the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

for a start the Bible is not clear on being a veggie, some people like to control others using the old what the Bible says is a classic way of achieving this control.

as for that stuff about meat eating causing 9/11 thats total bull**** and anyone who bought into that lie is a few tinnies short of a 6 pack imo.
Given that the cycle we are in is the Kali Yuga it makes sense that people do crazy things, and it is to be expected as it is the "normal" at this time....but it will pass and we will see clearer eventually.
Mass karmic payback huh? For eating meat? Does not compute.

Guess What? Want to hear the News about your Non-computablity?????
Okay, here it is:


We know that it is new. We know that it has been over-looked as the hidden common-denouminator since time-immemorial through-out all the western fertile cresents, mummy after mummy. WE KNOW!

Welcome to the math! . . . just in time to keep up with all the other pressing matters of the day/epoch/era/millennium/World-war/day-in-the-lives-of-so-many-others-in-the-tabloids!

correction to last sentence in Post 19:
"Not at all ironic to INSURANCE COMPANIES"

but it will pass and we will see clearer eventually.

Alas, these sentiments have long been expressed by many a generation past, on all the History Channel Documentaries. Am I being too cynical?

No way to prove that eating meat caused any of this.

It is the cause!!!
What University or "Think-Tank" research group are doing this research???
No research = No Public-Relations' Spin Rebuttal required by the un-washed masses.
Keep wagging the dog's tail--and ask to questions and give no answers . . . KNOW WAH IM TAWKING BOUT? Wink wink nudge nudge say no more, say no more.
I'm certainly not going to discount what you're saying, because there is probably something in it. After all, to kill something and eat it is violent. Still, I feel like it is natural to eat meats. Perhaps you are elevating humanity to something above what it really can be? I also don't understand what you are saying exactly. Are you saying that you can prove that meat-eating is new in humans by analyzing human mummies and the dates of atrocities?
Are you saying that you can prove that meat-eating is . . .

I am revealing that meat eating is the little known common-denouminator since time-immemorial of the causes of violence.

Remember Cain & Abel grievence. How Ironic ---whilst in the garden, to be concerned about where to hide (or 'sow' ?) the blood & fat.

To say meat eating is old to Humanity ---so what. Ancient records of humanity are NOT Old enough back into the historical record.

Ancient prestine golden-age epochs are lost to western society ---many a despot sought to re-start the history of the region ---but this occurred amongst nomadic/interim segments of human history.

Ancient prestine golden-age agraian epochs of humanity would care even less for book-keeping in lieu of Blissfull living of a life of endless tradition, but alas, that occurred until droughts caused migrations ---[BTW, the idea of "droughts" brings me back to the ailments caused by the vicious circle perpetuated by flesh eating].

Note to self: remember to re-load that Bible index program and get the verses about meat-eating warnings from the old testiment, and then, the New testiment too.
But . . . it actually occurred enmass across a large swatch of continents . . . mass karmic pay-back occured!!!!!!!!
Om namah Shivaya..

So you are saying that Osama bin Laden, a meat eater and his meat eating gang of Al Queda flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because...who ate meat...?

And the Meat eathing US Pentagon, dropped two nuclear warheads on Japan because who ate meat?

And the fish and chips bread pudding English along with the carniverous US fire bombed Dresden because who ate meat?

So why did the battery plant blow up in India?
Hare Krishna,
Just wondering... are you a continental India Hare Krishna or a white guy convert?

You got any idear how many continental Indians and other Hindu's are over here in the US after crossing the waters many times...eating pastrami sandwiches and french dips whilst saying..."This is not the sacred cow, this is american cow. In India I am vegetarian, when in Rome...."
1] The enemy and the defendent are deserving of each other. That's as good as it gets.

2] the watch word is: 'sublimation', "meta-physics", "Hubris", "Honor system", self-determination ---verses 'propaganda of the day'.

3] Street thugs causing violence: Such ungrateful miscreants are bereft of knowledge of designing and manufacturing processess and engineering sciences of STREET-LIGHTING; LETHAL ARMAMENT Manufacturing, denim pants & Tennis Shoe Technology; fresh water purification proceedures; Prison system management; Juvinile Court Appointed Solicitors' Accreditions etc etc tec
---BUT they DO have Civil-rights . . . all beyond their preview and working-day-knowledge of "How to world works" . . . yet We tolerate it all be we are "blase" tax payers.
bhaktajan, it is very likely you are overlooking tons of data in your argument. So what if eating meat is "common" among everything, eat meat is natural and, dare I say, "normal." Your problem comes from assuming that there MUST be a common factor among all acts of violence.
3] Street thugs causing violence: Such ungrateful miscreants are bereft of knowledge of designing and manufacturing processess and engineering sciences of STREET-LIGHTING; LETHAL ARMAMENT Manufacturing, denim pants & Tennis Shoe Technology; fresh water purification proceedures; Prison system management; Juvinile Court Appointed Solicitors' Accreditions etc etc tec
---BUT they DO have Civil-rights . . . all beyond their preview and working-day-knowledge of "How to world works" . . . yet We tolerate it all be we are "blase" tax payers.
I'm having difficulty following what you are saying. I don't know why you said 'metaphysics', and I don't understand what #3 has to do with eating meat.
There is no way I can hold animals to be as valuable as my own majestic humanity. Doing so is to feed my species to animals for food, because they will eat us. Yes, they will consume every last one of us unless we protect each other, since as individuals we are weak and naked. Our value is that weakness which forces us to value the lives of each other. You seem to say to value all life equally or something like that; however that seems like it will not work. Even the animals that we take for pets will tear our children apart if they get hungry. They do not share our weakness, nor the majesty of our discoveries about brotherhood.

If I value human life above the lives of other animals, that is what I must do as a human being. Now I will brag to you that human beings also value the lives of other animals, even though most of them do not respect ours. In fact, we even have people like you Bhaktajan, the pinnacle of appreciation for life. You will not even eat the flesh of other species, because you have come to realize that we are in a sense all one race. To me, however, all animals are not one race but humanity is one race. To me, your advice will cost humanity too much. At least that is how it seems.
bhaktajan, it is very likely you are overlooking tons of data in your argument. So what if eating meat is "common" among everything, eat meat is natural and, dare I say, "normal." Your problem comes from assuming that there MUST be a common factor among all acts of violence.

As Kramer said to Seinfeld: "Not Bloody likely".

It is the cause!!!
What University or "Think-Tank" research group are doing this research???

eat meat is natural

Stool is au naturale. Stink is au naturale. Where's the profoundity? Where is the sublime is beasts who eat beasts? There is none. It's bestial pastimes, and no more.

Your problem
I have no problem. Meat eaters with impacted colons are the ones needing a life-guard rescue party, Hurray for the ER techincians ---As Kramer said to Seinfeld:

"Have you ever met a proctologist? They usually have a very good sense of humor. You meet a proctologist at a party, don't walk away. Plant yourself there because you will hear the funniest stories you've ever heard. See, no one wants to admit to them that they stuck something up there. Never. It's always an accident. Every proctologist story ends in the same way... 'It was a million to one shot, doc, million to one.' "


assuming that there MUST be a common factor among all acts of violence.

I make no assumptions.
You presume that this is something that is easy to comprehend.
It is "Insidious". That is the nature of the word "Insidious".

Your problem comes from assuming that there MUST be NO common factor among all acts of violence.
I'm having difficulty following what you are saying. I don't know why you said 'metaphysics', and I don't understand what #3 has to do with eating meat.

#3 is highlighting those PRESUMPTUOUS persons taking the "LAW" into their own hands ---yet these folks DO NOT KNOW HOW THE WORLD IS OPERATING UNDER THERI OWN NOSES. They are blissfully unaware of "Law & Order" whilst they proceed with 'their lives'.

Meta (higher) physics (material workings) ---higher "Law & Order" whilst proceeding with 'our lives'.
A higher order law would be something like what happens when you care for babies. Babies are a lot of trouble, and of course people will say that they don't want to watch babies. When you take care of a baby, however, there is a hidden blessing that affects your entire person. Its hard to say what exactly, but it activates the center somehow. The baby is able to reimburse you for your trouble in this way. Is that a good example to think of when saying higher order law or higher order principle?
As Kramer said to Seinfeld: "Not Bloody likely".

It is the cause!!!
What University or "Think-Tank" research group are doing this research???
I simply have no reason to believe that eating meat is "the cause." It is almost entirely unsubstantiated.
Stool is au naturale. Stink is au naturale. Where's the profoundity? Where is the sublime is beasts who eat beasts? There is none. It's bestial pastimes, and no more.
Then from what perspective do you view animals who eat other animals?
I have no problem. Meat eaters with impacted colons are the ones needing a life-guard rescue party, Hurray for the ER techincians ---As Kramer said to Seinfeld:
Perhaps so.

I make no assumptions.
You presume that this is something that is easy to comprehend.
It is "Insidious". That is the nature of the word "Insidious".

Your problem comes from assuming that there MUST be NO common factor among all acts of violence.
Not in any way. I neither said that there was or wasn't a common source among all acts of violence, merely that there isn't necessarily a common source among all acts of violence.

Where is the evidence? Other than give the (possibly false) correlation of eating meat to acts of violence, you have offered no other reasons or even evidence of why eating meat would cause one to act violently.

Another point your hypothesis brings up: by your line of logic vegetarians should never be prone to acts of violence, should they?
Anyone care to mention the most famous vegetarian would-be world conquerer? Short guy, funny mustache, non-smoker, no alcohol, vegetarian.

Liked dogs and children, too. Thought that physical education was very important.
I'll be back, with your order.

BTW, meat eating causes wars, illness, un-controllable lust, draught ---but this knowledge is above the head and shoulders of western civilisation's grand-parentage.

Spoken like a true dogmatic with no ability to actually support baseless claims. "It is true, but you are too stupid to understand it."

That sort of thinking produces terrorists and genocides.
by your line of logic vegetarians should never be prone to acts of violence, should they?

My "logic" indeed says 99.9% of criminals are NOT vegetarian. That's the price WE subsidise with our taxes.

Regarding your question of the Statistics/logistics of crimes by vegetarian is neglegible.

Youthful vegans & veggies are not usually properly feeding themselves ---pizza, soyburgers, fried chips are still a relative of junk-food but with a more widely available.

Vegetarianism as a means of eating is borne of ordhodox yoga disiplines ---therefore the higher goal of "a-himsa" (No-violence) ergo, "shanti" (peace).
I'd like to cut and paste the whole Bible text, but for here are the Chapter/Verse of mention of NONE-FLESH EATING:

Old Testiment RE-CAP:

gen 1:29 [vs. Gen 9:3 ~immediately after recovery from the flood].

gen 9:4-5

num 11:33

Isaiah 1:11,15

Isaiah 66.3

Leviticus 3:17

Regarding, "Thou shall not Kill" ---reference:

The hebrew words are: 'Lo tirtzach' ---according to Dr Reuben Alcalay's 'Complete Hebrew/English Dictionary', 'tirtzach' refers to any kind of killing.

Christ was vegetarian ---there are 19 Gospel referneces to 'meat' all have been mis-translated from the original Greek Bible text:

Greek (3 of references) - English meaning:
Broma (4) - 'food' Romans 14:15, 20-21; I Corinthians 8:8, 10:3
Brosis (4) - 'the act of eating' Romans 14:17
Brosimos (1) - 'that which may be eaten'
Phago (3) - 'to eat' Luke 8:55
Prosphagon (1) - 'anything to eat'
Trophe (6) - 'nourishment' John 4:8, Acts 9:19, Acts 27:33-36
Trapesa (?) - 'table' "...They set a table before him ..." Acts 16:34

Thus, John 21:5 "Have ye any meat" ---is incorrect. it should have been translated:
"Have ye 'anything to eat'"

Regarding, "FISH" ---reference: The secret & mystical symbol/Password for "Christian" in Roman Prosecution Times, derived from the Greek word for fish, ICHTHUS ---forming the acronym: Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour)

New Testiment RE-CAP:

Matt 3:4 ~(the word 'locusts' used here means Locust beans, aka, carob, aka, St John's bread)
Luke 8:55 ~the word used here is 'phago' (to eat).
Isaiah 7:14,15 ~prophets predict Jesus's diet: "... Butter & Honey shall he eat ..."
Luke 24:41-43 ~Note the words used, Jesus was offered two things 'Fish and a honeycomb' "... and he took it . . ." indicates that he choose one of the two judging from Isaiah 7:15 [the word used here is 'brosimos' (eatable)].

See the Offence for fleash eating:

Greek word for FLESH is: 'kreas'
I Corinthians 8:13