Telepathy - Experiences and Insights

I promised I'd post back ... on the experience I had in my dream. While I have no doubt that I did exchange glances/greetings with my friend [3 times, so that I would remember it], he does not recall anything unusual.

He says:
I know how important it is to share your dreams with those you dream about. Don't stop sharing ... and continue dreaming.

Dream on. And these dreams are not bunk. Tell your forum I SAID so ... so there. LOL
This one I interpret as the kind of in-dream suggestion which occurs when the sub- or super-conscious wishes for us to remember [a certain segment of] the dream. This is why I heard my friend calling my name, looked up as I was passing through what seemed to be an airport, called his name in reply ... then repeated this co-acknowledgment 2 additional times.

The fact that he remembers nothing is immaterial. Unfortunately, it doesn't help prove telepathy, dream telepathy, or shared dream experiences. For that, I'd have to find a link to the post I made awhile back on my shared dream experience during college 20 years ago.

Or perhaps I'll have a serendipitous telepathic experience ... this afternoon!

Next person to have one, please share it on this thread! :)
My twin daughters have shared memories.

We have to sit down and work out what happened to who.
Thomas, I think that xenophobia is very much the obstacle we must overcome when it comes to being open to new experiences. These may be religious, or spiritual, or they may fit into what some would call the paranormal.

J.B. Rhine, a pioneer of the modern field of parapsychology, started the J.B. Rhine Institute just an hour away from me (at Duke University in Durham, NC). As far back as the 1930s Rhine had already fairly well proven ESP for anyone who plays the skeptic card and insists upon statistically significant evidence in order to adjust his or her beliefs.

The question we must ask ourselves, is not what evidence is OUT there (for I am convinced that the sky's the limit), but rather, what are we willing to accept in order to become convinced?

Is there already ample evidence - even in the physical, empirical, TANGIBLE world of ...
  • ETs? - YES
  • ET visitiations to Earth? - YES
  • Life after death? - YES
  • The immortality of the human Soul? - YES
  • Telepathy, ESP, precognition, divination, etc.? - YES

This list could pretty much be endless. We might add comical things like the Flying Spaghetti Monster ... but this gets into the question of Schrödinger's cat, and I have a pretty good feeling there ain't no FSM, no matter how many cats might survive to emerge from the magic box. :p
Thomas, I think that xenophobia is very much the obstacle we must overcome when it comes to being open to new experiences.
Hey, don't preach at me, I'm Catholic remember, telepathy's not the half of it! We've got all that and more ...

The question we must ask ourselves, is not what evidence is OUT there (for I am convinced that the sky's the limit), but rather, what are we willing to accept in order to become convinced?
That's the point I made.

God bless,

Addendum to the above:

Anyone who's open to the new experience, is open to the light.

The more the light, the more the darkness is thrown into sharp relief. I sometimes think the sceptic is more afraid of the dark. Certainly, the testimony of the saints (of all traditions) are often, paradoxically as it might seem (which it ain't), of the darkness.

The spirit is willing, as the saying goes, but the flesh is weak. Don't know about Schrödinger's Cat — I would say the container is more important than the kitty.

The Greeks had it right. Hesiod's account of Pandora's Box is misunderstood, owing to an error in translation attributed to Erasmus of Rotterdam in the 16th century. He misinterpreted the Greek pithos to mean pyxis, so what is now a 'box/pyxis' was actually a 'jar/pithos', a large jar used to store provisions, or, ritually, as a container in which human bodies were buried.

Pandora ('all-gifted') was the first woman on earth (Eve, anyone?). Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity (Eve, anyone?), Pandora opened the jar, and all evil was loosed upon the earth (Eve, anyone?). She hastily closed the lid, but 'the cat was out of the bag' as it were, all except for one thing, which remained at the bottom, and that was Hope.

Evil cannot be contained ... by it can be transformed ... by love.

Love overcomes all. We have to believe it, it's the only hope we have.

God bless,

Is there already ample evidence - even in the physical, empirical, TANGIBLE world of ...

Perhaps my problem is in your definition of "ample", or "evidence". Because in you list, I can only find one thing that I believe in (life after death ... sort of) but it's not based on evidence, it's based on faith.

What ample, physical, empirical and TANGIBLE evidence do you have to prove the others?
Perhaps my problem is in your definition of "ample", or "evidence". Because in you list, I can only find one thing that I believe in (life after death ... sort of) but it's not based on evidence, it's based on faith.

What ample, physical, empirical and TANGIBLE evidence do you have to prove the others?
Here goes:

AndrewX said:
Is there already ample evidence - even in the physical, empirical, TANGIBLE world of ...

  • ETs and ET visitiations to Earth?? - YES
Forms of evidence:

  1. Common sense [Read this regarding 500 million `Goldilocks planets' in the Milky Way alone].
  2. Physical evidence from ET craft that have crashed or been shot down. You may not have access to it, but don't blame me for the policies of secrecy which make this the case.
  3. Sworn testimony from 100s if not 1000s of credible witnesses regarding various forms of direct contact, including working INSIDE ET craft to reverse engineer propulsion and guidance systems.
  4. The microchip [from #3, above, as well as #2].
  • Life after death? - YES
Forms of evidence:

  1. Direct experience of those pronounced clinically dead who have returned to tell of their OOBE/NDE experiences.
  2. Direct teachings from those who have survived death via credible individuals able to communicate with the dead ... via a variety of means.
  3. Measurable loss of weight in the human organism upon physical death [something empirically measurable `leaves' the body].
  • The immortality of the human Soul? - YES
Forms of evidence:

  1. Testimony of individuals from #1 & #2 above, plus ...
  2. Recollection by some individuals of former incarnations, wherein all manners of correlation and verification are possible. This happens with children all the time, but of course, where acceptance of Rebirth is not present such instances are disregarded and discouraged.
  3. Spiritual and religious teachings as in #1, with the added weight of authority which so many place upon such accounts. These exist in every major world religion.
  4. Research demonstrates the exact locations within the human organism of attachment of the `soul' [Sutratma] within the heart. In & of itself this fits more with evidence of life after death or of a non-physical component of our being, yet further investigation will lead the enquirer to the conclusion that we are immortal.
  • Telepathy, ESP, precognition, divination, etc.? - YES
Forms of evidence:

  1. Statistically significant studies from such pioneers in the field of Parapsychology as J.B. Rhine, Charles Tart, Robert Monroe, et al.
  2. Direct testimony of those having experienced such, often enough including instruction on how to repeat or produce such experience within one's own life, for one's own satisfaction.
  3. Pretty much every human being has experienced these; most of us probably several times a day. Ironically, we would rather believe in `chance/coincidence' or continue to invent ridiculous, unlikely and even impossible explanations ... instead of simply accepting the obvious.
In the last analysis, most skeptics are either too entrenched within their own worldview to bother any serious investigation. Where it is asked that they set aside what they currently cherish [as the likely or sensible explanation for much of the above], many people just flat refuse. They have no understanding of what the poet called "the willing suspension of disbelief."

When it is further demanded of them to make certain lifestyle changes in order to develop certain NATURAL ABILITIES latent within EVERY human being, there is additional resistance if not flat refusal ... and a man would rather argue until he turns blue in the face ~ than make the needed adjustments and face the facts.

The Third Object of the Theosophical Society has been, since its inception in 1875:
To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in man.
Since then, millions of people have experienced pretty much every item on my list, though of course only a small minority have ever heard of Theosophy or joined the Society. There is no need, since all of us, in the course of time, will know this list to be as obvious as the following:

Each of us possesses, at least in potential (and where unimpeded by karmic affect of `birth defect' or accident):

  • Sight
  • Hearing
  • Touch
  • Taste
  • Smell
Try and discuss and PROVE to me, however, that you can smell spaghetti sauce, or see an airplane off in the distance ... and you cannot do it. Ten people can all testify that they SAW the airplane, yet in truth, it can turn out that it was simply a bird. In such case, we are MISTAKEN either by our sense of sight, or smell ... or by the conclusions which WE THE THINKER draw therefrom.

Naturally you may make these objections to some of the forms of evidence in my list. Clearly, those of us who have experienced some or all of those items, however, are not few and far between. And, since we form a group of people that has always existed since ever there has been a Humanity, I think the greater difficulty would be to disprove that our experiences are valid, accurate and anything other than what they appear to be.

Note, for example, that half of the American population believes in the existence of ETs. And with 500 million Earthlike planets here in OUR GALAXY alone ... I can only look to the skeptic regarding such a point, and once again ask: "REALLY???" :confused:

Siriusly, though, when it comes to telepathy, those of us who have had a confirming experience, just as those who have had an NDE or OOBE really aren't much interested in hearing about others' skepticism. What we'd like to know, if you are interested in the topic, is: What aspect? Why are you drawn to it? What are your own experiences, or those of your friends? And things like, what do you suppose society will be like as more & more of us develop such abilities.

Or, along these lines, we might be curious about how a group of telepathic individuals might interact with those who have not yet developed telepathy. What might be the implications for Spirituality in general, or for some particular style of worship?

The possibilities are endless! :)
Let's take these one at a time in order to give each proper consideration...

Common sense [Read this regarding 500 million `Goldilocks planets' in the Milky Way alone].

The fact that these planets exist doesn't diminish the distances one needs to travel to get to them. You talk about "common sense", but think for a moment. How much resources would an alien race have to be expend to travel to Earth and maintain a presence.

For what? To merely observe?

Physical evidence from ET craft that have crashed or been shot down. You may not have access to it, but don't blame me for the policies of secrecy which make this the case.

Would you expect a judge to accept this in court? "Your honor, my client is innocent and there is physical evidence to prove it. However, due to policies of secrecy, you may not have access to it. You'll simply have to take my word on it that it exists."

Sorry. I simply don't. Evidence must be presented for it to be ... evidence.

Sworn testimony from 100s if not 1000s of credible witnesses regarding various forms of direct contact, including working INSIDE ET craft to reverse engineer propulsion and guidance systems.

Mormons believe that an angel revealed to their founder Joseph Smith, a bound book of golden plates with holy writing which he translated into the Book of Mormon. A number of men testified that they too had seen the plates and risked their reputations on it.

Sworn testimony doesn't amount to truth. People lie. They can also be easily mistaken or deceived and led to believe things that aren't true.

The microchip [from #3, above, as well as #2].

Hmmm... over three days and no response.

Does the fact that I disagree with your contentions mean the discussion is over?

That doesn't sound very sporting.
Hmmm... over three days and no response.

Does the fact that I disagree with your contentions mean the discussion is over?

That doesn't sound very sporting.
ROFL, it means I just now even noticed anyone did respond.

Now, when it comes to experience, let me make one thing clear: As even an occasional telepath, I don't care or mind if others prefer to dispute the reality, or question it. If your mind is closed, however, then just as you are unlikely to experience telepathy itself, so you will find that NOTHING anyone else can say will *change* your mind. Isn't that so?

So ya know, whether it's ET taking you up and trying to talk sense, or the guy next to you on a bus trying to have that convincing conversation with you about it ... isn't it really just a waste of time?

What is it, exactly, that you are here to DISCUSS?

Do you have experience and insights to SHARE?

If not, then I will response, soon enough, to your post. But then, please tell me, WHY should I bother? I'm not quite clear on that part yet. :confused:
It's certainly possible for two people who know each other well to 'read each others thoughts', as it were, but perhaps not quite in the manner that is generally accepted as being an example of telepathic communication.

For humans to have this, there would need to be an evolutionary reason - I can see no immediate evolutionary reason as to why we would have evolved (at what point), to be able to communciate telepathically.

Perhaps were it a few million years from now, and a mutation in our genes starts to cause us to lose our voicebox, and gradually, another means of communication were to develop, then yes, that sounds more plausible.

As an aside, in almost every case of people reporting coming into contact with alien life forms, the beings ALWAYS communicate telepathically.

This is the one detail that seems consistant in all of those reports.

If you think there is a good chance that there are intelligent life forms, then it is possible that one or more of them use non verbal communication, instead of verbal. I am speculatingly wildly, of course, but one can with a subject such as this.

Two things are clear.

There are those among us who really believe that humans have this telepathic ability. It is rarely explained in terms of how it is meant to work, at least in no detail to be of use, but the claim is made.

And it is also clear that as far as the serious scientific community goes, there is no proof that humans hold telepathic abilities.

I would tend to go with their judgement for now.
But then, please tell me, WHY should I bother? I'm not quite clear on that part yet.

Why carry on a discussion in a forum?

Isn't that why to posted your claims of aliens, NDE's and the like ... to spur discussion?

Anyway ... you said you have evidence.

I simply asked you to share it.
As someone who has experienced telepathic rapport on numerous occasions (see all posts on this thread ~ some where I write as taijasi), I have an interest only in sharing that with others who are drawn to the subject. I have no interest in trying to pry anyone's hand away from a book that is being held firmly closed against the table.

Perhaps if you open that book ...

... but let me clear, I cannot and will not open it for you. I have neither the right, nor the ability, at present. Nor would I use it for such a purpose if I did.

Let me state again that I have most definitely experienced entire conversations with others through telepathic means.

In one case this was while wide awake and sitting right beside the person. Neither of us hallucinated or imagined the event, for as soon as our conversation was finished, I broached the subject, asked about it directly. We then proceeded to review the entire conversation, confirming what was discussed, the exact wording of what was said [for it was verbal] and even noting that both shared a hearty laugh toward the end of the exchange.

Now, technically, based on my studies, this is more an example of an astral rapport than true telepathy, for the latter is a mental phenomenon, being the exchange of thoughtforms between two or more individuals. Still, when you can hear the words of the person next to you in their head, in their voice and even experience them laughing ... plus continue the conversation with full awareness that the person with you is experiencing the same, I think it's okay to use this as a practical enough example of telepathy.

And it proved it for me, FOREVER.

Now, the other event was a shared dream, taking place right before a morning philosophy class one summer [almost 20 years ago]. I believe I have recounted already what occurred on that occasion and I will not here take the time to do so again. As I say, perhaps this is just one of those cases where you had to be there {and be part of the experience}.

So, can I PROVE these to you, citizenzen, or enlightenment? Or anyone else?

Nope. Sure can't. And I don't have to. I don't need to. And your doubt and skepticism diminishes my experience, my recollections and my understanding of the events in no way.

The only thing that you can affirm, and perhaps that not even for certain, is that you yourself have apparently not had an experience which convinces you that all humans are capable of telepathy. But even then, it is admitted that most of us do have, or have had experiences which are suggestive of that. And as you pointed out, enlightenment, ETs usually do use a form of telepathy [true telepathy, and coming from higher mental levels I suspect] in order to communicate.

When it comes to ET travels, I would say this:

ETs have visited us from time to time, always, because one way view it is that we are sort of a stop along the proverbial highway. It's like driving out in the midwest of the U.S. ... there's not much there except dust and tumbleweeds, so when you do come across any kind of civilization, it kind of gets your attention.

But there's another reason they have been drawn here, and SENT. It's because of our discovery of the beginnings of atomic energy, and specifically the fact that we've already put it to destructive rather than creative use. Our galactic neighbors want to know about this, and help us if they're able. For that, and for similar reasons, some have been called in specifically.

The travel time for one species is said to be 9 months. But yes, this is traveling at transluminal velocities. I believe I had it worked out at 30some or 50some times C, the speed of light. Clearly it requires a better understanding of physics, and the realization that field theory is still dimly sensed and grasped by many scientists, in order to follow this. I am neither a gifted scientist nor an expert on GUFT. All I know is, they travel, they get here, and the exact details are irrelevant beyond a certain point. But curiously enough, this matter of their propulsion does tie in with the energy question [nuclear or otherwise] ... and you can research Ununpentium [Element 115] if you want to learn more.

citizenzen said:
Would you expect a judge to accept this in court?
As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I expect. But not just some sort of crackpot abduction story, I'm talking about the SWORN testimonials of dozens upon dozens of military personnel, radar operators, administrators and government officials, etc. These folks, collaborating with Steven Greer in the Disclosure Project, have been BEGGING Congress for 10 years to subpoena them so they can swear on a stack of Bibles to what they have directly witnessed and encountered.

Strange, but, Congress just doesn't want to hear it!
I think it might be due to having their heads in the sand, looking to the Middle East for all that oil!

Now, if you disbelieve sworn testimony from credible witnesses, I think that says a whole lot more about you than it does them. It doesn't invalidate their story at all. It just shows that you don't want to believe something, whatever your reasons may be.

For instance, the notion that we've got some pretty neat microchips and an emerging science of nanotechnology largely thanks to various ETs who have showed us how to work on a small scale ...

... of course you're free to discard this, because you are frightened by the implications. Or you can say it just doesn't fit with what you were taught, or grew up believing, or have experienced

Ya know what? I've never actually SEEN aliens working on microchips, nor do I have proof in the form of empirical connections and technology to show that what I believe is true.

Some people are much more recalcitrant than others, and they can be the strongest among the 50% or so who are the holdouts. Indeed, if some of the believers really only believe because they are weak-minded and have been swayed by the masses, or convinced that Jesus saves us all just because they met that glowing, loving figure in the near-death experience, then I'd say these folks have quite a ways to go to catch up with someone who is skeptical, even a bit cynical about all this.

So all I ask is that you defend your viewpoint. And in this case, I would ask YOU, citizenzen and enlightenment, what would it take to convince you of any of the points I've made, about things which I believe we have ample evidence for ... ?

Perhaps more specifically, would you either or both like to try an experiment with telepathy? I might be open to that, although I care nothing for results. I only offer it because, since some insist on *direct experience* ... there needs to be someone to oblige them. ;)

Yes, I'd have to do some research, but all I need are volunteers. That said, don't rush me; just hold me to it. :)
Andrew - It is only right that I (and others) remain skeptical, towards this subject. It is not a sleight on you, of course, I hope you understand. However, when someone claims a special ability (in this case your telepathy), it is also normal for other people to ask for evidence of this (a testimony does not count as evidence, any more than it would be evidence for my to claim that I was in regular contact with an advanced race of aliens).

Have you ever considered demonstrating this in a controlled environment, perhaps at your local university?

Is this form of communcation something that you can control, or is it an occasional experience, with entirely random people?

If it is occasional, why do you suggest it is so?

I am quite interested in the area of intelligent life forms, albeit you speak about it (and their intentions), as if you had first hand knowledge of their existance being fact (do you?).

Many (but not all) of those who report alien visitors often tell of dire warnings about our messing with nukes, a sort of doomsday prophecy for our planet. I wonder if you are familiar with Adamski, Rael, and Billy Meir?

There are lots of people who have made claims of meeting advanced alien life forms, many which look pretty different to each other (Adamski's tall and blonde haired aliens v the so called 'grays'.).

However, one thing seems central to ALL species - they are all loosely humanoid. That is, they all follow the human model of walking on two legs, having two eyes, generally our form.

The odds on intelligent life evolving on another planet, a life form which just happens to fall in line with the basic human shape, are so tiny as to be neglible.

The odds of this happening on MULTIPLE planets are so tiny as to be impossible.

Perhaps people lack much imagination, or perhaps they feel their story sounds a bit more plausible if they stick to the humanoid model.

After all, saying that the aliens looked like giant amphibians is going to get you even funnier looks!

Just a few thoughts, Andrew

Perhaps more specifically, would you either or both like to try an experiment with telepathy? I might be open to that, although I care nothing for results. I only offer it because, since some insist on *direct experience* ... there needs to be someone to oblige them. ;)

Yes, I'd have to do some research, but all I need are volunteers. That said, don't rush me; just hold me to it. :)

I am up for it - and will do it properly.
The travel time for one species is said to be 9 months.

Said by who? Source please.

... 30some or 50some times C, the speed of light. Clearly it requires a better understanding of physics ...


All I know is, they travel, they get here, and the exact details are irrelevant beyond a certain point.

Actually, when you claim to know something, then the details become quite relevant. So far there have only been claims and no details. I find that curious that you are so quick to make claims, yet so reluctant to provide any evidence that supports them.

... and you can research Ununpentium [Element 115] if you want to learn more.

Research reveals ...

The Element Ununpentium

History and Uses:

On February 2, 2004, scientists working at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, along with scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, announced the creation of ununpentium. In experiments performed between July 14, 2003 and August 10, 2003, atoms of americium-243 were bombarded with ions of calcium-48 using a device called a cyclotron. This produced one atom of ununpentium-287 and three atoms of ununpentium-288. All four atoms quickly decayed into other elements.

Ununpentium's most stable isotope, ununpentium-289, has a half-life of about 320 milliseconds. It decays into ununtrium-285 through alpha decay.

Since only a few atoms of ununpentium have ever been produced, it currently has no uses outside of basic scientific research.

There appears to be, as yet, little known about this element. Perhaps you can point to a source where I could learn more.

Now, if you disbelieve sworn testimony from credible witnesses, I think that says a whole lot more about you than it does them. It doesn't invalidate their story at all. It just shows that you don't want to believe something, whatever your reasons may be.

The old saying is that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I tend to believe that myself. What does that say about me? I'll let you be the judge.

For instance, the notion that we've got some pretty neat microchips and an emerging science of nanotechnology largely thanks to various ETs who have showed us how to work on a small scale ...

... of course you're free to discard this, because you are frightened by the implications. Or you can say it just doesn't fit with what you were taught, or grew up believing, or have experienced ...

Right. I'm as frightened by the implications as you are of presenting any evidence. :rolleyes:

So all I ask is that you defend your viewpoint. And in this case, I would ask YOU, citizenzen and enlightenment, what would it take to convince you of any of the points I've made, about things which I believe we have ample evidence for ... ?

Evidence, of course ... of which you've presented virtually none.

If it is so ample, then present it.

If you are interested in accepting the invitation I've extended [see earlier post] please let me know. Otherwise, I have nothing further to discuss. One cannot carry on a discussion in this fashion. Your mind is closed, for until you will tell ME what YOU will accept as EVIDENCE [for ANYTHING discussed here on this thread] ... then the burden is on YOU.

The ball is in your court, as the saying goes. Tell ME what you are seeking.

As for me, I know what it was. I have found it. And I'm satisfied.

But I can't promise that for you, or for anyone else. I walk my path, not yours. The only reason I am interested in dialogue with such skeptical individuals as yourself and enlightenment is because I do not know for certain that I'm not capable of being of some assistance to you in forwarding your understanding. If possible, I would help with that.

I refer to understanding of self, understanding of other, and understanding of the nature of the world we live in. I cannot claim to fully grasp the modus operandi, on every level and in every manner ... of Deity [Divinity, God].

What I claim, is that what I've been fortunate enough to have experienced, makes sense to me. And yes, I do have some idea of how things work ... both regarding telepathy, and UFO/ET travel. I even think I have a decent, working understanding of why our friends from afar are here.

However, for discussion of ETs and UFOs and such, including the power source [Element 115] which some claim gets them here across vast distances, let's start another thread. I promise to try and do this, too, but I consider the discussion of telepathy, and possible experiments, more of a priority.

The other, more practical concerns for me, include starting some new work next week, so I ask for patience from those brave and willing volunteers - so far enlightenment and wil - who have both said they are ready to at least `go through the motions,' even if they may remain skeptical. This is all that one can ask, and for my end of it I promise to do my best to devise something reasonable, impartial and as true to the methods of modern science as I can manage.

It might be a week or two, but I will certainly be looking forward to it! :)

My hope is to get at least 4 or 5 volunteers, so I'll be doing my homework and seeing if there are existing tests, possibly a la J.B. Rhine, which can be used. I think the idea of `statistical significance' is what we're after ... although with an open mind, there may be all sorts of unforeseen or curious outcomes!
citizenzen said:
"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Is true telepathy a rare phenomenon? Perhaps. But I agree with Brian that empathy, and various forms of emotional [or even physical] telepathy are probably just a part of ordinary, everyday life for us all. That being the case, you will need to provide me with extraordinary evidence if you want me to believe that this is not so.

Perhaps you have never had such experiences. In that case, I guess you're kind of the exception ...