Okie, you want to run netflix? Some people are running windows inside of an emulator program for that very reason.
There was a nerdy chain e-mail comparing various operating systems to airlines (I don't remember all that many, because I'm not familiar with all the systems):
LINUX: the tickets are free, no matter where you're going. You show up at the airport, and they give you a seat and a bag of nuts and bolts; you just have to get on the plane and screw your seat to the floor. You tell your friends how great it is, but all they can say is, "You had to do WHAT with your seat???"
That is hilarious .... and most likely correct.In the future computers will talk and listen and even reason. They will have the capability to derive all of human philosophy by reading en edition of People magazine. I predict this, and I also predict that the questions people will ask the computers will be things like 'Where is my sweater?', and 'Do you think Suzie likes me?'