What's your favorite movie?

It's hard to name the best, but some good ones are 'Tetsuo - The Ironman' (Shinya Tsykamoto rules! Everything he does rocks!) and 'The Begotten'. Sometimes the big names manage to pull off a good one, as well. Kubrick's 'Dr. Strangelove' is pretty good. Ingmar Bergman's 'The Seventh Seal' is ok. Lynch's 'Eraserhead' is cool (not good, but cool).

Not sure I could ever put these in order:

Life Is Beautiful (the original in Italian with English subtitles)

Babette's Feast

Fried Green Tomatoes

The Long Walk Home

Shawshank Redemption

Sabrina (like the re-make better, but like the old one, too)

To Kill a Mockingbird

Roman Holiday

Broke Down Palace

(I am sure there are more, but you just asked for one and I couldn't stop;).)

Oops--forgot these:

Being There

Hamlet (like Branaugh's, but Gibson's may be even better)

Much Ado About Nothing

The American President (enjoy that writer--trying to remember his name? Writes "The West Wing" also.)
LOL--I've got to get off this thread because I keep thinking of more films! I won't swear that this is the last time, but I just need to include "Gandhi" (all four or so hours of it!).

And you know, "Nurse Betty" is one that has grown on me--great cast, and just plain wierd!

Okay--I will try not to think of any more--(Maybe I had better go ahead and say that I like Ron Howard's production of "The Alamo" with Billy Bob Thornton and those guys!

I'm done, now (4 posts is probably enough, huh?):)

Glad I didn't swear that 4 posts were enough--

Shame on me for forgetting about "Dead Poet's Society" and "Mr. Holland's Opus." And "84 Charing Cross Road" with Anthony Hopkins and Anne Bancroft.

Don't watch a great deal of sci-fi, (can you believe I have never seen "Star Wars?" Any of them! But I did think that Close Encounters was good, and there was a film with Jodie Foster called "Contact" that, while I don't remember whether the acting or plot was great, it left an impression on me--the visuals, I guess, at the end.

Another film that I don't remember much about, and really don't know if it was any good--but still left its mark--don't laugh--anyone remember "One Trick Pony"?

Better throw in Born in East L.A. in the comedy area (short version is best, I think), along with "The God's Must Be Crazy" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

Two more? "Corinna, Corinna" and "Scent of a Woman."

I don't care what I think of next, I will not post anymore (unless it is just too much to bear!) I did not realize just how much I enjoyed the movies until I started listing them! Something about this is therapeutic.

(God help us all if I get started on the song lyrics thread!):D

That is all--
Over and Out!

Mines umm Blade 1 and Blade 2 you know the vampire films they totally kick arse!!
My favorite movie of all time is Ben-Hur (1959) with Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd and a cast of thousands.:)

I'm also quite fond of Braveheart and Shawshank Redemption.
I like all of Frank Capra's classics, but I think my favorite is Meet John Doe,
starring Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck and Walter Brennan
My favorite movies would have to start off with:
Field of Dreams
I am David
The Graduate (plastics)
What the bleep
2001 (just for the sound track alone)
The Natural
Can anyone tell I'm a baseball fan as well?:cool:
Hello--I swore I would not post anymore, unless it was just unbearable--

Dances With Wolves


(Formerly "Stands with Dishes")

(Currently OWMA--"One With Many Animals")

Oops-wait--that is not my favorite. Just addicted to posting what I think are great films. So let's see...

My very favorite? Toss up between "Life is Beautiful" (in the original Italian with English/German subtitles, and ummm....
Okay, I admit it with full voice--Fried Green Tomatoes. And, "To Kill a Mockingbird." I can do no better than this, except for, maybe "Shawshank Redemption."

It is like asking me what my favorite color is....:)

InLove said:
LOL--I've got to get off this thread because I keep thinking of more films! I won't swear that this is the last time, but I just need to include "Gandhi" (all four or so hours of it!).

Look out! Now you have gone and done it...I was oviously not quick enough though, huh? InLove *grin*

I have to say that when I really think about it, the one movie that always comes to mind is "Gandhi." I will never ever forget the impression it made on me.

The other favorite would have to be "Forrest Gump!" Run Forrest Run!
To this day it hooks me in as soon as the feather floats to rest... But I have to tell you, so much of it is like seeing my own life on the screen. In fact the movie was made where I live. Family worked on (and in it!) before I even knew the full script. And then to see it on premier night and watch so many things that happened in Forrest's life - so much of a mirror to mine and my spouse' was just stunning....

Another relatively recent movie that I really liked was "As Good as it Gets." For once it is an honest to gods brilliant story. And character development...!

An ancient one that hits me where it counts: "The Shoes of a Fisherman," a classic all too frequently forgotten.

"Excalibur" is a must! (John Boorman, 1981) It was the first real attempt at much of the authentic Celtic tradition in a movie form. Though Camelot was wonderful, the "spirit content" of "Excalibur" is exceptional.

"Aliens" must be remembered as one of the all time greatest horror movies. It was not necessarily the greatest acting, but the execution and editing created one of the most intense films ever. It is a shame it was followed up with so many bad ones....

As for another well executed horror...Steven King's "The Shining" (1982?) with Jack...what can I say?:cool:

The LOTR series sreally well done and deserves a mention here. If you can get over Tolkien's "rolling through the hills" to delve into the endless layers....

An odd note? Best movie opening: (at least recently) "Phantom of the Opera." Damn shame the rest of the movie couldn't keep up with the chandelier. :(

Now if you want to see my "cheesy" underbelly, well then, "Batman" cinches that one. And I MEAN MICHAEL KEATON is the ONLY Batman - period.:p

Romance? Well that one is classic as well. Forget the romance, it was just a damn well made movie: "Sleepless in Seattle."

I saw someone else mention "Being There," definitely a winner! And I still roll for Insp. Jacques Clouseau ;)

"Blade Runner" is a masterpiece before it's time.

"Dr. Zhivago" and "Lawrence of Arabia" should both be paid due homage for showing the world what true epic film making is.

"Lion in Winter" is for the acting, STUNNING.

"To Kill a Mocking Bird" because it is one of those novels (one of the finest novels ever written) that if they didn't make the movie, the world would come to an end.

And believe it or not, I still have a soft spot in my heart for "Tootsie." Yeah, I know, I know...

How's that for a start? Alright, I will take a breath and crack the knuckles.

Bright Blessings all!

I have lots of movies I love so I think I'll post a few that I can watch over and over again without getting sick of them.

True Lies

Dune and Children of Dune


Life out of balance - an astonishing symphony of sound and image. A work of art.
1 Vertigo (Hitchcock)
2 Psycho (Hitchcock)
3 Modern times (Chaplin)
4 The great dictator (Chaplin)
5 Deconstructing Harry (Woody Allen)

Rannwind said:
"Blade Runner" is a masterpiece before it's time.
I hereby deem rannwind to be quoted because he is accurate. blade runner has always been a masterpiece, and remains such in the future-past.

My favourite film ever is 'Ghost' with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg.
I also love 'Sister Act' and anything with Eddie Murphy in it.
Stigmata was realy good too.
Hi, Peace, All You Movie Lovers--

Just a "heads up". On KTXT, Channel 11 in Dallas-Fort Worth (not sure what it is elsewhere, but popcorn-worthy, it definitely is:) ), there is a program about the 100 favorite movie quotes. Just thought I'd drop in and say something about it--it is 7:20 P.M. Central right now, here where I am.
