morality within evolution

To the degree of morals I base this on only one thought, “ yourself isn’t yourself”. Each person is governed by their own beliefs in what is moral and what is not. If the thing you did makes you feel uncomfortable then yourself is not yourself. What creates these instances of immoral objections within our psychology, has to do with how we evolved as ourselves.

As far as science and religion goes all you have to do is draw two circles, the first labeled science and the second religion and try to find the things that are singular to each and the things both have in common. I can believe in god and still believe in science or evolution. The funny thing is within the brain it already try’s to make the distinctions between both not knowing anything at all. What I am saying is when you start to ask questions about religion thoughts of science also find time and vice versa. I don’t believe you can segregate the two from one another unless you do not know one or the other.

The biggest problem with understanding any of this is to understand how we become something here again. For minds that can’t become something again it is simple stacking that furthers their evolution. I do not have a great example of this but I can kind of explain this with an image from Hinduism. In the image the goddess has many arms and she is the first in the stack, the template. The arms all hold items that became something here all the time, we pass these abilities on to the next generation.


Let’s say this stack of ourselves is the basic instructions we are born with this is the things that we all had most in common and could become something here again and again. Let’s say this also depicts a time thousands of years ago when we were much simpler, compared to the next image that might find time in todays world. It might say I am many more minds then you to figure things out, I can teach myself many more things then you.


There are many different types of souls that also occupy this world all with differing ways to find thoughts inside of nothing here.
There are minds in the veil that teach me things I did not know before this time here, so it would be so easy for knowledge to be past around the world from these minds that figure us out.

Fascinating. I'm glad that you're able to get something from them, then.
For me forums are like swimming in the ocean.

I dont know what the rest of the beings get out of it, I think mostly simple enjoyment...while others are honing specific skills like surfing, or long distance swimming, snorkeling or I am floating on the surface, thinking about buoyancy, fish I can't see, the vegetation which caresses my body...the waves pushing me around, the weird way my ears hear in and out of the water.

Ella when you showed up you wondered if it (this forum) was for you. When newbies pop in I wonder if they are for us!

123 is a fixture are many...spouting from their position in life...finding a release for thoughts ruminating for years...or ones that are inspired by recent posts or comments.

My personal contributions are a mixed bag. While I work to keep the forum going and amicable, I am often also part of the problem.

But what I gain from being here? The blessing of all of you allowing me to float in this ocean, while we all contemplate our existence on this planet. We all connect each other to all our thought, experience and sources.

Nobody has only one self help book. Luv u all.
123 is a fixture are many...spouting from their position in life...finding a release for thoughts ruminating for years...or ones that are inspired by recent posts or comments.

You are much too kind, Wil. However, you forgot the "r." That should be "sprouting."
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@RJM I think your examples are valid. In different words I said the same in the "Master of my Fate" essay. It seems people all over the world agree morality is a good thing, they disagree on the details and get hung up on "if my way works, you need to follow my way" when the other side of the conversation is thinking the exact same thing. And so they butt heads.

This entire discussion goes back to a conversation I had with someone over whether morality is objective or subjective. Clearly there are subjective components, but it would appear there is an objective overlay - a raison d'être - that functions as the foundation of all the subjective moralities, formal and informal.

As I peered back further and further into prehistory trying to peel away the layers of the "moral onion," I've landed in the painted caves.

Bit of a sticky wicket as there are competing glimmers. Elemental morality in herding and pack animals and purposeful burial of the dead for example. Purposeful burials by Homo Naledi date perhaps as far back as 300kybp (essentially before the harnessing of fire), though this one is still being sorted out. There are purposeful burials recorded among Cro Magnon in the Levant about 100kybp, and Neandertal burials 20k *before* that (Glenn Morton covers these two quite extensively, as do other scholars). Purposeful burials, with grave goods or stained with red ochre, demonstrate so much more than just dumping a dead body in a hole in the ground. These people that performed these burials were cognizant, but not yet conscious. I realize that can be difficult to grasp, but the cognitive development had not reached the point of symbolic reasoning, the same reasoning we take for granted every day so it can be difficult to look back well into your own preschool age childhood and tap into how your own mind operated. It wasn't in written words, numbers and was in pictures. That was the only way pre-historic persons' brains operated, because they had not yet developed symbolic reasoning.

There are other corollaries particularly among the "alternative" religions that coincide with this, and if one considers that during the Dark Ages most of the population of Europe was illiterate this tendency to think in pictures is still strongly latent. It is closely related to "imagination." What I have been saying regarding this is no stretch, we still do these things today in greater and lesser degrees depending on culture and education.

It is easy to suggest "imagining" this "unseen something," and if it were a chance occurrence, one or maybe two individuals, or spotted here and many thousand years later there...that would make a good argument. But every single cave that was painted was to connect with this "unseen something." It spanned species, families, time and distance. I fail to see how "everybody" imagined the same thing, unless of course there is something actually there.

There is defiantly an unseen something, I did not go back as far as you did to find this correlation(cave paintings), I did however find it in stone works and paintings going back as far as I could find information and as many places as I could figure out.

When this all started for me, I started to find minds on my mind. I know this thought makes no sense to many of you so I looked this up and found images that might help understand this.

AE2E1A96-5193-4602-BDC6-8132E80F565F.jpeg BA4E83FF-8A56-4BDC-9BC1-4857D507DFD6.jpeg

During meditation one afternoon I found myself in this large cavern. I seen this lady standing in the distance so powessy pulled up to her. She had the body of a woman but many of her features were that of a bird. Under her right arm she had this big mind she was carrying around with her. The mind opened its mouth and in it, it had five more minds. These five minds opened their mouth and they all had five minds inside of them and five more inside of them. Off in the distance this huge mind moved towards us and the woman told us that it was this mind that had allowed her to become herself here. My purpose to explain this is that it is minds that I searched for to find any references to them. Here is the interesting thing that when the mind is not inside itself like an out of body experience it takes on any form it wants to, many times they seem like snakes or something like them to me. The images above the minds on their minds could be millions of minds together to form these yourselves or strands. I am going to post some of these images I found all around the world.

71182E69-2625-42D6-A48C-F183CA471FD7.jpeg 525CF80A-14B6-4584-A342-DE3024CF5A4E.jpeg 726AF3C7-F673-4DA6-994D-8EC2F1C08484.jpeg 946D722A-AEF9-4246-9630-C129330B8C29.jpeg

B2BB1AFC-021F-427E-8E09-69174B99DAC6.jpeg 74BFFD08-4D42-43DF-855E-D4413E586754.jpeg B935C0AA-5457-4E56-A1FA-BF0637B9EFAD.jpeg 998F3644-920D-4340-AF0E-11549D3F829E.jpeg

10 picture limit, you can find so many more then this all around the world. I also ask questions not how the information found time around the world but what was happening at the times it did? What I also find is little amounts of what I am learning hidden in many religions and spirituality forums. I think this might be happening now again, as more and more minds find time here trying to teach us things.

just a few thoughts about some of the things you mentioned above.

powessy said:
Here is the interesting thing that when the mind is not inside itself like an out of body experience it takes on any form it wants to, many times they seem like snakes or something like them to me.
Interesting. I've noted in the past the prevalence of "dragons" around the world, dragon being analogous to serpents and snakes, and how in many cultures the dragon was the bringer of wisdom.




Interesting. I've noted in the past the prevalence of "dragons" around the world, dragon being analogous to serpents and snakes, and how in many cultures the dragon was the bringer of wisdom.





I am unsure the origin of the first image, Caduceus but I found similar images that were from the Nagas and the Annunaki peoples.

A3C64427-B17D-4DC7-8050-44EA1BEDDA8F.jpeg D53790AE-D5F3-4157-9DA1-AFAD0D5623DF.jpeg 0FA135F9-959F-4528-B9C9-4209AD6B73CF.jpeg 87C28332-B349-4274-BB6C-A487396947AC.jpeg

My interest in looking this up had to do with the pinecone held by the angels of the Annunaki in the next two images.

EED37DCD-980D-440C-8A57-9A8B877DD983.jpeg 631C1673-7F9E-4E08-83FA-51CBAB054D73.jpeg

The pinecone is how they teach themselves things across from nothing here into something here. I believe that the gate is a doorway into something here. Like the bird woman I spoke about above, the Annunaki would use one of their minds to become something and then send them across into something here. The reason the angels do not cross is because on the crossing you forget everything it is like amnesia, in which you have to relearn everything again. Also note the angels are something that cannot become something again.

As for the second image Ouroboros this is something I can kind of explain. This idea has to do with the decent into ourselves. The further you go into yourself the less you can figure out, and you can get so far into yourself you can’t figure yourself out anymore. When we are the head of the snake we can figure things out, but as we descend into ourselves the tail we can no longer figure ourselves out. The mind bitting its tail could be it trying to figure itself out again. You can think of it as the head is you figuring things out you are a 10 of knowledge. As you descend into yourself the number decreases to 0. The thing the mind needs to do, is to do this all the time until only the 10 is everywhere inside itself, it can figure itself out all of the time.

Thank you, those are connections to these I had not heard before.

In the West, the serpent is quite often associated with "the Devil," and so such imagery is not particularly common. These two examples are exceptions, the Caduceus is the symbol of Western medicine, and I believe dates to the Greeks (was it Herodotus that is considered the father of medicine? Correction: Hippocrates). Ouroboros is a bit more clandestine, often used among various "secret" societies so the meaning is a bit more obscure, but I've always heard it interpreted as "infinity;" the cycle of life, birth - death - rebirth kind of thing. Perhaps your interpretation is only meant for the initiated?
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Thank you, those are connections to these I had not heard before.

In the West, the serpent is quite often associated with "the Devil," and so such imagery is not particularly common. These two examples are exceptions, the Caduceus is the symbol of Western medicine, and I believe dates to the Greeks (was it Herodotus that is considered the father of medicine? I would have to look it up to confirm). Ouroboros is a bit more clandestine, often used among various "secret" societies so the meaning is a bit more obscure, but I've always heard it interpreted as "infinity;" the cycle of life, birth - death - rebirth kind of thing. Perhaps your interpretation is only meant for the initiated?

I have heard both of those descriptions before, just not sure of the exact origin. My understanding of Ouroboros is my interpretation given the time I spend with minds. I think if this imagery originated inside of nothing here then it most likely deals with how something and nothing are trying to figure themselves out.

If the head is everything we know and the tail is birth, not knowing anything at all, then I can see how this might be interpreted as the cycle of life.

Thank you for your time.


Wiki is such a marvelous thing.

Since it is a cultural misconception, perhaps my misunderstanding might be forgivable. It would seem that *properly* the Caduceus in not traditionally associated with medicine, even though here stateside it has long been so.

Properly, the rod of Asclepius is the staff and symbol of the physician. While having its roots in Greece (possibly before), this symbol is more universally recognized worldwide apparently.

Mea Culpa. I learned something.
Yeah I wasn’t too sure that the imagery of the caduceus started out as the symbol of medicine it’s roots I think go way back in time.

I want to share one more image that has seen so much controversy but also shows the connection to the serpents and or minds as I refer to them.


In this image you have two minds(serpents) that are being contained in some form of container. Beneath the containers on left side is a herself and on the right is a himself. I believe they are trying to teach themselves inside themselves, so the finished out come might look like this next couple images.

256B1E02-813D-498E-9E7C-6A7ABE11BDAF.jpeg BAD1552E-3873-4873-97D5-D17F77C6898E.jpeg 06685AF5-0114-45BE-B0BA-6674CBEEA6D3.jpeg

Many Egyptian images show the same interesting art work when depicting the afterlife. Here are a couple images showing the minds on their mind and then that they are also something that cannot become something again.

A375FAD0-D6D9-4A4C-AB19-22D5162A47CB.jpeg A7895AE9-91F5-446A-A5F8-FFC126DDFE2A.jpeg 232E6843-41BB-46CF-82F3-1A8714DE0DE6.jpeg 9AC34A9A-BCCE-4F31-BFD3-3FF3D202D41C.jpeg

Just kind of interesting that these types of images are world wide when depicting gods and the afterlife.
