For Those Who Have Never Seen It


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discovered it this morning...

still in shock...

You are expecting and demanding that people have the same emotional response that you have when you look at something. However, you will find that there are people in this world who have different emotional responses to things in this world than the emotional responses you have. You are being childish if you expect everyone to have the same emotional reactions to that picture that you have.
You are expecting and demanding that people have the same emotional response that you have when you look at something. However, you will find that there are people in this world who have different emotional responses to things in this world than the emotional responses you have. You are being childish if you expect everyone to have the same emotional reactions to that picture that you have.

Why makes you think I care about your emotional response Nick?

I posted this for people who have never seen it.

Not to expect anything from anyone.

But if someone makes a comment like "missing something" I think that warrant's inspection.
I'll be hopin a


will suffice....

The wow was not from the subject matter but from the sculpturing...the folds of material, the detail, just incredible...

I thank you for posting, I understand your appreciation and your incredulation.
...the folds of material, the detail, just incredible...

If you like that aspect of it, you will love Bernini's work as well.

Personally, I'm pulled in by the face of Madonna.

A lot of people consider the body of Jesus (pbuh) to be the
highlight in this sculpture. It no doubt is from the point of view
of anatomy. But that face of the Madonna...
If you like that aspect of it, you will love Bernini's work as well.

Personally, I'm pulled in by the face of Madonna.

A lot of people consider the body of Jesus (pbuh) to be the
highlight in this sculpture. It no doubt is from the point of view
of anatomy. But that face of the Madonna...
Resignation, grief and grace...

You're right, it is not about Jesus, it is about his mother's heartbreak.
Resignation, grief and grace...

Perhaps something even beyond "infinite resignation"

This expression seems to evoke Kierkegaard's knights,
and how the Knight of infinite resignation places second
to the Knight of faith, who keeps hope in the absurd.

Consider for a moment how absurd her serene expression is
in the face of the situation... "Resignation" always tends to
leave a bitterness... You can tell when you look closely on
the person's face... but there is -none- of that here whatsoever.

And that open palm towards the sky, that is hope personified.
Hope in the absurd, that which transcends the infinite and the rational.
Why would her expression be absurd in the situation, given who she was?

Mary (bpuh) is one of the very few human beings who received direct and undeniable proof of God's sovereinty. She knew that her son was returning to his creator and as a messenger of God would not be subjected to hell. She could have no doubts about this, like most of us would have at such times.

Of course artistic licence shows her as a young woman, whereas she would have been about 45ish but yes it is an amazing piece of artwork. My favourite part is the right underarm of Jesus (pbuh), Michelangelo has captured the loose muscles of death.
Why would her expression be absurd in the situation, given who she was?

Mary (bpuh) is one of the very few human beings who received direct and undeniable proof of God's sovereinty.

Direct proof of God, is absurd (i.e. transcends logic).

And I am sure that even someone in communication with God
will still consider it absurd (technically) as they will have no
way to express or relate the experience via logic or language.

She knew that her son was returning to his creator and as a messenger of God would not be subjected to hell.

Are you talking in terms of the artist's beliefs or generally?
Because no one has a guarantee of paradise. All humanity is accountable
for their actions and responsibilities, even prophets.

Of course artistic licence shows her as a young woman, whereas she would have been about 45ish

Michelangelo said chastity preserves the look of youth and this is
why he has shown her looking so young. Of course, he also believed
she was a perpetual virgin (as most mainstream christians and muslims).