Does any one have



Does any one have a spell to make someone do what you want. I just need three friends to put something in writing for me so I dont feel compelled to ask them all the time I can read their answers if I feel compelled to ask them the same question. I want to tailor your spell to the way I do them which is on the computer.
Yes, I have a spell.

I ask them.

Now that may sound tongue in cheek and sarcastic, but it isn't.

These are people you are playing with, they aren't dolls, it isn't fun and games. Use love, friendship, and need for spells.
hi lover,

i highly doubt that anyone would reveal such things over the internet in such a manner. i would suggest further research into the Golden Dawn or it's splinter groups such as O.T.O. or IOT et al.

in my experience such things are initiatory in nature and are only revealed within the context of ones lineage or tradition.

on a personal level i think that your suggested use of a compulsion spell is misplaced and you'd be far better off to simply ask them to answer the question and then write the answer down yourself.
hi lover,

sure thing :)

if you are interested in my style, so to speak, you can review the book by Kraig called "modern sex majick" which presents a very good overview of the bulk of the practices within a western esoteric paradigm.

admittedly most of the practices therein are not the same as mine but you can get a general idea of the sorts of things which we do and perhaps find some methods which would be helpful to you.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Does any one have a spell to make someone do what you want.

That doesn't sound right to me lol.....

DI just need three friends to put something in writing for me so I dont feel compelled to ask them

Friend, such a loosely used word these days, if they truly are friends, they will want to help you. And on the other hand, if you truly are a friend you wouldn't want to force a friend to do something, you'd want them to choose. Not that I put much belief into spells... But to bewitch someone I would see that as hostile.
17th Angel said:
Friend, such a loosely used word these days, if they truly are friends, they will want to help you. And on the other hand, if you truly are a friend you wouldn't want to force a friend to do something, you'd want them to choose. Not that I put much belief into spells... But to bewitch someone I would see that as hostile.

within the context of magick/majick that sort of spell would certainly fall into a Right Hand path morality which is generally frowned upon.... sort of like how the Darkside is there and all but Jedi's don't use it :) most majickal traditions emphasize the Left Hand path which is more akin to the Lightside and one which most instruction is driven towards.

oh, you can find Right Hand path majicians if you search hard enough but it's not likely that you'd find them divulging anything on a forum such as this.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.

within the context of magick/majick that sort of spell would certainly fall into a Right Hand path morality which is generally frowned upon.... sort of like how the Darkside is there and all but Jedi's don't use it :) most majickal traditions emphasize the Left Hand path which is more akin to the Lightside and one which most instruction is driven towards.

oh, you can find Right Hand path majicians if you search hard enough but it's not likely that you'd find them divulging anything on a forum such as this.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Thanks for the response! I shall be weary of right handed magicians ;) lol.
Thanks for the response! I shall be weary of right handed magicians ;) lol.
I might add, 17th Angel, that
One should be especially wary of those who pro-port to not be of the right-handed path yet in actually are. Some may be identified by ways that appear to be manipulative and who may be quite secretive:confused:, and/or highly elusive:(, about their paths in an otherwise communal (pan pagan:)) atmosphere.
... you need: something they own... an idea of when they sleep, and... wait til they're asleep, preferably in the same house, and, simply... project... use simple visualisations: a piece of paper, them signing it, etc, etc, smiles, handshakes. Keep projecting for as many hours as possible. Do not speak. Sit in a circle. Repeat the same imagery over and over. Try to use substances (candles, fragrances), etc, that "tie in" with your aim/need. See what happens.
Vajradhara, I find it interesting that you describe Right Hand Path as the negative one, and Left Hand Path as the positive one.

In Western occultism it usually reversed. For instance, if you look up Left Hand Path on the internet you will find lots of Satanism resources. There are many (including me) who feel the whole Left/Right Negative/Positive Evil/Good way of looking at things is a false dichotomy, but it is there especially in monotheist-dominant texts and systems.

There are also some who try and avoid the evil/good dichotomy while retaining the left/right labels by describing left as being independent and right as being based on strict following of rules.
Vajradhara, I find it interesting that you describe Right Hand Path as the negative one, and Left Hand Path as the positive one.

In Western occultism it usually reversed. For instance, if you look up Left Hand Path on the internet you will find lots of Satanism resources. There are many (including me) who feel the whole Left/Right Negative/Positive Evil/Good way of looking at things is a false dichotomy, but it is there especially in monotheist-dominant texts and systems.

There are also some who try and avoid the evil/good dichotomy while retaining the left/right labels by describing left as being independent and right as being based on strict following of rules.

Greetings Bgruagach.
While i am not Vajradhara, nor do I play the part on stage, screen or message boards, I shall hazard a reply to your queries.

Right hand and left hand orientations to certain aspects of life are not uncommon.

A strong right-hand is considered as a person who is dependable in almost all situations, especially those involving hazard or immanent threat to one's life, way of life, ideals, etc. This dependability is so much so that they may forfeit their own life in the process, should it be necessary. One may also note that in affairs defensive and military, a strong right-hand is the party of favor. Could this be, quite simply, that right-handedness is norm?

On the other hand, the left, we find referenced in the Tao Te Ching that this is the honored place of the advisor against conflict<1> or war and for change, especially of a peaceful and beneficent nature.

Yet the "Western" occult view may also be seen as merely an extension of that
portion of human nature to view, at first, that which is different, i.e. "not one of us," as a potential danger. Thus a left-handed person, being different from the norm of right-handedness, may be viewed as a potential enemy. It should not be all that surprising that for many cultures that the word(s) for "stranger' and "enemy" are similar particularly at the tribal level.

The delicate act of the decision maker is to prevent the hawk from eating the dove, its true nature, and the doves from eating the eggs of the hawk. For each of these councilors have their place, voice and function. One might say that they, like Good and Evil <2>, are inter-dependent and co-arising.

1> Tao Te Ching, Chapter 31
2> Tao Te Ching, Chapter2
I heart DrumR's response!

hi bruce...

i would say that Drumr has gotten to the essence of my exposition in this case.. the flowing river rather than the boulder which is worn away.

on a personal level, i find the very idea of binary world thinking to be extraordinary limiting and not at all how reality actually is. as a Buddhist i understand that objects have no inherent existence and thus they cannot be evil/good or anything else.. those are notions....approximations of reality which are not.

when the bleeding heart cries it's pain into the void the response is natural even though it may become partialized as we integrate it.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.
