Do you have a soul?

Just a question.

  • Are you a body with a soul?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Are you a soul with a body?

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Or something else entirely?

    Votes: 18 58.1%

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a figment of your imagination
Do you have a soul?

Or do you have a body?

Are you a body with a soul?

Or a soul which currently has this body?

Or something else entirely?
Changing conditions that are easily mistaken for a soul.
I've been thinking about this lately myself too and here's some of my present thoughts:

I am a body-soul ... a uniquely integrated manifestation here and now. This isn't something that "I" "possess" like on object. We tend to (for clarity's sake in language) refer to parts of ourselves as "my feet" or "my heart" or "my soul" as if they were things that we possess (which then implies some sort of separation between "me" and what is owned) ... but if anything, the "me" that is using language to express itself is far more likely to be a product of and "owned" by all the other parts, not the other way around, ie this "me" we are identifying with is the little mind or the ego. We forget that the ego and our thinking, self-reflective awareness are only single facets and cannot be the entirety. Without a body-soul, the ego and our ability to be self-conscious and self-reflective would not even exist.

In that sense, a lot of people seem to think that our sense of self is connected to our consciousness, and that consciousness solely refers to the thinking mind. From an Eastern perspective, there are a lot of misconceptions in that though. It is dualistic, body versus soul, earth versus heaven, flesh versus spirit, which sets us as war with our own selves. A holistic understanding of the entire self is blatantly absent in the Western world.

I don't see my soul and my body as separate entities, but co-created and creative as a whole. It might even be helpful to view them as two ends of the same spectrum, and the Self happens as a result.

In one sense the body-soul is eternal. Although its substance changes form, shape, molecules, etc, it is still present and manifests throughout the entire width and breadth of the cosmos. On another level, the body-soul is also finite and breath-takingly unique. There will never be another Jenn like me ever in the stories of the universe. At the same time, the Jenn I was a second ago is slightly different from the Jenn I am now. Eternal impermanence then?

Writer Bill Plotkin defines the soul as -- our "ultimate place in the world" -- comparing it to an ecological niche. In fact, depending on how you view the body-soul relationship will also affect your understanding of the earth itself. Is there a material world versus a spiritual world? And if you can disassociate from the earth, then it's a whole lot easier to view it as something to be conquered, manipulated and utilized rather than as a living interconnected organism of which we are but a small part.

In fact, this is probably one of the most important perennial issues that everyone should try to resolve for themselves, especially considering our present global situations.

At the same time, really I'm just quibbling over symantics, lol :p I'm not even going to get into all the questions this brings up then over re-incarnation, or anything else. That would just be opening a can of worms!
Do you have a soul?

Only in Aristotle's sense of "the entelechy of a natural body having life potentially within it". My "soul" is my form and function as a living, rational being. But this is probably not what you mean by soul. I'm guessing that you are talking about an escape pod of personality?

In that case, I'll have to side with both Science and the Buddha on this one. No soul.

I have a body, sure. I'm also aware -- I'm conscious. I do not monistically reduce my existence to my body, or the reverse. Both my body and my awareness are fully real aspects of my existence, inseparable and two aspects of the complete person, like two sides of the very same coin. I'll call my awareness my "spirit" to distinguish it from a "soul".

My spirit seems to be dependent on my body for its existence. When my body functions in a certain way, my spirit exists. My spirit in some sense is that bodily functioning, and vice versa. They are dual aspects of my existence as a human being, inseparable, although dependent on function, and since life is not eternal, neither is my spirit.


No soul, but my body is hot hot hot.

I don't see my soul and my body as separate entities, but co-created and creative as a whole. It might even be helpful to view them as two ends of the same spectrum, and the Self happens as a result.

I like this idea, it makes a lot of sense to me.

Writer Bill Plotkin defines the soul as -- our "ultimate place in the world" -- comparing it to an ecological niche. In fact, depending on how you view the body-soul relationship will also affect your understanding of the earth itself. Is there a material world versus a spiritual world? And if you can disassociate from the earth, then it's a whole lot easier to view it as something to be conquered, manipulated and utilized rather than as a living interconnected organism of which we are but a small part.

It is true that in the West we tend to think of the world (and the universe) as being created for us, and that we must conquer and control it. Unfortunately this includes destroying/killing species and plant life that get in the way of our growth and development as a species, agriculture being a good example of this. We are a part of the universe and should behave according to it's laws, rather than thinking that these laws don't apply to us and we can do what we want. One day we will run out of resources, will have killed off all the competition for these resources and killed the earth's eco-system in the process. Sorry, felt like a rant.

The Undecided.:)
We and all living creatures are Spirit-Souls within a material body.

The soul permeates & then animates the body.

When the soul leaves the body, the body becomes inert.

The soul is individual and insoluable and never dessolved.

The cosmos are like a movie screen and the soul is an address where a seat in the audience occupied by a soul as per their own birthright earned via actions/acculturation during past lives.

Free-will for all creatures is relegated to 4-Activities:
Defend ---all are material activites on the most mundane stratum of existence.

Above the highest levels of material life is the concept that life is perfect in some locale.

That locale is a transcendent abode of an Absolute Person, Krishna, as revealed (from the Pre-World-War II epochs ---aka western history that always ends in great-grandchildren paying for past 'bad-karma activities enmass' performed by elder Generations)
Hi Wil,

I believe our body, soul and any other concept or THING are all manifestations of 'it'. 'It' is the ultimate. I believe that the body and soul are the same thing yet 'vibrate' at different frequency and come to be in different ways, shapes, sizes.
So we are neither a soul inhabiting a body, or a body with a soul. We just ARE :)
It is the 'human condition' to feel seperate from 'it' and that is why we create a concept of soul and 'MY body, MY ego, MY art, MY thoughts'
I'm not ignoring any of this. I am enjoying the responses.

Finding it interesting that the 'new blood' is so contemplative.

And the usual suspects are responding...well...usual.
Yes,I believe that i do have a soul and a body.My body and my soul are only made for each other but my soul could exist without my body but can not be joined with another body and on the other way my body can not survive without my soul.In other words my orignal self is my soul which gets effected with the action of my body,like doing good deeds will pure my soul and bad deeds will make my soul sinfull.Peace :)
I am a living soul.
I live in a body which apparently has an expiry date.
IMO, I have gone through many of them.

I am not concerned if people accept this or not as I am not out to prove it to anyone.
Let's just put it this way... I hope I have a soul. Cause if I don't, then there ain't really no point to "Me" is there?

May be a bit egotistical of me. Furthering the universe along whatever path it's on may be an alright goal for some, but the idea that I am my body plain and simple, that there is nothing beyond my death that will make all the trial and tribulation of my life make sense, that I will never really, know, anything...

Well, the thought is just about unbearable to me.

Blinking out sucks as a concept. I'm sticking to, "I am a soul inhabiting this body, one of many I--as a soul-- have inhabited, and am inhabiting currently, in many different dimensions."

Guess I'll just have to wait and see if I'm right. Or not. Man, the not knowing is what kills ya!

See ya on the other side! If I don't blink outta existence!

*cries* LOL.
I am not concerned if people accept this or not as I am not out to prove it to anyone.

This is one of those threads where debate is futile.

It's just an opportunity to swap speculations.