Namaste All

Namaskara :) and Greetings, Bhairava!

Welcome to Interfaith Online!

Glad you're here

The news - we're out of Cheese-Its!
Other than that - um...mostly cloudy! :)

Thank you all for the greetings - love your name too Vajradhara.... :)

I am most certainly a novice, Tibetan lineage, and also very much appreciate the *pow* I get it right between the eyes from a Japanese Zen Master...

I think that the Buddha said to take what works and leave what doesn't.

I am trying these days to not categorize myself too much in the world... yes of course for description/communication purposes here it is required...and I know ideally that this is a goal consistent with w Buddhist path...

However, as a further introduction tidbit, lately I am not feeling a good fit anywhere. (I know right?? Even more than usual - lol)

I am loathe to say "i am this" or "i am that" across almost ALL areas of life...I find just about everything I thought I knew is, well, not always so.

And even - never was.
