Again i say remove the cyniscisim and sarcasm. Look instead with love. Is it in you to be saved? Do you say to the one that created you it is not you who moves me but i that move myself? Read all that i have posted. I might be worth being regarded with love, instead of contempt. If you wish i will become ignorance for you. What ever you wish."God, don't you know about the cycles of life and death? You know I'd love to stay here and chat with you... for all eternity... but I kinda have another life I wanted to experience... so... ummm... yeah... we'll catch you on the flip side, dude."
When one walks in darkness for him there is no light.Never left, there's no where else.
If, when dead, you stand before the all, and from it a question comes "why should i allow you to tarry here for eternity?" what would you reply?
If one arrives in the forum Eastern Religions and Philosophies Buddhism, Confucianism, Tao, and others, and posits things are cynical and sarcastic to the forum, what should one expect in return?Again i say remove the cyniscisim and sarcasm. Look instead with love. Is it in you to be saved? Do you say to the one that created you it is not you who moves me but i that move myself? Read all that i have posted. I might be worth being regarded with love, instead of contempt. If you wish i will become ignorance for you. What ever you wish.
If all are not allowed to tarry, then I do not want to either.![]()
If one arrives in the forum Eastern Religions and Philosophies Buddhism, Confucianism, Tao, and others, and posits things are cynical and sarcastic to the forum, what should one expect in return?
Again i say remove the cyniscisim and sarcasm. Look instead with love. Is it in you to be saved? Do you say to the one that created you it is not you who moves me but i that move myself? Read all that i have posted. I might be worth being regarded with love, instead of contempt. If you wish i will become ignorance for you. What ever you wish.
You don't have to leave just because people look at things differently.Its ok for me ill just go back to talking to people in person. Thanks to everyone that i havent offended, and for those i have i am sorry. See you all on bended knee. May ALL of you be blessed in your life by the Light of Love.
It is just your pride which feels snubbed, so a good opportunity to put that "old man" aside and be renewed.
Because you made me for that ultimate purpose...If, when dead, you stand before the all, and from it a question comes "why should i allow you to tarry here for eternity?" what would you reply?
Ephesians 2:8-10
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
8 For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— 9 not from works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.