It is just a word. If a person is attached to asceticism, atheism, or thinks that meditation, contemplation, or attending church lectures is sufficient to being 'spiritual' or 'enlightened', then they probably won't find it palatable for anyone to suggest that the nature of their involvement in activity with their relationships with others is where their spiritual health is, and to even differentiate physical from spiritual. Trusting someone, having faith in them, loving, charity, serving, honesty, confession, forgiveness, deeds, patience, communication, and especially prayer... these involve at least two: a real, tangible, physical relationship between at least two. If someone's 'spirituality' is their personally chosen mental masturbation, scientific or mystical nature walk, then I wish them the best of luck with that but I do speak against their desires. Just because a person is not doing evil deeds with ravenous evil thoughts, does not mean they are doing or being any good either.
I see the difference in the result of taking a path by oneself, versus the result of taking a path together. Do you? Perhaps trying to work together, the tires do get smeared across the highway, but we adapt and learn how to deal with each other's evil, and hopefully see and correct our own. No amount of mental masturbation in the corner will substitute for that experience.