Lucid Dreaming Techniques

One method I've heard works well, but which I haven't tried myself, is to draw a circle on a piece of paper and label it "teleport" then keep it by your bed. Every time you wake up press the circle like it's a button and wait a moment to see if anything unusual happens.

The idea is that you train yourself to press this button every time you wake up -- and at some point you will wake up in your dream, press the button, and something will actually happen. When that occurs you will know it's a lucid dream and can proceed as you like from there.

; )

Ben G.
every so often throughout the day, pull your finger if it stretches your dreaming, or jump of the ground if you stay off the ground your dreaming, i used these techniques years ago and they did work.
I've been periodically asking myself if I'm dreaming and then checking my watch I seem to recall that you can't really read clocks in dreams so if I can read the time then I know I'm awake but so far it hasn't taken.

that finger pulling one is cool I should try that too
I've been periodically asking myself if I'm dreaming and then checking my watch I seem to recall that you can't really read clocks in dreams so if I can read the time then I know I'm awake but so far it hasn't taken.

that finger pulling one is cool I should try that too

just to add what I was taught, pull the finger or jump off the ground, or both and ask yourself.

Who am I
Where am I
What am Doing

dont try and answer the question, just ask them

You build that habit and you will start doing when you dream as well, which can be pretty amazing.
I don't know what I do now to know....I think if you can pull your finger or do some other such thing you are already controlling your dream.

I know what happens when I pull my finger and it isn't my finger that stretches.

But what I did to start was when I was awoke from a dream, I simply rolled back over with the intention of re-entering the dream and playing with it...

Doing that numerous times and then before long I am in a dream and playing with it.

I really don't know what to do with it other than play...

Practical applications anyone?
I'm hoping that eventually I'll be able to use that time to meditate because I have so little time during my day to do the same but really want to continue my practice of silent meditation. This has all been spurred on by a dream I had recently that I was engaged in Kabbalistic meditation. It was really a great dream and left me wanting to see if I could do it more regularly.

All yesterday I was periodically asking myself "Am I Dreaming?" and whenever I did I would look at my watch and (I know this is totally out of Waking Life but whatever) I'd tell myself since I could read the time I was still awake.

I think it's going to take eventually but I need to keep doing it.

One thing I did notice was that I was recalling bits of my previous nights dreams all day as a result and that parts of my day did really feel dreamlike.

Perhaps the key to Lucid dreaming is deliberately blurring the lines between waking and sleeping to some extent.
i used to practice the method i mentioned above and it worked for me, as for looking at your watch I cant see why that would not work also.

so best of luck with that, i think all these methods are called triggers or something, its just a habit you form to let you know if you are dreaming or not.
wil says, "I really don't know what to do with it other than play..."

You know, in Asia, many people who are acquainted with the yoga of dream (and especially, of sleep) use this kind of dreams in their own psychical up-grading, so to say. For ex, "username" seems to use lucid dreams in a right way when saying that he's going to "use that time to meditate because I have so little time during my day".
Asking oneself "Am I Dreaming?" is really good practice (IMHO). But I never heard of that looking at watch... What's the use of it?
I've been fascinated by Dream Yoga for years but have had no luck getting into it so far. (not deliberately anyway) I'm choosing to focus on my watch as a way of confirming that I am in fact awake, the theory at least so far, is that in my dreams I won't be able to tell the time so looking at my watch is an inconspicuous way of reminding myself I'm not dreaming yet, I can look at my watch several times a day without anyone thinking that it's unusual but if I were to start pulling my finger all the time folks might joke that I'm trying to make myself fart or something. (I work with a lot of jokers).
"username" says, "I've been fascinated by Dream Yoga for years"

What was your motivation if it's not a secret? In here, there are guys who can only "play" with dreams...

wil says, "I really don't know what to do with it other than play..."

Do you find it correct, "username"? Does anyone?
"username" says, "I've been fascinated by Dream Yoga for years"

What was your motivation if it's not a secret? In here, there are guys who can only "play" with dreams...

wil says, "I really don't know what to do with it other than play..."

Do you find it correct, "username"? Does anyone?
I can't see the benefit of meditating while dreaming...

In reading about dream yoga...I guess that is what I've done in lucid change others, change events, change scenes, and it has translated into a change in my life...just didn't correlate the two...don't quite know now if I can either.

But in mediation, I try to do the opposite...not go into a sleep dream state...but go into the void...I don't have 'dreams' or visuals often in meditation....I have emptiness...out of which I come out with 'knowings' that I know I didn't 'know' before but have the feeling of having known forever...
wil says, "I don't have 'dreams' or visuals often in meditation....I have emptiness...out of which I come out with 'knowings' that I know I didn't 'know' before but have the feeling of having known forever..."

Well said! But try only imagine how deep might have your understanding of the emptiness become in the lucid dreams!
We should use this kind of dreaming to make our daily practice more and more deep. Body and rude planes of mind don't limit us any more, and our practice will progress faster. That's the use of the dream yoga - not to waste our time when we sleep... :)
I'm interested in taking up a practice of Kabbalistic meditation but while I do practice as best I can in the mornings I feel that if I could also work with my dreams things would go more smoothly.

I don't think there's anything wrong with dream play. My lucid dreaming practice started to work yesterday and the first thing I wanted to do when I realised I was dreaming was to fly but it didn't happen. However I did look at my clock in my dream and there were no numbers on it and I realised I was asleep! so I just have to keep at it I think, it will come in time.
But try only imagine how deep might have your understanding of the emptiness become in the lucid dreams!
We should use this kind of dreaming to make our daily practice more and more deep. Body and rude planes of mind don't limit us any more, and our practice will progress faster. That's the use of the dream yoga - not to waste our time when we sleep... :)

I'm interested in taking up a practice of Kabbalistic meditation but while I do practice as best I can in the mornings I feel that if I could also work with my dreams things would go more smoothly.

I don't think there's anything wrong with dream play. My lucid dreaming practice started to work yesterday and the first thing I wanted to do when I realised I was dreaming was to fly but it didn't happen. However I did look at my clock in my dream and there were no numbers on it and I realised I was asleep! so I just have to keep at it I think, it will come in time.
ok...I'm a little confused...

When I meditate....I'm awake...sitting up, intentionally leaving conscious awakeness and entering meditation.

When I dream...I'm asleep...laid down to rest and dreams take over...during the dreams, while asleep, I become semi conscious and begin to the 'program'...

Are you indicating they are a similar place in the subconscious? Meditation and dreaming? Suggesting I move my meditation into a dream state and my dreaming into a meditative state?

Now there is another wenger...image streaming... is that another state or the same state...hmmmmm
"username" says, "I did look at my clock in my dream and there were no numbers"

I don't know exactly (and it's not a news, he-he), but I suppose that you maybe have a cliche in your unconscious that makes the clock digit-less (if the word exists). You clean the clock with your own Unconscious. IMHO

"username" says, "to fly but it didn't happen"

Hmm... Maybe the control is not full yet? When it's not so, so-called 'karmic winds' don't allow to a practicer to rule the dreaming process.
wil says, "is that another state or the same state"

Another state. Are there doubts? Can they exist?!

wil says, "watch the 'program'"

What d'you understand in the "program"? That someone's programmed? Can this program be changed?
wil says, "is that another state or the same state"

Another state. Are there doubts? Can they exist?!

wil says, "watch the 'program'"

What d'you understand in the "program"? That someone's programmed? Can this program be changed?
Different states of consciousness....sure as I see it...

But the question is, are we suggesting we tie meditation, lucid dreaming together as the same place, or similar places?

And when dreaming...I choose to either 'watch the program'...or manipulate it...sometimes I just enjoy, and manipulate here and there...others I change scenes, change actors, disrupt...

There was a movie out recently about people inserting themselves in others favorite part was when the architect folded the scene upon itself and their were roads above instead of sky... I've intended to try that, yet have not had the memory of wanting to yet while dreaming...
Well for my part the thing that got me started on this is that I had a dream that I was meditating, it wasn't any easier than in real life but I was actually deliberately trying to meditate in this dream. when I woke up I thought about how much easier my life would be if I could focus my meditation practice on the time when I'm asleep, I am the father of a young child and he keeps me very active and it can be hard to find time for sitting meditation during the day but if I could do it while I was asleep then I wouldn't have to try and find those quiet moments or meditate on the subway home from work.