Heaven, Hell and Reincarnation.

Namaste Jerry,

Thanx for the contribution...

What was your belief system prior to the NDE?

I was raised Catholic from the age of a child, I admit, I wasn’t a good Catholic but I kept my foot in the door just in case Heaven and Hell were real. At the age of 55 I had my first heart attack and near death experience. For the next 6 months I spent much time in rehab and getting my body in a healthier condition. Then while walking for exercise I had my second heart attack. Then came the third, through all of this I dieted, exercised and started eating better. But didn’t do anything for my spirit and soul, that’s when I started searching for the truth and found Jesus.
I was raised Catholic from the age of a child, I admit, I wasn’t a good Catholic but I kept my foot in the door just in case Heaven and Hell were real. At the age of 55 I had my first heart attack and near death experience. For the next 6 months I spent much time in rehab and getting my body in a healthier condition. Then while walking for exercise I had my second heart attack. Then came the third, through all of this I dieted, exercised and started eating better. But didn’t do anything for my spirit and soul, that’s when I started searching for the truth and found Jesus.
That is my contemplation....

I wonder how people differ on their NDE experiences based on their paradigm, their previous experiences, their religious upbringing....eg what is in their realm of acceptablity....
And I hope you don't find out for a long while yet!

I think the problem with memory is that it's always one step removed from the now? Memory is resistant to change, in that it tries to see new things according to old things ... things it already knows ... so the saying you can't teach an old dog is not cos old dogs lack learning skills, but rather get set in their ways?

Children live in the now, not in their history ...

Memories make us old ... from what I know of you, you seem a forever young kinda guy to me ... ?

Well I think we agree that hell is what we make it ... so what if our memories confine us in some way, keep us apart from what really is?

God bless,

thanx brother.

I've got to say, I so appreciate the discussion, the reparte, the learning that occurs, and while we are on differing sides of a perceived fence, tilling differently perceived gardens, I think we are developing a mutual admiration of understanding and some beneficial cross polination.

I wish you and yours a long and healthy too....
Concerning Rebirth as the Law governing human existence (or all of existence, if we call it the Law of Evolution] ... as any good fisherman will tell you, the little ones need throwing back.

But as any good Irishman knows, that fish gets bigger every time you tell the story.


[Well, actually I just wrote it; who knows where it came from.] ;):)