but nonetheless he very clearly compared himself to Prophet moses [pbuh] and that was an absolutely ridiculous thing to do; sorry peeps dont mean to demean the personality of mlk for he was no dobut a great freedom fighter
but all of us ordinary people put together dont even come anywhere close to any prophet let alone a great one like the prophet moses [pbuh] so this sort of thing [to compare ourselves to one] is far from being humble and most certainly a reason for ALlah to be displeased with us, and i'm wondering wether his almost immediate death afterwards had anything to do with this dispelasure of ALlah as far as His will incorporated in it is concerned?
I disagree. The prophets were just ordinary people like you and me. They are just people we remember through the written traditions. It is no reason for us to disregard other memorable events that never made it into Scripture.
Maybe he didn't meet an angel or receive an audible message from God. But that didn't mean he wasn't doing God's will nor did it mean that God wouldn't give him credit for what he did.
Furthermore, MLK was doing what he thought Jesus had taught him to do, which was to stand up against injustice, persecution and oppression.
Actually, in a sense MLK was actually greater than the prophets. He didn't need an angel from God to tell him what was right. He figured it out by himself.
Besides, MLK was
acting under the legacy of Jesus, so it wasn't as if he was doing it to promote himself or acting under his own ethics. He was doing it in dedication to his leader.
It was right that he stated it boldly and courageously.
This is one situation where I think over-reverence for some divine hierarchy of prophets is a dereliction of duty for God's people. Jesus didn't wait around for an angel to speak to him. He intuitively knew what to do based on what his religion taught. It was, of course his own understanding and interpretation, but nonetheless . . . Everybody else was probably waiting for the angels to come and issue instructions.
I think you know how that story ends. According to Christians, Jesus became a prophet. Is he not also a prophet in your religion too?