Conservative Bible Project

Why don't we allow this Bible project to proceed so that we can properly assess its merits? It's obviously going to be a completely different version implicitly promoting a particular perspective. If this is really bad for Christianity, why not let the lay-people decide for themselves?

This reminds me of the Theological Pendulum:
Yes the pendelum will swing....but it swings differently around the world doesn't it? Now with Islam the vocal minority says it is swinging radifundamental...but in places Iran for example it will be interesting to see how long the populace will put up with it and if it will swing the other way.

As for the conservative or liberal project...I was looking around at other attempts at wiki bibles and they don't seem to be proceeding to well...
Josephus is a big debate. Some parts of it found in later manuscripts are considered forgeries, but as far as I can remember there are evidence that early manuscripts contain information about Jesus that have not been edited in.
We also considered Tacitus. But the course mainly used Biblical material, mainly the 3 synoptic gospels, especially Mark.

As for your quote. I do not like that focus on the events myself. Jesus gave new commandments and one should aspire to follow them. It is found in Paul as well in my opinion. One receives the Spirit through faith, but through the Spirit one are a limb of God in the world doing his work.
All the references to Jesus are sort of spurious though aren't they. They speak of something happenned but exactly what?? and the movement was deserving of a line or two in a paragraph or two...and Tacitus article was 80+ years later?

It just seems events like the trial and crucifiction, the turning of the tables even....some pretty big stuff...someone should have recorded it. But then again...if they had and it was substantial enough than it would have possibly become cannonical and therefor suspect as it was biblical and not an outside reference...such a catch 22....
Dogbrain said:
They also are diddling with the text in general, deleting "liberal" portions of Scripture, altogether, such as the woman taken in adultery--yes, these alleged "Christians" wish to delete "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
The Reformation happened long ago. May be some of those involved were conspirators, but these modern people aren't conspirators. They call themselves christians. The question is do you think they are anti christian?

It reminds me of this house cat that lives at my dads house. Whenever I go home to visit I am sick the whole time, but I cannot get them to get rid of their cat. The cat has upheld its requirement of catching mice and is friendly to kids, so the family is loyal.
The Reformation happened long ago. May be some of those involved were conspirators, but these modern people aren't conspirators. They call themselves christians. The question is do you think they are anti christian?

They have decided that God must be an American capitalist, so they will rewrite a book that they claim to consider to be Holy according to this doctrine. That is hubris, pure and simple. Humility is a Christian virtue, not hubris. It is bad enough for people to start proof-texting in order to bolster some extremist political doctrine or another, but the Conservative Bible Project seeks to rewrite the text according to the doctrine, and then that rewritten text will be used in order to bolster that doctrine.
That is a good point, Dogbrain. Looking at the web page it says one focus is to support the idea of free markets by combining it with the parables.

I was not able to find any names of translators or committees that are actually working on any such translation. It just says that the project would take one person 2000 hours working at a rate of 4 verses per hour! Is this a real project or just an idea for a translation?
What they are doing is taking extant English-language versions and "correcting" them to match their modern political doctrines. Then they try to find something they can use to justify their changes.
In Sunday school when we look up a passage each kid has a different bible version...

Last week we were discussing faith and the mustard seed, in the message bible in the move the mountain section it was changed to a poppy seed (to be smaller) and in the scripture on putting it in the ground and the small seed grows to the largest plant it was changed to a pine nut and pine tree and the birds became eagles...

Sometimes these updates are shocking! There is a lot I like in the message, but those were interesting changes (of course folks have always been argueing about the extent of Jesus's travels with him thinking a mustard plant was the largest plant around)