin causes death and also for us to be corrupt/imperfect?
What we call the original sin involved the realm of the heart and the misuse of love. It was passed down through the blood lineage. It did not cause our physical death but caused a spiritual disaster if you will.
God as a parent gave to Adam a commandment to follow during his growing period. Unfortunatly, he did not.

So we were never, even given the chance.. Our wings were clipped before they even spread to attempt to take flight.
Our first ancestors were given a chance

One person messed up, deal with that one person...
Actually 2 people messed up. We call them Adam and Eve. Also Lucifer who was a spiritual being (Angel) messed up big time. The human fall started with him. He used to have God's love all to himself but when Adam and Eve came into the picture, he started to feel a lack of love. Adam and Eve were growing as God's children and Lucifer destiny was to receive God's love through them. He started to have a hard time with that thinking that God loved him less that before.

Give the others a freaking chance.... Pretty much everywhere else in this "infallible" story book he lacks consistence...... Individual punishments here...... Group punishments there....
17th Angel, I understand what you are saying. The deeper question for me is why a powerful, omnipotent, unchanging God would risk all His creation including the cosmos, everything he created to a young man and a woman, basically two teenagers.
What was so important for Him to gain that He was willing to risk everything ?
He had all the money, all the knowledge and all the power He wanted.
Once again what was so important to Him to take such a risk ?
He gave a commandemant to A&E to warn them but he still gave them the free will and responsibility to follow it.

It is impossible to make sense of God's intention without answering that question.
Why did it take such a calculated risk ?
You can see it that way. Even in our own life we do no choose our own parents orwhere we are born. We do not choose our own brothers and sisters or even our own name.

I don't see how that relates?

What we call the original sin involved the realm of the heart and the misuse of love. It was passed down through the blood lineage. It did not cause our physical death but caused a spiritual disaster if you will.
God as a parent gave to Adam a commandment to follow during his growing period. Unfortunatly, he did not.

Our first ancestors were given a chance

If you are taking this book for real then yes, ok -he- indeed didn't follow it.... -he- was to blame yes, and -he- was given a chance.

Actually 2 person messed up. We call them Adam and Eve. Also Lucifer who was a spiritual being (Angel) messed up bing time. The human fall started with him. He use to have God's love all to himself but when Adam and Eve came into the picture. He started to feel a lack of love. Adam and Eve were growing as God's children and Lucifer destiny was to receive God's love through them. He started to have a hard time with that.

Well, yeah ok I didn't mention Eve although it is obvious lol.... But still -their- fault :) Lucifer is a babylonian human king :/ so Satan started to lack love? Doesn't he deserve love? He is a more amazing being.... And was here first.... Elder "siblings" tend to get jealous when younger children come.... It is the responsiblity of the parents to make it clear that they are still loved equally... Not punish them by outcasting them for their jealousy and punishing a complete race of creatures that had nothing to do with it (snakes LMAO)

god is the most jealous, childish being I know... And it seems he is also a hypocrite.... He can be jealous but Satan can not?

Show this "understanding" and "mercy" that is so often losely used with his name..... And reason and explain.... Sheesh...

Then if we look at the humans..... They were tricked.... Someone pops up and scams you out of your money.... Or some sort of con... Should you be punished??? Or felt sorry for?

17th Angel, I understand what you are saying. The deeper question for me is why a powerful, omnipotent, unchanging God woud risk all His creation including the cosmos, everything he created to a young man and a woman, basically two teenagers.
What was so important for him to gain that He was willing to risk everything

Unchanging? Well that seriously is questionable.... And of course why would this "powerful" "omnipotent" "amazing" "supreme" "righteous" "Lord" "glorious" "marvelous" "incredible" "prodigious"....... Ego hungry petty being want a primitive basic simple race of beings?

Hmmmm *scratches head thinking hard*

To kiss his ass, worship him, sacrafice to him, "thank" him for this really.... "nice" habitat, and the many "blessings" we experience in life? To stroke his ego? To be belittled? Punished? to feel indebted? Perhaps he enjoys watching us suffer down here? Simple entertainment? A novel phase, which has obviously worn off?

Risk everything? Wtf has this god risked? What is there he can possibly lose?

It is impossible to make sense of God, without answering that question.

Yeah it, tends to be... Impossible to make sense of the insane.....
I don't see how that relates?
It does because, in our life there are many things that are decided for us. We do not choose our race or if we are born a boy or a girl, rich or poor etc...
We do not have control over the fact that our first ancestors disconnected from God or that Lucifer became Satan.

Lucifer started to lack love? Doesn't he deserve love? He is a more amazing being.... And was here first....
Yes he was created before A&E and he was an Archangel with all hi plendor and wisdom. He was there to protect and guide A&E. The problem is that as A&E grew as God's own children, God did not love Lucifer less but Lucifer felt that way. God's plan was for him to feel His love through his own grown up children.

It is like if the owner of a company wanted his long term employee with whom he had worked many years, to train his son who will in time become the manager and the boss of the company.
It would please the owner if this employee can accept to train his futur boss (his own son) and become loyal to him as much as he was for him.

Lucifer feeling of lack of love is understandable but it kept growing to a destructive level. This is when trouble started.

He knew about the commandment God gave to A&E but he chose to use his wisdom to take advantage of Eve first. Unfortunatly, she fell for it and united with Lucifer twisted words.

I know myself that when I feel a lack of love, Satan is always right there with all his justifications.
The more I read threads like this, the more I see how great a blunder it is to take the Bible literally.
So many things just do not make sense unless you see it as a huge extended allegory.
I am personally responsible for the "Hereditary Sin"...because I'm an adoptee. I was gotten rid of back in 1962 and have been plagued by governmental and societal sanctions ever since the day I was conceived!

Sin is an act or thought which violate heavenly law

They are many kinds of sins but we can classify them as

-Original Sin : Only the Messiah (New Adam) can solve it

-Hereditary Sin: We are inheriting the good and bad from our own ancestors.

-Collective Sin: We are co-reponsible within our communities and nations

-Personal Sin: These are our individual violations
I am personally responsible for the "Hereditary Sin"...because I'm an adoptee. I was gotten rid of back in 1962 and have been plagued by governmental and societal sanctions ever since the day I was conceived!

What do you mean ?

Did your parents abandonned you and then you were adopted ?
I am personally responsible for the "Hereditary Sin"...because I'm an adoptee. I was gotten rid of back in 1962 and have been plagued by governmental and societal sanctions ever since the day I was conceived!

Welcome Secretjeske, it sounds more like you are a "victim" of "hereditary sin", is that what you mean ?