
17th Angel

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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Are you balanced? As in, say you are a set of scales, can you stay evened? Or do you sometimes weigh more one side than another? Why do some people change never staying put? How did you find your centre / balance? Have you found it? What makes you consistent? Why aren't you consistent?

IMO, in some ways I like to think I am balanced. I mean, I'm not unbalanced, but there are things that do send me over the edge, for a limited time. I think we all have that potential.
Sometimes, though, just when I thought I had everything in perspective, something comes along and changes my view! I guess that is a learning process. My husband has a saying...."No two people can be crazy at the same time!"
At times when I am "going off like a frog in a sock", I am thankful that I have my husband who listens and reasons with me, and God who has the answers for me. (and vice versa).
That being said, others might disect my life and think I am completely unbalanced. I guess its all relative.

So, I guess, I am balanced, until Im not. (but its only a temporary thing, hopefully).

Love the Grey
IMO, in some ways I like to think I am balanced. I mean, I'm not unbalanced, but there are things that do send me over the edge, for a limited time. I think we all have that potential.
Sometimes, though, just when I thought I had everything in perspective, something comes along and changes my view! I guess that is a learning process. My husband has a saying...."No two people can be crazy at the same time!"
At times when I am "going off like a frog in a sock", I am thankful that I have my husband who listens and reasons with me, and God who has the answers for me. (and vice versa).
That being said, others might disect my life and think I am completely unbalanced. I guess its all relative.

So, I guess, I am balanced, until Im not. (but its only a temporary thing, hopefully).

Love the Grey

Grey thanks for your reply, so have you found your centre? Or experienced a centre like, a spot where you feel you should be? Or do you think the scales tend to always "rock" if that is a good enough way to describe it?
It is funny in contemplating this where center is.

Some folks are balanced....we might consider them wacked...but they consider themselves balanced. They know for a fact ______________________. Now this could be your favorite conspiracy theorist, racist, spritual leader, politician...whatever, they know what they know and they are comfortable that they are right and the rest of us are wrong.

If you are asking do I let outside worldly influences affect my psyche, rise my ire, raise my blood pressure, make me laugh, make me happy, make me sad....yes.

But after the scales tip do I find center....or maybe a new center, then yes as well.
Most of the time. It's kind of like a "this is what/who I am meant to be." kinda feeling. Sure I have my "moments", we all do. The thing is, I reckon not to have the unstable rocky things define us. Its more than what I thought i wanted to be "when I grow up" or what I wanted to accomplish........ its kind of a peace feeling. And honestly, I didnt have it up until a few years ago. It was only when I started talking to God, just like he was a physical person with me, that I felt it. I didnt even know I didnt have it, until I felt it.... and it was a feeling! thats nice!
I hope that makes sense.

Btw....... very very good and thought provoking thread.
I think my version of balance is represented by me as a kid swinging on monkey-bars going from one monkey-bar to the next. The backward swing is sadness, anger, fear and things like that but those are all part of me, and I am going forward. The ground represents those things that I hit if I let go or slip. The forward swing is all the times I get a lucky star or holidays or anything else that I like. Those things put me within reach of the next rung, figuratively speaking.