IMO, in some ways I like to think I am balanced. I mean, I'm not unbalanced, but there are things that do send me over the edge, for a limited time. I think we all have that potential.
Sometimes, though, just when I thought I had everything in perspective, something comes along and changes my view! I guess that is a learning process. My husband has a saying...."No two people can be crazy at the same time!"
At times when I am "going off like a frog in a sock", I am thankful that I have my husband who listens and reasons with me, and God who has the answers for me. (and vice versa).
That being said, others might disect my life and think I am completely unbalanced. I guess its all relative.
So, I guess, I am balanced, until Im not. (but its only a temporary thing, hopefully).
Love the Grey