No big bang...
Model describes universe with no big bang, no beginning, and no end
opened for discussion.
Model describes universe with no big bang, no beginning, and no end
opened for discussion.
You don't like Ohio State either?I won't refuse to wear crimson and white merely because it's the colors of the most evil university on all of the earth
chakraman said:the so-called "laws" of physics break down pre big bang fer a good reason- they know jack...still, of course the theory i'm pro-pounding is prolly wrong to...
the so called "laws" of physics are actually called Theories and the term Theory is the highest form of scientific certitude there is,
Oh no the law of gravity just ceased to exist and I'm floating awaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
Namaste MW,... one thing I'm sure of is that we will not have the answers in my lifetime so I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it.
And on the other hand you have Steven Hawkin's who now commits to creation being a result of a big bang.... I find it amazing at how someone with such intelligence could offer such a pathetic and weak hypothesis....
And you know that based on ... ?It is also true life can only come from life...