>>> The definition of Soul which work best for me, is that it is Consciousness. As such, it exists on every plane of being of Cosmos. Of these planes, in the larger sense, human beings can only experience 5 ... out of a total of 49. This immediately confines our scope. <<<
Consciousness is a state. It might be regarded as a thing the soul "does" or "feels" after separation from God, in layman's terms. I don't know about the 49 dimensions, but i do think we are connected to the One that crosses all the planes. The confinement of the scope derives from both creation itself and from the fall. It is not impossible to overcome because we Are created in God's image.
>>>Of no real question is that human beings inhabit the physical body on the physical plane. It simply makes no sense for me, however, to try and equate, or identify our true Self with the physical body. After all, we only descend into a new physical body some 4 1/2 months prior to birth, and we typically inhabit it for no more than 100 years. What, then, IS IT which does the incarnating?<<<
Christianity actually proposes a trinity model where man as we see and experience it is "made" of body, spirit and soul. Personally i feel that the spirit *inhabits* the body. The soul is present into the body but it is not confined by the body. The event of incarnation is about both the spirit and the soul.
>>>Is it the astral body, with its accompanying aura, which accounts for the true root of our emotional life - both within (while ensouling) as well as outside of the physical body? I don't think so. At best, the emotional world is the plane of consciousness where a good portion of humanity is most active, studied by psychology yet still thoroughly misunderstood. The astral self certainly survives death, but it too, eventually undergoes a transition ... and the real person withdraws from it, just as he has withdrawn from the physical.<<<
Are you wondering if after death we still feel like ourselves? People who high emotional states because of sudden accidents or other traumatic / happy events often speak about how the moment "transformed" them. They "feel" like they are new. So our awareness of "how" we are is rather perishable. However our awareness about "who" we are lingers i believe after death. I think from the point of view of reincarnation that this explains the fact that deep inside people always know themselves better than anyone. This is what psychoanalysis proves.
>>>Incidentally, the physical body cannot exist without itself being ENSOULED by the etheric double (interpenetrating it, and existing a few centimeters beyond the periphery of the dense, thus displaying an aura). The etheric body cannot truly separate from the dense body, for by very definition this is what we call - death! The Bible contains a passage which tells us plainly of the loosing of the `silver cord,' with reference to the `golden bowl' ... and many of those who have had near-death experiences or out-of-body experiences describe SEEING this silver cord. The etheric body, however, always remains anchored, within the heart, while the astral body separates and goes on its journeys.<<<
I was about to mention out of body experiences when you said the etheric body cannot separate, but then i kept reading
I think the silver chord might be a representation of the will of God. It might not belong to us, or the person in cause. It is the will of God that makes this cohabitation of three different energy types even possible. Could this be the anchor ...
>>After the astral body is transcended, some months or years following physical death, what then remains? What is it that has withdrawn and continues on, and thereby brings us one step closer to an `Immortal Soul' and true Self of man?<<
The answer is in the question: the immortal soul.
>>>Some would say that it is the mind, or mental body. This, surely, is something worth preserving between our many thousands of human incarnations. Surely the mind, this principle of Conscious awareness, is our Soul!<<<
Have you ever "changed your mind"? And then back again? Hardly this sounds like "the principle".
>>>Not so, if we wish to understand the true Individual. The mental body, too, is a temporary vehicle of consciousness. How can we define THIS as the true man, if the mental body, just as the astral and physical bodies, is reconstructed for each new human incarnation? Tabula rasa, tabula rasa! How is this our *permanent self*, if the mind, too, even though inhabited for hundreds and hundreds of years, is eventually transcended and cast aside?<<<
There is no tabula rasa. People don't learn anything in fact. They only discover or remember. Think about how similar remembering and understanding "feel"
>>>Esotericists have, for this reason, labeled as `Soul' that vehicle - and the true Individuality occupying it - which exists in the subtler ethers of the mental plane. In so doing, they acknowledge that the Wisdom of the Vedas discussed these matters many thousands of years ago, addressing all that I have said here with much more technicality and in far finer detail. Further, EVERY religion teaches much the same, if using different language and focus, properly adapted for the people and the time in question.<<<
If indeed you are Brahman and not aware of it, then there is no creation of man. But even following creation God is everywhere hence he is also in the soul so you could view the soul as a vehicle. But on the other hand this doesn't advance your quest. God is in an apple too. Is an apple a vehicle?
>>>The Soul, for esotericists, is a triple-entity, thereby reflecting the essential triune nature of Godhead. It is a being, fully Self-Conscious on its own plane, existing far, far transcendent of our normal everyday awareness. This latter, after all, exists AT BEST upon the various portions of the mental plane to which we have become attuned, yet typically with practically NO true self-consciousness UPON that plane. In other words, just because we can even have this discussion, or entertain such ideas, in no way entails that any of us is directly conscious of, or upon, the mental plane!<<<
This Matryoshka doll view looks like a paradox but it isn't. Articulating your thoughts is a function of Ajna and indeed on that plane there is no will, there is no action and no reaction. Hence its pretty hard to become conscious upon the plane itself. But not impossible.
The fact that you don't become conscious of your presence in the mental plane doesn't mean you are not there. There are moments when you become aware of the mental plane and your connection to it: understanding a concept or having a correct hunch for example.
Becoming conscious upon the mental plane might be after all the mission of man on Earth. Perfect reason. Wouldn't that be the "fire" Prometeus stole?
>>>I could share a far more technical approach to this question, giving you a material basis (or uphadi) for the Soul on the physical plane, and showing how a correlation exists upon the astral and lower mental. But doing so would only demonstrate how, in fact, string theory was thoroughly grasped by various individuals 150 years ago and more. Permanent physical atoms, one of which every human Soul has in its possession, consist of 10 associated [st]RINGS, these being together twisted into what appears the approximate shape of a heart. This particle, then, which science knows as a proton, survives our entire series of thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of human incarnations, along with its astral and lower mental counterparts in far, far finer matter.<<<
Could the essence of the soul be revealed trough quantum science?
>>>Humanity became ENSOULED in the esoteric sense about 18 million years ago. This is when the true Humanity of our globe could be said to be born, esoterically and astrologically speaking. The Manasaputras, or Agnishvattas, are esoterically cognate with human Souls. These are the Solar Angels, existing upon the Higher Mental Plane in the same way that our LOWEST expression as the threefold human personality (mind, emotional, body) is the DENSE physical plane ... or lower portions thereof, consisting of solid, liquid and gas.<<<
What if there is no beginning? After all the Yugas repeat at precise periods right?