I see. Are you sayig then that Christians really struggle to make a point
without defaulting back to bible quotes? Oh - seems I have the answer to that, right there in front of me!
This is a Christian forum? Really? That is news to me, perhaps you might explain why it doesn't actually say that as a header?
And even if it is, are you afraid of anything which challenges your own chosen superstition?
This is common among the religous, when faced with requests for evidence, fact, and contradiction, they take it as a personal attack on them...
The irony is that most Christians would utterly reject that Islam or Judaism or Buddism were the one truth(sic), and yet they get pissy if anyone suggests that maybe
their one belief system is full of misinformation and error.
Anyway, according to you, the ENTIRE point of the bible and even god, is that we should love one another, right? That was in the John bit, the importance of doing that.
Hardly much of a revelation, is it?
I mean, human love and fellowship existed long before those words were scribbled down, it was hardly a new find was it, people had been doing it, people were doing it, and people would have gone on to do it, no matter what was in the bible - people have love for each other.
Not all, of course, but that would be entirely unrealistic, and a bit of a hippy type notion, a utopia that could never be properly achieved and sustained, for as long as we had so many different types of people, in terms of our thinking.