Hubble spies 100 planets


Peace, Love and Unity
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The Hubble Space Telescope may have discovered as many as 100 new planets orbiting stars in our galaxy. Hubble's harvest comes from a sweep of thousands of stars in the dome-like bulge of the Milky Way.

If confirmed it would almost double the number of planets known to be circling other stars to about 230.

The discovery will lend support to the idea that almost every sunlike star in our galaxy, and probably the Universe, is accompanied by planets.

I said:
Yes - it's nice, isn't it? :)
i've the huge poster that they printed up when the Deep Field was first shown...

i stare in awe and wonder... and i am firmly convinced that nearly every other galaxy and every other sun contains life... intelligent life at that...

i often wonder if we will detect intelligence in the universe before it detects us...
Vajradhara said:
i stare in awe and wonder... and i am firmly convinced that nearly every other galaxy and every other sun contains life... intelligent life at that...
Namaste Vajradhara,

I also belive there is life on the other planets. Our planet is to small and the Universe to big to accept we all alone.

So indeed, the tough question is when are we going to meet our neighbours ?

Hollywood made so many movies on this subject, so I'm curious who had the intuition. I cannot see myself having an intelligent conversation with a huge spider or something like that.:p

I also belive the evolution on other planets had the same pattern as on Earth.
Ultimately, even we are human, we have the same chemical composition as a plant or an animal.

What do you think ?

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Namaste Alexa,

thank you for the post.

alexa said:
I also belive the evolution on other planets had the same pattern as on Earth.
Ultimately, even we are human, we have the same chemical composition as a plant or an animal.

What do you think ?

hm... this is a tough one. though i believe that the process of evolution would be the same regardless of the world system, the environment could be radically different, and thus, we could have intelligent species that do not resemble humans in any way at all!

as an aside... does anyone else participate in SETI at home? you can help the SETI team by donating CPU time to process radio signals from the Aricebo.
Namaste Vajradhara,

Is SETI you are talking about, related in any kind with A.A.S.R.A ?

alexa said:
Namaste Vajradhara,

Is SETI you are talking about, related in any kind with A.A.S.R.A ?

Namaste Alexa,

i'm not sure what the AASRA is...

SETI is the Search for ExtraTerrestial Intelligence project.
Namaste Vajradhara,

Here I have for you an extract from ESA (European Space Agency) :

:At present, ESA's industrial partners (Alcatel Space Division in Cannes and Astrium in Friedrichhafen) are producing laboratory models to test nulling interferometry in the infrared region of the spectrum. These 'breadboard' models aim to dim the central illuminating source by a factor of one million. ESA and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) are developing a nulling interferometer to be used at the ground-based observatory facility known as the Very Large Telescope (VLT). This consists of four 8-metre class telescopes and a number of smaller 'outrigger' telescopes that can be used as an interferometer. The ESA-ESO nulling interferometer will enter use during 2005.
SMART-2 will be launched in 2006. This mission will consist of two free-flying spacecraft to demonstrate the formation flying that is essential to the success of Darwin's flotilla.

Darwin will launch in the 2014 timeframe.

Possible international collaboration

The American space agency, NASA, is also considering a mission similar to Darwin. Their mission is called the Terrestrial Planet Finder and is the subject of on-going studies. Given the ambitious nature of both projects, it is possible that NASA and ESA will collaborate on the final mission, building a joint Darwin/Terrestrial Planet Finder, which they will launch and operate together. Other countries, such as Russia and Japan have also expressed an interest in contributing to the mission.
2014 is not so far. Only 10 years left.

I hope they'll find something till we are still on this planet.

Wow! Is Daniken still alive?!

Btw - Alexa - I reformated your above post, as for some reason the text went tiny.
I said:
Wow! Is Daniken still alive?!

Btw - Alexa - I reformated your above post, as for some reason the text went tiny.
Yes, imagine that ! Don't forget he was born in 1935.

In 1998, Erich von Däniken co-founded the Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association , A.A.S. R.A. which publishes the English journal Legendary Times reporting about the latest research in the Paleo-SETI field.

By the way, you can reforme any of my posts as you like to, as I am not very strong with computers. Some of the members of my family will gladly agree. :)
i've the huge poster that they printed up when the Deep Field was first shown...

i stare in awe and wonder... and i am firmly convinced that nearly every other galaxy and every other sun contains life... intelligent life at that...

i often wonder if we will detect intelligence in the universe before it detects us...
They have already found us, but wisely keep their distance.
Taken from Wikipedia:
As of March 2010, 431 extrasolar planets have been confirmed.
I also believe that every single star (with rare exception) either supports, has supported, or will support life-bearing planets. As of a rule, these pass through cycles wherein Intelligent Life is evolved. If Earth represents the exception, rather the rule, it would be in that we are much more rogue than the average planet. We are ... a kind of halfway house for misguided, screwed up Souls.

Certain direct eyewitnesses and figures with various positions of authority have testified (and will gladly do so under OATH) that there are between 40 and 50-some different ET civilizations that are visiting us at this time. All of these are involved in assisting us in one way or another, so that we don't destroy ourselves prematurely ... or risk interference with other evolving civilizations in our OWN, or other, solar systems.

Hubble and other devices may one day be able to confirm some of this, but then, if one man can LOOK at another man and fail to see anything except flesh and blood ... and if the materialists and skeptics can look direct at or into some of the very planets which are already supporting evolution and FAIL to observe this process happening ... then these same materialists and skeptics are the ones who need to adjust their criteria for accepting or considering what constitutes Intelligent Life - and I would say their attitudes will also need a bit of adjusting, since Hollywood, the world governments (especially the U.S.) and general public ridicule are pretty much solely responsible for having gotten us to this point where we cannot even see what is bleedling freaking obvious, staring us - as it has since 1947 and before - RIGHT IN THE FACE.

Oh no, there's no ET out there. Hundreds of billions of stars out there in our OWN Milky Way galaxy ... and hundreds of billions of galaxies, even arranged in clusters. But umm, we're it! Yeah, riiiiiiight.

Those who are so VESTED in the interest of insisting there is no ET or Intelligent ET life out there need to ask themselves WHY. WHY is this illusion so important to defend and preserve? For I can tell you succinctly why it is so important, why some of us (who are quite proud of our sciences, btw) feel it so crucial, to help others to realize how ABSURD such a worldview is, in 2010 (or even 35 years ago), here on Planet Earth!
that there are between 40 and 50-some different ET civilizations that are visiting us at this time. All of these are involved in assisting us in one way or another, so that we don't destroy ourselves prematurely ... or risk interference with other evolving civilizations in our OWN, or other, solar systems.

This thread started off fairly reasonably, but has gone off the deep end :).
This thread started off fairly reasonably, but has gone off the deep end :).
IMAGINE much there? Looked into SPACE recently there?

Try this on for size ... and - do yourself a favor: Even if you've seen it before, try watching it AGAIN. I think you missed something. ;)
Maybe give this a bit of thought, too:

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead, his eyes are closed.

~ Albert Einstein​
Certain direct eyewitnesses and figures with various positions of authority have testified (and will gladly do so under OATH) that there are between 40 and 50-some different ET civilizations that are visiting us at this time. All of these are involved in assisting us in one way or another, so that we don't destroy ourselves prematurely ... or risk interference with other evolving civilizations in our OWN, or other, solar systems.

And where did you get this information from ?? :)
IMAGINE much there? Looked into SPACE recently there?

Try this on for size ... and - do yourself a favor: Even if you've seen it before, try watching it AGAIN. I think you missed something. ;)

Yes, this is a great video, and I have seen it before, and it gives me no indication that we have been visited by anyone.

On the other hand, and this will probably make you very happy, there is overwhelming likelihood that other civilizations do exist. We just do not know where they are.
Maybe give this a bit of thought, too:
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead, his eyes are closed.

~ Albert Einstein​

You will not find me disagreeing with many Einstein quotes ;) !!

There is a dualism between rationality and spirituality, don't you agree.