Who (What) is God to you?
Limitless light and love. God Herself is the source and ground of all being- She is being itself, creativity and change and all the forces that allow the manifest multiverse to be possible.
When you think about God, what do you visualize (If anything)?
When I think of the Divine- of God Herself- I generally think of sound. I think of vibration and sound. Visually, I think of white light expanding into every direction. Sometimes, if I think about Her before the beginning of all that is manifest reality, I think of a tiny point of light that holds infinite power and love.
He is both infinite and finite according to my view. We exist as a tiny part of Him, created from God's substance itself.
That's about how I see it. God Herself has always (and will always) held everything that ever was, is, or will be within Her embrace. We are but extensions of Her limitless light, and deep down, what makes us real is only Her grace flowing through us. It is the relationships between all things, the connections between them, that are eternal and real. The rest is ephemeral- an ever-changing work of art that unfolds from Her force as creatrix-destroyer.
We are part of Her. But we are able to forget.
Can't wait to read all the other responses... interesting.
Basically, god would be our perfect selves in potential, that which our inner daimon/genius/higher-self would point the way to with a "calling" towards personal growth.
In many forms of Paganism, there is simultaneously the belief in some absolute (the ground of being, the force(s) that are the prime mover(s)), gods and goddesses (as distinct kinds of disincarnate but non-omni beings), and the "god-self" or "higher-self" or "deep self" of every individual. The god-self is what is connection to and of one substance with all other beings and the absolute.
Much of the work is awakening to this higher self and fostering a better relationship with it- enabling the communication between higher self and the rest of self. It is a process of integration, not denial. The animalistic and humanistic tendencies are not rejected, but rather integrated and refined through the perspective and input of the higher self.
So, really- the process is one of divinization. The god inside is the god outside... and the god that is within the gods/goddesses.