A Glimpse


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
The following images may be of interest to some ... if they are willing to view them carefully and with an open mind. I have uploaded the first one twice, at fairly high resolution, with the second version at actual pixels rather than resized. I want you to see it clearly.


It might not be productive for some to discuss or even consider this.
For others, there should be some ~connections~ that can be made.
Here are a few of them:
  1. The figure you observe in the center is not random, or by `chance'
  2. It got there because I took one image and rotated it 4 times
  3. I can direct the inquirer to a source for the image, if necessary
  4. I chose the number 4 because Christianity did not invent it, and some need to learn this
  5. The Four Quarters are - literally - Universal; vide the Buddhist Mandala, and associated 3d+ implications/indications
  6. This figure, the square, is reflected outside the orb itself in the observable solar promontories, or plumes
  7. Within the centralmost portion of the orb can be seen in 2d a cube, which exists in 3d
  8. This is surrounded by the obvious figure, whose 2d image, in 3d, reaches to other points along the surface of the orb (or central cube)
  9. These can be observed in the photo, and in 4d these form a larger cube {tesseract} ... see below for more on geometry
  10. This can be visualized and understood scientifically, not purely in theory (see opening paragraph)
  11. This is not something I `created' ~ nor is my perception of it 100% subjective
  12. On the contrary, and Fortunately, there is no particle of matter (or energetic expression) within our Solar ring-pass-not which does not find its inclusion, on some level:
    • Within the enfolding `hands' {Consider} of these promontories
    • Within the more tightly enfolding `cube' {tesseract} whose Figure {the Great Creative Force, or Energy} enfolds and contains them
    • Within the Innermost Holy of Holies, before the Altar of the Most High ~00~ ... the Innermost, central cube (small)
    • No, this has nothing to do with the Borg ;)
  13. Thus, if you would have it, you have learned something today, just as I have
  14. So stop laughing at `Sun-Worshippers' (or even those who have co-opted the motifs, the Son-Worshippers) and `Get with the program!' :)

Additional notes:
  1. Geometrically speaking, this orb consists of the central cube, with an additional cube affixed to each of the central cube's six faces
  2. This has everything to do with the `interface' between you and the Orb we're considering
  3. This is a combination of y/our incarnate state (5d/4d/3d), plus the 3d telephoto technology, plus its reproduction in 2d on your screen
  4. If I say, "Kiddies, don't try this at home" just to be funny, all I mean is that if you happen to get it, be sure the `it' you got is put to good use
  5. This is nothing new
  6. I wonder what else is `out there' (or is it, `in here') that's right under our noses ... of which we haven't/hadn't one tiny clue till today?
  7. There are still times when we can really smile at that old expression, `Seeing is Believing.' Has this been one of them for me? You bet it has.

There are other possible permutations, a few uploaded below, but I do not know what more Sophia has in store at the moment...

... perhaps you can tell me.


The `Bride' is Humanity, btw - and don't let anybody tell you different!

You are looking at "noise" and inventing signal around it. Digital image manipulation is not perfect, it introduces artifacts.
Do we have a source of the iomages from a recognised scientific website - ie, NASA or JPL, where the original images must have been sourced?

Simply that the images above do indeed look like someone has simply copied one quarter of each sun image to create a pattern artificially - this appears especially obvious on the last couple of images.

I presume these images were not supposed to give the impression of being manipulated?

Shame, really, because if they had been genuine photos from NASA or similar, there could have been a possible tie up with the hexagon on Saturn (only found out about this recently):
YouTube - The Mystery Hexagon on SATURN

though the explanation could be mundane:
Saturn's Strange Hexagon Recreated in the Lab - ScienceNOW
Well that is only because it does...

But my question is...can you think or interpret anything other than the most recent interpretation of this shape?

Greetings Wil,

Not 100% sure I understand the question? But, I'll try to answer it to how I understand it, if I got it wrong let me know. Do I connect a visualisation of the symbol (Swastika) to the Third Reich in my mind? Or do I see it representing another meaning? I guess my instant connection is to Nazism. Yeah.

Or did you mean do I see something else in the image of the sun? Not really. Focusing on it for a real long time lol I see some kind of fisherman from a more primitive time raising a spear... lol *shrugs*
Not 100% sure I understand the question? But, I'll try to answer it to how I understand it, if I got it wrong let me know. Do I connect a visualisation of the symbol (Swastika) to the Third Reich in my mind? Or do I see it representing another meaning? I guess my instant connection is to Nazism. Yeah.

Maybe wil is alluding to the fact that the symbol has been used for a long time and in many cultures; an auspicious symbol as a generalisation. But many you knew this? It is only recently that in the West it has come to have such an appalling association.

Swastika - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


PS is this in the right forum???
Simply that the images above do indeed look like someone has simply copied one quarter of each sun image to create a pattern artificially - this appears especially obvious on the last couple of images.
I believe he did say he rotated it four times...

But images are always in the eye of the perciever....for some mundane, for others transformative...

Maybe wil is alluding to the fact that the symbol has been used for a long time and in many cultures; an auspicious symbol as a generalisation. But many you knew this? It is only recently that in the West it has come to have such an appalling association.

Swastika - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


PS is this in the right forum???
Tis a nice forum for now...but maybe belongs somewhere else as it travels?

yes the symbol and its obvserse have meant so many things...a unity..a flow, almost a yin/yan, one thing follows the other, peace, a continuation... it has also been used in pottery and scrolls as a continous border linked together...

thousands of years of a glorious past and then used by one group for a few years and then ruined forever??

Yo 17!! what happenned to my poor avatar???
I believe he did say he rotated it four times...

Hmm...then, if you find an image, and repeat it a number of times across itself, why should there not be a symmetry to represent this?

I am getting lost by this thread? :)
I thought I clarified what I did with the original image. The way I found it was by doing an image search at Google. I was intentionally looking for something including the `sun disc,' but those may not have been my search terms. Originally I wanted an icon or line art, but I liked the photo I found, so I settled and began to work with it. The original name is sunprom1_soho_big.gif ... but today I cannot locate an image out there by this name. It has been less than 48hrs since I found the original.

I didn't - and don't - expect folks necessarily to understand, or agree with my observations/conclusions. The fact that a swastika appears once the image is rotated four times - is obvious. WHY this is the case, is where the creative thinker should be able to make some headway. The swastika is an ancient symbol, most esoteric, and depicts both the CREATIVE as well as the DESTRUCTIVE power of the universe. Metaphysically and cosmologically speaking these are BRAHMA and SIVA, respectively, as indicated in exoteric - if ancient - Vedic teachings. Folks, all this leaves out is VISHNU, the 2nd Aspect, yet this is the Aspect of the Trinity which should be considered foremost when we observe the Sun!

It remains a fact (mileage may vary) that when we look toward the center of our Solar System and behold the Sun orb, we are directly observing the outermost manifestation OF that Creative, Destructive and Preserving Power ~ Deity. This is THE Deity of John 1:3, the Triple Logos, Three in One ...

Perhaps some of the discussion since my OP means this thread should be elsewhere, if folks have other comments to make. That's fine, I just thought it was curious what happened when I rotated the image four times. I certainly didn't come up with a swastika intentionally, and since my original rotation was only ONCE, at 90 degrees, I'm not sure why I went for four rotations anyway, except maybe to strive for symmetry. As you can see, I found it. But I maintain: The swastika is not there by accident or at random. Anyone else may come up with their own conclusions.

The 90 degree rotation came to me as an idea because I did intentionally want to convey the somewhat anthropomorphic (okay, totally anthropomorphic) idea of `the hands of Deity' enfolding, containing or overshadowing HIS SUN. The esotericist knows that the Sun Disc is more or less LITERALLY the `Heart of God' (physically speaking) - manifest in our Solar System as ITS Heart. If you want to understand Genesis 1:27, you will need to be able to appreciate things like this. After all, MALE-AND-FEMALE, which is not simply hermaphroditic as sometimes occurs, at random, today ... is hardly something most of us are familiar with, or yet understand in context with the esoteric teachings. I mean, have YOU met many folks like this? Chances are they weren't from `around here.' ;)

Much less then are we likely to know the exact role that Earth plays even in our own Solar System, and how our interaction with other local evolutions, or non-local evolutions, and lack thereof ... affects our OWN rate of spiritual progress as a planet, either accelerating or slowing it, introducing new elements (factors), etc.

No no, don't get me wrong; I really have no understanding at all of this New Agey `Mer-ka-ba' stuff, and I'm not much interested. You can read up at a page like this one - Merkaba - Star Tetrahedron - Flower of Life - Crystalinks - at CrystalLinks and sit and go "wow" till the cows come home. It's pretty impractical, glamorous fluff, imo, most of it. And seeing swastikas in the heart of the sun, well, that may be along the same lines, I dunno. It just jumped out at me. Sacred Geometry, on the other hand, seems a bit more worthwhile, but again, it's filled with glamour and fluff - and yes, a great deal of pure subjectivity.

We've got to be able to set aside the strictly human elements in our thinking (argue that it isn't possible and sure enough, for *you* it won't be!), long enough to understand for a moment, that not all symbols, and/or their implications, exist *purely* in y/our HUMAN imaginations. Even (if) so, the extent and degree to which they may carry our thinking into worlds where our own evolution and consciousness DOES contact non-human evolutions and consciousness, sometimes makes a consideration of such symbolism extremely worthwhile and important.

So, the idea of the FOUR QUARTERS, as evidenced in the Buddhist and Hindu Mandala, or in the equal-armed Christian CROSS (?) ... well you see, some of us will realize and understand: This JUST AIN'T by accident. {It exists within the spiritual teachings and symbols of *every* indigenous culture, of course; it is Universal!} It isn't because WE contemplate and ponder these shapes and symbols that they have meaning. No, we don't BRING MEANING to such shapes and symbols, based on our religious beliefs, or spiritual experiences. At best, the latter, and *sometimes* the former, can help clue us in to what is already `there.' And that's what really matters. It's there, it's been there, and it's gonna stay there. WHEN we get around to recognizing it ... now *that's* the subjective part.

But to try and keep things on a more even keel, I DID post images of other permutations. I rotated the original image at 30, then 60 degrees, in order to show one example of THREE rather than four rotations. Then I went for 120 and 240 degrees, which is another variation on three, but evenly instead of within one quarter of a circle, only. And for kicks I went for 72, 144, 216 and 288 degrees, showing FIVE rotations total. This becomes difficult, at least for me, as my photoshop skills made it hard to preserve the original image's clarity or luminosity after 4 additional impositions. Nevertheless, I can see the outer points of the pentagon which is formed in this lattermost image quite clearly, plus an inner pentagon (again, FIVE points), even an inner `swirl,' or 5-armed variation on the swastika. But again, as folks will say, this is just by coincidence! :rolleyes:

Frankly, I'm far more interested in direct observations - such as this - than trying to argue for the continued existence of cobbled-together, grafted-on, broken-down theologies ... or justify the barbarisms of said theologies down throughout the centuries, seeking only exoneration and vindication. I find such feeble attempts disgusting and truly reprehensible.

Would it be worthwhile to find images of your own, of Uranus, of field mice, of french fries from burger king, and rotate these five hundred and eleventy-odd times to try and discover the face of Pocahontas? Ah sure, why not? 17th should enjoy this kind of thing to no end ... and maybe he can even help me with my Photochop skills in the meantime. But you see, if we don't get carried away, there remains the distinct possibility of observing and exploring the lines between `purely subjective' (there IS NO such thing, in my book) and `objective' (ditto, since none of us has the perspective required to regard things in such a manner).

If I showed you a piece of ET's landing-craft from 60 years ago, and *proved* (to those who remain OPEN to objective, empirical, physical proof) the validity of such claims that not only are we `not alone,' we're currently being visited by over 60 species of non-human, how would that change your worldview? This is a rhetorical ?, but perhaps we should be less concerned with how to disprove the facts (disprove that air exists, I dare you) ... and more interested in the original question.

You see, it really doesn't matter if you believe there's a magical swastika hidden in the heart of the sun. If you couch the real question(s) in such terms, you're missing the point entirely. An anthropologist, while open to certain considerations, may never be able to accept that any of it is `trans-terran' in its true nature. In other words, s/he wants to know how the swastika evolved AS A SYMBOL, and what this has meant TO EARTH'S PEOPLE. And plenty of folks at Interfaith, while fascinated by their own religious beliefs, or even genuinely interested in Interfaith, may labor under the same handicaps as these anthropologists.

Is mathematics the universal language? Really? If so, this should be an equally interesting fact for the poet, the politician, the preacher and the plowman. When this fact just means that computer geeks and a new generation of Einsteins have stuff to dream up and scheme up in order to earn their bread, we're in big trouble as a species. What, you didn't think we were in big trouble? :eek:

May as well do as the Floyd suggests: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
All I see is a Swastika.


Indeed, a Navajos swastika is what I see...However, the irony is that it is in fact one quarter of the sun, pieced together to form a circlular whole. Every pattern in each quarter is identical.

A hoax.
Taijasi said:
The 90 degree rotation came to me as an idea because I did intentionally want to convey the somewhat anthropomorphic (okay, totally anthropomorphic) idea of `the hands of Deity' enfolding, containing or overshadowing HIS SUN. The esotericist knows that the Sun Disc is more or less LITERALLY the `Heart of God' (physically speaking) - manifest in our Solar System as ITS Heart. If you want to understand Genesis 1:27, you will need to be able to appreciate things like this. After all, MALE-AND-FEMALE, which is not simply hermaphroditic as sometimes occurs, at random, today ... is hardly something most of us are familiar with, or yet understand in context with the esoteric teachings. I mean, have YOU met many folks like this? Chances are they weren't from `around here.'
We recently had a thread where I was posting some blah blah about that verse. I remember from other posts some esoterics talk about a male-female divinity as well as a sort of union of the two, so I connect you with them. So in the context of this conversation, you are saying that Genesis 1:27 implies that there is a maleness and femaleness to God? No, I think you are saying that the male female division is something you already understand and that Genesis is sort of like the mandela you made of this photo. With or without the verse, you are saying the idea would exist. You are talking about seeing God in an anthropomorphic way. I follow the part where you are seeing the sun as a loving heart. I may not understand the part about whether common symbols (crosses, boxes, shapes) act as proof or not.

So, the idea of the FOUR QUARTERS, as evidenced in the Buddhist and Hindu Mandala, or in the equal-armed Christian CROSS (?) ... well you see, some of us will realize and understand: This JUST AIN'T by accident. {It exists within the spiritual teachings and symbols of *every* indigenous culture, of course; it is Universal!} It isn't because WE contemplate and ponder these shapes and symbols that they have meaning. No, we don't BRING MEANING to such shapes and symbols, based on our religious beliefs, or spiritual experiences.
This is where I'm trying to get what you are saying. Are you only speaking to Esoterists or everyone? In the first case I am probably not going to get it. I know that a centered geometric can always be made by rotation of asymetric baryons, so it doesn't seem impressive. What I hear you saying is that major religions sharing common elements prove there is an underlying dimension causing them. Probably the most similar statement in Christian canon is the argument that different people come to similar conclusions with their consciences, proving there is a right & wrong beneath the different cultures.(Rom 2:14). Does this contribute to what you are saying?
Image analysis is always fraught with the "find whatever ye seek" problem. I've seen it in action in scientific conferences. Look for a specific symmetry by means of computer-"aided" methods, and you'll almost always find it unless you control for artifacts. Then, it tends to be rather rare. It doesn't matter what the symmetry is.
Yes, when it comes to the whole read-into-it-what-ye-will business, I would say art is like this in general, as literature. It's amazing what some folks can make of a book ... or a man. If we have learned to see splendor within the human being (and his creations), perhaps we will learn one day to behold it in the Heavens above. Oh wait, some folks already do that!

So the connection may be through Beauty (as found in art), Science (and the marvels revealed thereby), and any number of other disciplines ... but what of these creative forces and powers which design, build, then destroy universes?

I think a day will come, not so far off, when we are both obliged - and glad - to acknowledge them as sentient, purposeful ... and quite approachable, if not immediately or easily understandable.

Who said growing up was easy? If it has been - and continues to be this way as individuals, my what are we in for collectively?

I like that we can each make something different about the images, yet I have heard almost nothing on what kinds of IMPRESSIONS the images themselves suggest. (okay, with 1 or 2 exceptions) What do they evoke? As emotion ... as power of association?

Analytical bunch, aren't we. I put up 2 images involving 2 different sets of 3 layers. Yes this was intentional. And so is all your ponderation on 3 in ANY context.

I used the factor 5. Hmm, that's - just a number. ;)

Of course it is.
Like 3, like 4, like 360.