One word

One and only word "Formless"
" infinitely infinite existence united with all and that is "seeing is believing" seeing in to formlessness to know. now please tell me your simple and straight forward one word definition of what God is.
What Ho fellows!
A Hare Krishna Hare Rama Chanter chiming in:

mid-15c., from L.L. benefactor, from L. phrase bene facere, from bene "well" (see bene-) + facere "to do" (see factitious). Translated in O.E. as wel-doend.

L. prefix meaning "well," from L. bene "well, in the right way, honorably, properly," from PIE *dw-ene-, adverbial form of base *deu- "to do, perform, show favor, revere." Cf. L. bonus "good," bellus "handsome, fine, pretty," beatus "blessed."

O.E. beon, beom, bion "be, exist, come to be, become," from P.Gmc. *beo-, *beu-. This "b-root" is from PIE base *bheu-, *bhu- "grow, come into being, become," and in addition to the words in English it yielded German present first and second person sing. (bin, bist, from O.H.G. bim "I am," bist "thou art"), L. perf. tenses of esse (fui "I was," etc.), O.C.S. byti "be," Gk. phu- "become," O.Ir. bi'u "I am," Lith. bu'ti "to be," Rus. byt' "to be," etc. It also is behind Skt. bhavah "becoming," bhavati "becomes, happens," bhumih "earth, world."

The modern verb in its entirety represents the merger of two once-distinct verbs, the "b-root" represented by be and the am/was verb, which was itself a conglomerate. Roger Lass ("Old English") describes the verb as "a collection of semantically related paradigm fragments," while Weekley calls it "an accidental conglomeration from the different Old English dial[ect]s." It is the most irregular verb in Mod.E. and the most common. Collective in all Germanic languages, it has eight different forms in Modern English:

You guessed it, I will now refer to Sanskrit to Sanskrit word, “To be”.

The sankrit root word "to be" has six root-catagories or, IOW there are 6 'root words of "to be"' before any form of conjugation to the root occurs.

I’m just saying
If you had just one word to decribe/define God. What would you use. For me the answer is quite simple and striaght forward. But, I'd like to see what others have to say.

I would have once suggested that God is love. Today I think I will say that God is "Life". Sure, God is love, but love is far too simple a term to define/describe the creator of all things.

I believe that all life stems from God, is a part of God ..... IS God, and that all things in life reflect his nature. Perhaps God in his entirety is both good and evil. :eek:

Then again, good and evil are quite subjective to each individual, so perhaps it would be better said that God is both creative and destructive.

Man tends to cater to either the destructive force in life (Evil) or to the creative force in live (Good) and we do so out of the desires of our hearts. Even so, sometimes destruction is necessary in order to create. Does this make the destructive force in life evil, or simply unpleasant for some?

If you take a blank canvas and paint a picture on it, you have effectively destroyed the canvas, yet at the same time you have created something in the process. This is how I view good and evil. They are non existent except in the minds of each individual, yet they are very real aspects of life.

God is the same way. God exists in the hearts and minds of mankind, but not all are able to recognize God as being something real. This does not diminish his reality in any way, it only shows us that we have different perceptions when it comes to his existence. For some God is a mere concept, for others He is the reason we have life at all.

Yup, to me God is life and all that life entails....

Sure, God is love, but love is far too simple a term to define/describe the creator of all things.

God is the creator of all things?

Buddhists simply don't make that leap.

All Buddhists know is that a consciousness... an awareness exists. We feel its love (compassion). I feel it right now. But I can't say it created anything. I simply don't know. What I do know, is that its love permeates me.

And that is enough.
God is the creator of all things?

Buddhists simply don't make that leap.

All Buddhists know is that a consciousness... an awareness exists. We feel its love (compassion). I feel it right now. But I can't say it created anything. I simply don't know. What I do know, is that its love permeates me.

And that is enough.

I believe that mankind has been chosen to experience love and to also extend love towards all living things. I too think it is enough. To me, love is the "Tree of Life". It doesn't matter how we view God, what matters is how we live our lives.

Love is (To me) the life giving and/or creative aspect of God and it is this aspect of God that mankind should pay homage to (IMO). To know love is to know God; it is to feel, and experience His presence in our lives.

Even so, God is much more than love (God is "All"). "It's all God" and we as a species are discovering His reality as we come to terms with what it means to truly live.

Love is key ....
I believe that mankind has been chosen to experience love and to also extend love towards all living things. I too think it is enough. To me, love is the "Tree of Life". It doesn't matter how we view God, what matters is how we live our lives.

Love is (To me) the life giving and/or creative aspect of God and it is this aspect of God that mankind should pay homage to (IMO). To know love is to know God; it is to feel, and experience His presence in our lives.

Even so, God is much more than love (God is "All"). "It's all God" and we as a species are discovering His reality as we come to terms with what it means to truly live.

Love is key ....
Indeed, the lock to success as a human being needs a key to open...

by the bye, how is your brother? ;-)
Indeed, the lock to success as a human being needs a key to open...

by the bye, how is your brother? ;-)

He's in Guam for the next two years I think. I haven't spoken to him lately, but his wife tells me they are doing well.

Thanks for asking
Buddhists try to believe as little as possible.

But when we experience something directly, then we know.

Sorry for being so quibblish.

No prob ...

Do we really 'know', or do our direct experiences lend themselves to establishing faith in something? I have faith in love .... I believe in love .... I have experienced enough of it in my life to realize that it can be beneficial to me as an individual and to mankind as a collective whole.

Even so, we don't know first hand if love is enough to change our world. I think it comes down to faith in the end and hope that love can and will prevail.
He's in Guam for the next two years I think. I haven't spoken to him lately, but his wife tells me they are doing well.

Thanks for asking
Spent three years there, loved every second of it. Hope they get into SCUBA Diving together...they will have a ball...:D
Even so, we don't know first hand if love is enough to change our world. I think it comes down to faith in the end and hope that love can and will prevail.

I took a direct experience with love and said, I have experienced love.

You took a direct experience with love and asked whether was enough to change the world.

Those are two very different reactions.

GK, I would ask you... imagine if that love were not present. Wouldn't that change you life... and the world? Doesn't that help to answer your question?
I took a direct experience with love and said, I have experienced love.

You took a direct experience with love and asked whether was enough to change the world.

Those are two very different reactions.

GK, I would ask you... imagine if that love were not present. Wouldn't that change you life... and the world? Doesn't that help to answer your question?
You "Took" a direct experience with love and said...

What happened when you "Gave" Love back, or to someone/something else?
You "Took" a direct experience with love and said...

What happened when you "Gave" Love back, or to someone/something else?

Love is part of our nature and the universe.

It's like a fish swimming in the ocean.

Can it take or give back the water?
I took a direct experience with love and said, I have experienced love.

You took a direct experience with love and asked whether was enough to change the world.

Those are two very different reactions.

GK, I would ask you... imagine if that love were not present. Wouldn't that change you life... and the world? Doesn't that help to answer your question?

I tend to look at the bigger picture I suppose. I want my son and my grandchildren, and my grandchildren's grandchildren to live in a better world than myself.

Yes, life without love would dramatically change my world, yet this is not necessarily true for all people. There are some who have not experienced love in their lives at all. I think we are fortunate in that we have been able (Blessed even) to have known its power.

I look at what it has done for me, and I truly believe it can change our world for the better. I believe this because it has made [my] life better. I place a great deal of faith in love because of my experiences, hoping that others who have truly known love will extend it toward their neighbors.

There are so many things in life that can prevent us from doing this, though. Even amongst our own family members, there are times when we are hard pressed to extend our love towards them. Our pursuits for pleasure, our want for material things, our inability to understand why some people are the way they are prevent us from loving our brothers and sisters as we ought to love them.

What good is love if we "who have it" do not give it away? I'll be the first to admit that I fall short. It is a sad thing to believe in love as I do and then limit it to just a select few. Jesus tells us to be perfect or rather "complete/impartial" loving even our enemies. When we all can do this, I'll know. Until then faith and hope remain ....

What does it mean to love our neighbors anyway, and how can we possibly gain a heart to love all people? Virginia Slims slogan was "You've come a long way baby". I suppose my slogan would be "We've got a long way to go". :rolleyes:

you make an interesting point. I don't mean to detract from your point, however I will take it that you would use an 8 fold path or 4 noble truths, not 1 simple word. The occasion dictates the necessary words. Is that right?

Good couciling concentrates on the positve aspect of a person. The councelor must focus on the aspects that are love,compassion kindness. So the path of healing the spirit , the soul and the body concentrate on theses.The opposite kind of counciling to breed hate harms the soul and spirit. Durng wwii the nazis harmed people doing the opposing psychological and emotional and physical that heals people. As a peoples lets remember no on that works in any field of medicine , psychology ect should be a bas councelor. They are spiritually ill themselves like the nazis were.