Amergin said:
We are all familiar with the book of Deuteronomy. God supposedly orders Israelites to attack the Amalikites, Bashonites, Heshbonites, and Canaanites. God orders and/or allows Hebrew warriors to attack weak Canaanite cities. The recent withdrawal of Egyptian Army garrisons back to Egypt left its Canaanite Protectorate cities defenceless. They lacked trained soldiers. City dwellers were no match for battle hardened armed desert barbaric raiders.
i can't work out here if you're taking the claims of the Torah at face value or if you're taking a historical critical perspective. the Torah itself (if you remember the episode of the 12 spies) talks about how strong the canaanite cities, armies and people were and how the jews felt like "grasshoppers" compared to them, which was one of the reason we ended up wandering around the wilderness for 40 years instead. the Torah does not mention egyptian army garrisons and, indeed, in its narrative, the egyptian army would just have been handed a pretty major pasting at the red sea crossing, not to mention the chaos going on back home. but if you're taking a historical critical perspective, you will probably conclude that there's no evidence any of this ever happened, so how can you then conclude that:
Israelites were blameless for killing men, women, children, and babies while taking virgin girls for sex slaves (concubines). Moses and Joshua were merely doing the will of their God.
how can the Torah be criticised for all this if it didn't really happen? and, similarly, if the following is true:
The Canaanite Cities had no army except inexperienced spontaneous militias. The Canaanite God lost these wars for lack of a brutal army.
what is your evidence that the *israelite* "army" was anything more than a "spontaneous militia"? you will struggle to find archaeological support for this point of view. this whole perspective seems very confused, it's like you're picking the things that make the israelites look bad from the Torah and ignoring the archaeological stuff, then pointing out historical evidence about the canaanites to support your point and ignoring the textual claims.
Nazi Germany fought against the Soviet Union because the Christian Hitler hated the "Godless Bolsheviks."
hitler was not a christian. he was brought up a catholic, but his idol was the aryan race and the german nation; the state religion of nazism was nazism. communism was also the state religion of the soviet union - so, yes, a war of religion, but not one of abrahamic religion - one of romantic religion (nazism) against empirical religion (marxism-leninism-stalinism).
Muslimwoman said:
Having just watched 80+ million Muslims fight for their human rights and freedom perhaps you should consider how many Muslim radicals (of the 1.5 billion), who do of course exist, would be required to take over Europe and impose Sharia law and then to take over the world ... sorry but it's just scaremongering.
this is a good point and well made, but what worries me is not the moderate muslims but the 13% of them in the UK that support violent action against me personally - that is still a number greater than that of my own community; these people are pissing in the multicultural soup for all the rest of you and, more to the point, for everyone who considers themselves religious - *my* community is being penalised by the backlash against *your* radicals - because the host society is trying to be "fair" and "evenhanded", when it is not my lot that are causing the law and order, security and defence issues. jews are not firebombing mosques and islamic schools, or beating muslims in the street - the opposite is the case. why can this not be dealt with? if the muslim communities (that's plural) cannot handle it on their own, then the wider society eventually will - and that will penalise everyone, whether they are part of the problem or not.
farhan said:
Anitchrist will be on the western side of Jordan River (Now West Bank, slowly becoming Israel)
so, according to you, israel is the antichrist? do you actually believe this jew-hating nonsense?
This is just a clever scaremongering tactic of your leaders. The only thing muslims do want from the west is to get the feck out of their territories.
this is such an idiotic, cloth-headed, self-defeating, blame-everyone-else point of view. no society can exist if it seals itself off from the "evil" of the rest of the world. just ask the north koreans. now take a look at the list of patents filed and books published in the islamic world compared to elsewhere. you can't blame that on the jews or the americans, you know. i presume "the muslims" also don't want academic / technology collaboration, ex-pat workers, grant money, foreign aid, NGOs, or tourism then? i'd like to see how anyone builds a railway system in the middle east or any other infrastructure without "the west". there are plenty of brilliant muslim scientists - but they have mostly emigrated, can't think why.
Thats the stated goal of Hamas, Hizbullah, Ikhwan, Taliban........ everybody.
hamas are the palestinian branch of the "ikhwan", as you know very well - there's little ideological difference. but are you saying that the groups you quote are "the" only muslims, then? is there no difference between what hizbullah want and what the taleban want and what the ihkwan want? and "everybody" else? from my point of view, the only thing that i think the groups you quoted can all agree on is that they want me and all my family dead - not "zionists", not "israelis" - jews. from the hamas covenant:
"Our struggle
against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be
followed by other steps."
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the
Jews (killing the Jews), when
the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a
Jew behind me, come and
kill him."
Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people."
"the future role in the fight with the warmongering
similar things can be found about hizbullah (ask the people that died in the argentinian community centre bombing) and the local ikhwanis, the muslim association of britain and the hizb-ut-tahrir goons. the only thing i can say for them is that most muslims are not stupid enough to fall for their arguments, which is, apparently, more than i can say for you.
Reuniting their lands is people's right, who the hell are you to deny them that?
you're denying it to the jewish people, aren't you? and what do you mean by "land"? the C19th nation states drawn up by the europeans? and does that include "al-andalus", in your view? and are you proposing reuniting india and pakistan, then? or the former ottoman empire?