Are there any feminists in this forum ??


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I have been wondering about this since my exchange with Mort last night :

Why isn't G-d - he/she ??

But, God could appear as a male if he so chose, being omnipotent and all. So techincally, I guess (he's) <-- :D as much male as anything else.

And then, just as I was proclaiming myself a feminist, this:

Don't know if it's proper for a man to call himself feminist.

Ok, ladies, so are there any feminists in the house, who can straighten us out about G-d's gender ?? :D
Reading Feminine Mystique really helped me understand my mom's generation. She was a young mother in the early sixties, had attended college to get her MRS degree, wanted to work outside the home but couldn't because it wasn't considered seemly for a pastor's wife, etc.

Lol, I like girls, women are a pain in the butt.

Tis funny all the women's rights stuff and feminism stuff...

I'm gonna get myself in trouble now...

Why is it women where lowcut blouses that show cleavage but then complain if you look at it? (truth be told we have a woman in our office that went into a gay club with a friend and complained how it lowered her self esteem as no one was 'checkin her out')

Now how about parity? In the office they want guys to wear ties, if we had the top three buttons open it would be completely unprofessional.

Ya think I could get away with wearing a strap shirt if I put on a jacket over it?

How about hair? Women can wear many I get away with a pony tail in an upper level management position, but they are screaming if I let my hair down?

How about shoes...go ahead guys wear some open toed sandals without the your next presentation or interview...

I'm gonna get a kilt for the will that go over?
I have been wondering about this since my exchange with Mort last night :

And then, just as I was proclaiming myself a feminist, this:

Ok, ladies, so are there any feminists in the house, who can straighten us out about G-d's gender ?? :D
God's gender? Sacred Cow sayz MUUUUUU!
One day all will see that women do not want to be the equals of men- that would be a step down for us!

God's gender? Sacred Cow sayz MUUUUUU!

The two most likely candidates, yet neither quite admitting to being a feminist :). Although I think we can extrapolate that Francis was pretty close.

So far, I am still the only admitted feminist on this thread :D.

Any other takers ???
I'm gonna get myself in trouble now...
You've been in hot water the last few days anyway, you might as well keep going ! :D.

Why is it women where lowcut blouses that show cleavage but then complain if you look at it?
Oh boy, I have a feeling this one might get the real feminists into a lather ;).

(truth be told we have a woman in our office that went into a gay club with a friend and complained how it lowered her self esteem as no one was 'checkin her out')
Now there's an angle I hadn't figured we would get to. :cool:

Now how about parity? In the office they want guys to wear ties, if we had the top three buttons open it would be completely unprofessional.

Ya think I could get away with wearing a strap shirt if I put on a jacket over it?
Yeah, but if you have a hairy chest you can wear your shirt open with one of those twisted gold chains.

How about hair? Women can wear many I get away with a pony tail in an upper level management position, but they are screaming if I let my hair down?
At your age, be glad you still have any hair left :).:p

How about shoes...go ahead guys wear some open toed sandals without the your next presentation or interview...
Just go barefoot !!

I'm gonna get a kilt for the will that go over?
It would kill any hope you had of being the other feminist on this thread. :D
I am a feminist in the sense that I believe in choice. We all are free to make those chooses and be who we want to be..that being said..I am too tired tonight since I just spent the last 2 days, caring for my 3 month old granddaughter. This is why women don't have babies in their late 50's. Yawn...The future of feminism rests in her lungs and she will be heard..hear me roar, I am woman. And with that..I will be back and yes, my hubby is a feminist,too. But we are in disguise..har har har. My son married a woman 8 years older than him and adopted her 5 year old daughter and then they had 2 more of their own..The whole family goes by her last name hyphenated with his. He uses it, fact his law practice will be Rupp-Zimmerman, INC...soooo I guess we raised him right. ;)
YES !!! Had a feeling you were going to be the "first female feminist" on this thread, Janz !!

So, are you the only one in this forum ? :eek:.
I'm absofreakinlutely feminist!

And Wil... you're just going to have to get used to it. Low-cut is in, and it ain't changing anytime soon. My rule of thumb: try not to give yourself whiplash over it. Act like you seen 'em before!
YES !!! Had a feeling you were going to be the "first female feminist" on this thread, Janz !!

So, are you the only one in this forum ? :eek:.
Hey, the guys at work say that I'm a "true feminist." (Whatever that's supposed to mean.)

Do we have a definition of what it means to be a feminist? Even feminists have different terms they use, such as "second wavers," and "third wavers" to describe those who call themselves feminists.
My wife and I work together and have for years.
I am all for female equality.
We install stone and tile, so the work is not particularly easy but she keeps up with the boyz.
She doesn't have much respect for the "barbi-doll" womenz who we see all too frequently.
So I could be called a feminist.
These divisions based on gender are no different than the divisions based on race.
They mean nothing, but some really make a big deal about nothing.
Ego-maniacs and control-freakz.
Even feminists have different terms they use, such as "second wavers," and "third wavers" to describe those who call themselves feminists.
Betty and I were "second wavers", but we have no idea what that means :cool:. I guess, like someone said, we guys don't make the greatest feminists afterall :confused:.

Anyone care to fill us in on the feminist waves ???
Betty and I were "second wavers", but we have no idea what that means :cool:. I guess, like someone said, we guys don't make the greatest feminists afterall :confused:.

Anyone care to fill us in on the feminist waves ???
In a nutshell:

  • First Wave: Women's Sufferage
  • Second Wave: Women's Liberation--"The Personal is Political."
  • Third Wave: Buffer to exuberence of the Second Wave, cultural clean up crew (often call themselves "bitch, 'ho', and even the c-word,) addresses eclectic issues such as sexual harassment and violence based on gender perceptions, challenging the "glass ceiling," and other various issues relevant to women. Not really "cohesive" in the sense of First and Second Wavers, as they are the clean-up crew...
I'm absofreakinlutely feminist!

And Wil... you're just going to have to get used to it. Low-cut is in, and it ain't changing anytime soon. My rule of thumb: try not to give yourself whiplash over it. Act like you seen 'em before!

:D:D yes breasts are sexualised; if we were all still bare naked then l'm sure attitudes would be different and it would be oh so normal. Unfortunately most of the low cut crew do want admiration from the opposite sex but there are the rare ones who do it for themselves and couldn't give a fig about what others think...60's burn yer bra and all that jazz [it feels good]. Personally l defy anyone not brought up in the 70's who has a modicum of IQ not to be feminist to some stands to reason no less and though one of our british labour politicians is being slagged off for pushing for more females in power positions as a self promoting stunt l personally applaud her as there needs to be more parity yingyang tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree:)
:D:D yes breasts are sexualised; if we were all still bare naked then l'm sure attitudes would be different and it would be oh so normal. Unfortunately most of the low cut crew do want admiration from the opposite sex but there are the rare ones who do it for themselves and couldn't give a fig about what others think...60's burn yer bra and all that jazz [it feels good].
Don't go horseback riding bra-less. {Ouch! :eek:} (Lady Godiva did it for a good cause, so she can be excused.)