Acronyms, abbreviations, codes and shorthand used in the forums


The Dangerous Dinner
Reaction score
OMG = oh my God!
IMAO = in my arrogant opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion
IMO = in my opinion
ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing
OTOH = on the other hand
lol = lots of laughs, laughing out loud
CR = comparative religion
BS = bull-sh*t
PO = post office, or another way of telling someone to "back off"
WTF = what the f*ck
GOP = grand old party
Gaud = God:D
CoS = church of scientology (or cosine:D)
RCC = Roman Catholic Church
MLK = Martin Luther King
sin = sine
POV = point of view
OP = opening post
GDP = gross domestic product
CIA = central intelligence agency
FBI = federal bureau of investigations
VIP = very important person

Add any acronyms, abbreviations, codes and shorthand used in the forums to this list.
FTW = For The Win

As in, I just posted the best acronym in the world... FTW !!!!!!!

p.s. I never knew what "op" meant till like rite now, lolz
btw = by the way
fwiw = for what it's worth
GFC = global financial crisis
KFC = Kentucky Fried Chicken
FYI = for your information
lmao- larfin my ass off
atb- all the best
meh- indifference
PR = public relations
NT = New Testament
OT = Old Testament
NIV = New International Version
LDS = Latter-Day Saints

for forum members:

Q = Quahom1
PoO = path_of_one
BB = bananabrain
MW = Muslimwoman
GTG = GloryToGod, now NiceCupOfTea
17th = 17th_Angel
ChinaCat = China Cat Sunflower

ah just thought of another one......

GM = greymare, or...... General Motors:D
Some interesting ones.......:)

fark, feck = f*ck
far canal = f*ck and hell

...... not that it has been used in the forums, but it might come in handy if you want to put out some fancy exclamations.
Some interesting ones.......:)

fark, feck = f*ck
far canal = f*ck and hell

...... not that it has been used in the forums, but it might come in handy if you want to put out some fancy exclamations.

You forgot one: fook.

Okay, I'm pretty much the only one I know who uses it, but. . .

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
GWI could refer to George Bush the father or Gulf War I
GWII could refere to George Bush the son or Gulf War II
GWIII thankfully the dynasty was ended by GWII

an aside FYI

An Acronym is when someone takes an existing phrase and shortens it utilizing letters from the phrase.

A backronym is when you take an existing word and create a phrase...

Bible, basic instructions before leaving earth
Fear, false expectations appearing real
Iacocca, I AM Chairman of Chrysler Corporation of America
chakraman>meh- indifference

Listening to the radio, I heard that this word "meh" was already put into official English dictionaries :)