i have no interest in persuading anyone to my point of view, that would only serve to glorify myself.
Excellent. I agree with you. I do not believe in any gods. I believe Jesus was a great man but not a god. I do not feel it necessary to convert Theists to my view. I only wish to fight for equal rights of Atheists, Agnostics, Deists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Bahai's, Earth Centred Pagans, and other various Pagans. My main worry is that America is tending toward a Christian Theocracy and I oppose all Theocracies and Exclusive Atheistic nations like the old USSR. We need freedom of thought and freedom of speech with no penalties if our views are found offensive to members of a particular religion.
I disagree only those who accept Jesus and are born again are able to meet God face to face.
I disagree with that rather arrogant view. Having studied many books on Jesus, I am convinced that Jesus would reject that apotheostic view. As a Jew, Jesus would consider deifying him to be blasphemy. That is my opinion. You are welcome to your view. I am not worried that only those who accept Jesus and "born again" are able to meet God. There is no evidence that we even have an afterlife, no evidence that there is a God, no evidence that Jesus was a god, Jesus never said he was god, and no evidence that accepting a human being as a new god brings some kind of salvation. You are free to believe that. It matters not to me if you worship a human-god, a monotheistic god (Judaism, Islam), a trinitarian god, twenty gods, the Earth Mother Goddess, or the Sun God.
I would support your right to believe what you believe. I only hope that you are not a Christian Reconstructionist, Dominionist, or Theonomist who wishes to create a Theocratic government resembling the Islamic Taliban. I have many American friends and I hope they can maintain their freedom and even expand the rights of minority religious believers and non-believers.
America was founded by Freemasons and Deists. They were nominally Christian but only 50% of post-Revolution Americans were traditional Christians. Now that Christians are about 90%, and many speak of a "Christian Nation" despite the Secular Constitution, I worry that American freedom may be under attack.
The greatest American President was Thomas Jefferson. He wrote the Declaration of Independence. He helped Madison write the Constitution assisting James Madison with his philosophy of Deism. Jefferson believed in a Creator God but rejected the divinity of Jesus ben Yusef. He believed Christianity betrayed Jesus by ignoring his teachings after making him into a Roman Idol.
Jesus was a good man. He would not condemn people over some technicality in the wording of their belief. What does accepting Jesus mean? I accept most of Jesus' teachings such as the Sermon on the Mount.