Taken from Wikipedia:
As of March 2010, 431 extrasolar planets have been confirmed.
I also believe that
every single star (with rare exception) either supports, has supported, or will support life-bearing planets. As of a rule, these pass through cycles wherein Intelligent Life is evolved. If Earth represents the exception, rather the rule, it would be in that we are much more
rogue than the average planet. We are ... a kind of halfway house for misguided, screwed up Souls.
Certain direct eyewitnesses and figures with various positions of authority have testified (and will gladly do so under
OATH) that there are between 40 and 50-some
different ET civilizations that are visiting us at this time. All of these are involved in assisting us in one way or another, so that we don't destroy ourselves prematurely ... or risk interference with other evolving civilizations in our OWN, or other, solar systems.
Hubble and other devices may one day be able to confirm
some of this, but then, if one man can LOOK at another man and fail to see anything except flesh and blood ... and if the materialists and skeptics can
look direct at or into some of the very planets which are already supporting evolution and FAIL to observe this process happening ... then these same materialists and skeptics are the ones who need to adjust their criteria for accepting or considering what constitutes
Intelligent Life - and I would say their attitudes will also need a bit of adjusting, since Hollywood, the world governments (especially the U.S.) and general public ridicule are pretty much solely responsible for having gotten us to this point where we cannot even see what is bleedling freaking obvious, staring us - as it has since 1947 and before - RIGHT IN THE FACE.
Oh no, there's no ET out there. Hundreds of billions of stars out there in our OWN Milky Way galaxy ... and hundreds of billions of galaxies, even arranged in
clusters. But umm,
we're it! Yeah, riiiiiiight.
Those who are so VESTED in the interest of insisting there is no ET or Intelligent ET life out there need to ask themselves WHY. WHY is this illusion so important to defend and preserve? For I can tell you succinctly why it is so important, why some of us (who are quite proud of our sciences, btw) feel it so crucial, to help others to realize how ABSURD such a worldview is, in 2010 (or even 35 years ago), here on Planet Earth!