My itty-bitty Ubuntu box

Okie, you want to run netflix? Some people are running windows inside of an emulator program for that very reason. Personal licensed copies of Virtual Box are free to use from Sun Microsystems, so if you have the time you can download a version to run on Ubunto. Then after you learn how to set up the virtual box and install windows onto it you can experiment with running Netflix inside of that. Virtual Box is one emulator, VM Ware is another (often used to run Windows on a Mac), and Microsoft has something though it is hard to find any info about how to configure it. I do not know how efficiently the emulators will perform with a particular processor, such as your new Atom. You'll have to experiment, or pay for support.
Okie, you want to run netflix? Some people are running windows inside of an emulator program for that very reason.

From the Ubuntu menus
Applications - Ubuntu Software Center - System - wine

One may enter "wine" in the software center search window.

It is suggested to check out the Ubuntu community support site for "HOWTOs"

To play DVDs one needs to install the appropriate proprietary video codex(es).
Drummer I don't know much about WINE, but Netflix is a USA only online service that will not run without Microsoft's DSM licensing scheme active on the machine. To get it to work you need IE with Silverlight, and you need Microsoft Digital Rights Management services. I'm not even sure if DSM is a program exactly or is a bunch of splintered fragments of code floating around the windows os.
There was a nerdy chain e-mail comparing various operating systems to airlines (I don't remember all that many, because I'm not familiar with all the systems):

MS-DOS: everybody sits on the tarmac in rows of six, makes vroom-vroom noises, and pretends to be flying.

WINDOWS: a worldwide airline with service to practically everywhere. The only problem is that sometimes, for no discernible reason, the plane just explodes in mid-air.

LINUX: the tickets are free, no matter where you're going. You show up at the airport, and they give you a seat and a bag of nuts and bolts; you just have to get on the plane and screw your seat to the floor. You tell your friends how great it is, but all they can say is, "You had to do WHAT with your seat???"
There was a nerdy chain e-mail comparing various operating systems to airlines (I don't remember all that many, because I'm not familiar with all the systems):
LINUX: the tickets are free, no matter where you're going. You show up at the airport, and they give you a seat and a bag of nuts and bolts; you just have to get on the plane and screw your seat to the floor. You tell your friends how great it is, but all they can say is, "You had to do WHAT with your seat???"

But you forgot to tell them that one has to provide one's own wrench.;)
The problem is that computers are electro-mechanical devices that have been foisted upon the public. I love computers, but I have to honest about that point. People generally just don't want to know how they work -- for more than 5 minutes. Five minutes into the explanation the typical person has a need to change the subject. They'd buy a computer capable of counting the stars in order to balance their checkbook. It may be able to compute the last digit of pi, but people don't even want the first digit of pi!

In the future computers will talk and listen and even reason. They will have the capability to derive all of human philosophy by reading en edition of People magazine. I predict this, and I also predict that the questions people will ask the computers will be things like 'Where is my sweater?', and 'Do you think Suzie likes me?'
In the future computers will talk and listen and even reason. They will have the capability to derive all of human philosophy by reading en edition of People magazine. I predict this, and I also predict that the questions people will ask the computers will be things like 'Where is my sweater?', and 'Do you think Suzie likes me?'
That is hilarious .... and most likely correct.

After all I think the most searched word on the net is still sex.

The power of all it has....