Made, and apparently dismissed?
From my viewpoint you described physical, materialistic qualities that you see in the universe and applied them towards 'spirit' as a 'spiritual journey'. For comparison I'd look for how they are applied towards the more tangible relationships within this universe. China_Cat_Sunflower addressed anthropomorphism and providence from his viewpoint, challenging the truth of a greater or a supernatural spirit. Rather than looking for what can animate anywhere in the entire universe, I would focus on what animates people within your own relationships, the very people from which you might apply meaning to a word like 'anthropomorphism' or 'providence'.
Substituting into your statement: 'the (relationship) is exactly what it is, and when we (at least two people), begin a spiritual journey (together I should hope), there is
always something to get and something to leave behind.' Yes, you might receive from someone else, but then you might not. Giving is a matter of giving without necessarily receiving. The exact opposite of your statement. Are you able to give without receiving? If you view a relationship from a materialistic opportunity cost, then I submit you are focused on a physical quality. You are stating the ole: You can't be two places at once, you can't have your cake and eat it too, you can't have your freedom and live, you can't be married and free, etc... Those are just physical constraints. If you view a person and your relationship with them as a purely physical object, then your statement might be true. I wouldn't call it a spiritual journey. Polar opposite.
Again, substituting: 'perhaps spirituality then if done correctly should bring us back to the place (we) started from.' Applied to a relationship, done correctly, should it revert back to what it was before it began? Divorce is the correct path after a marriage? Once a sinner, always a sinner, unless you can beat it out of someone? The real question here from my perspective is whether or not people can potentially change. Change implies ending up in a place that you did NOT start from, again the exact opposite of your statement. Is a person trapped with a nature, or presumed to have an ability to NOT be natural, thus super-natural, with that ability to change. For example in the fable,
The Scorpion and the Frog , could the scorpion change? If you view that people can change only momentarily, trapped with a nature, then I'd say your viewpoint of people and resulting relationships are entirely physical and non-spiritual. Physically it is dust to dust, but hopefully you can admit that a person passing on is not in the same condition they were being born? Neither is a relationship.
So then rather than question whether there is an encompassing non-natural entity in the universe, the home that we each live in, lets look closer to whether there are merely physical, materialistic relationships within our own homes. Yes of course there is always a physical relationship with the denoted physical qualities, but is there not potentially one with the polar opposite quality too? Every home here is within this universe, so if there is a spiritual aspect of a relationship somewhere in our own home then there is at least one in this universe.