Jesus as God is problematic.

Then again, yours is imaginary while mine is real.

Personally, I find it a very bold statement for you to claim that your God is real when everyone else's is imaginary. So who, what and when is your God? Are you talking about yourself? That is the only real "god" I could imagine you claiming is real.

Well, let me say this:

I am real too!

If I'm not real, nothing else is real.

Even if I was an AI, a computer simulation, I would still be real. My consciousness, my self-awareness, my ability to perceive a reality is what makes me real. I think, therefore, I am. I am real to me, therefore I am real somewhere, sometime to someone even if it is only me! I am a person, I have a sense of self and I think in the first person!

Yours is the one who says he is the alpha and omega of all attributes. Not mine.

Alpha and Omega, not "Alpha and Omega of all attributes." He doesn't say the first or last of what. Just the first and last.

If am the alpha and omega of me, you the alpha and omega of you. God is the first and last of Himself. I am assuming as a premise that there is only one instance of each and every one of us individually.

I think you've misinterpreted the "Alpha and Omega." I think what it really means is that God is an individual. But if God is an individual, then there is only one God. Only one individual can claim the title of "God." Anyone who wants to assume the title must kill Him first and take His place.

Now that is a big ego. Oops the biggest ego, I shall place no one before him.

God is an individual. I don't consider that a big ego. Based on my reading of the Bible, God only wants to claim back what belongs to Him, and He has given us the choice to belong. I consider His claims to be humble. He hasn't meddled in our affairs and has conformed to the Prime Directive of the cosmos. We have been left alone to manage our own affairs. He has earned my respect.

So let us all go home in peace . . .

Live long and prosper.

You indicate that God gave man freedom of choice.

He offers --do it my way or burn forever.

That is a threat and coercion.

That is not a free choice.

The rest of what you wrote is just useless dogma.


Do you mean that people on planet earth don't have free choices just because our human law says that if you murder you will be sentenced to life imprisonment?!

If you are against God's Law, you will be judged and sentenced to staying in a life separation. If you continue to sin in that separation (no one knows what will happen in such a separation from God), perhaps you'll be burned forever.
....perhaps you'll be burned forever.
Certainly not the actions of a loving God.
Sounds more like Moloch.
In modern English usage, "Moloch" can refer derivatively to any person or thing which demands or requires costly sacrifices

Jeremiah 32:35:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire l'Molech; which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they should do this abomination.....