Your conclusion is based on two factors, my poor explanation and your own perception - of me and my words. When you are no-mind, you do not contain those things which society has taught, you act entirely naturally. Your motivations are relating to the totality, but the expression is unfettered and natural to you.
As I have explained, we must all have our individual core, for otherwise we are redundant - this is termed as soul in many faiths. In reality, however, we each share a common consciousness which we individualize through mind resulting in ego - this is termed as spirit in many faiths. Most faiths agree there is a distinction although most don't seem to emphasize it as it doesn't appear most teachers even comprehend the difference.
As you claim to comprehend your core self, ego, soul, spirit, and faith, or faiths, then good for you. By your words I don't see it. If fact, when
you say
we, I think it is a result of
you projecting yourself and your experience upon others. I can see
you doing that quite a bit in your words. I think perhaps by the pursuit of trying to see what you can't see, except through interaction with somone, you have a delusion. Sort of like a person who thinks that they know someone, but then later discovers that they did not really know them, or even themselves.
Regarding your words and understanding, I think the english words: soul, spirit, ego, and faith have a lot of variations in the world. In recognition and respect of the language or people that the word '
ego' comes from, which was not from India or China, or even the UK, ego is the core you, which you identify with a little as you use the english word, '
I', or in your case, '