Are Roman Catholics Christian?

kk, Lets take a deep breath.

Please, consider the fact that its not EVERY catholic is like those rockspiders that did those horrible crimes. I dont forgive nor excuse them. My point is that those kinds of crimes are committed by all types of people, from every faith, every country, every colour, and each gender. Not, just some catholics, K?

oh, and I do have a pic on facebook somewhere of a potato from my son's pantry that grew a few potatoes from it........ nice!!!! and it was mushy. LOL. (what can I say.... hes a guy!!)

Love the Grey
love the grey

l agree with your point, yes, there is sinners and sinning everywhere in this world, even in the priesthoods of religions [and yes not just catholic ones though have the other ones not been found out? or gotten the same 'attention' by the media, is there a conspiracy?!]; and yes l worry about it more than l worry about it down a sleasy slum perpetuated by dysfunctional povery stricken abuser, l'm sure you may understand why. the sin is the same and all are sinners, but give me a break, there is a difference l think.:rolleyes:

you have to realise l am very cynical of power authority leaders hierarchical inequalities and the corruption that more or less inevitably ensues; in this respect l am a closet christian;)

be careful of potatoes. they can be poisonous and cause untold famine! always cook properly:D

what l am ultimately saying is as it has been found to be a fairly common problem, no? then something should be done to change that.
What is the defining mark of a christian????
You will know them by their LOVE!

Kind of like how you can figure out who is your friend and who is just a freeloading parasite.
It is not too hard, really, but sometimes we can deceive ourselves for sentimental reasons.